lol old opinion is ooollllld.
o.o oh wow really ppl?? THEY ONLY HATE KH CUZ THEIR BAD AT IT
and the graphics r MUCH MUCH MUCH better then some of those games out there!!
>.< y do ppl insist on flaming something they will never gewt backed up on??
∞;4570884 said:Their review of the characters seems right, although in place of bland I'd use generic or over-used.
And it's their opinion, they can bash on KH as much as they want lol.
∞;4571329 said:It's always nice to be able to not give a shit about what other people say.
I guess noone bothered to look at the date... it says 07/03/03...
so yeah, that guy couldn't care less about this anymoar, just as you guys should. KH is a great game, but has flaws, as most games... Hell, even OoT has flaws..