Jillv/KairiLi has uploaded abunch of KH2 media so credit goes to here. I will continuosly update the page as soon as more of the videos finish uploading and converting and what not, but expect more to come later on.
Menu trailer:
(May conatin some spoilers)
http://files.filefront.com/KH2_Menu_Traileravi/;4494889;;/fileinfo.html <---- Alternate File front download source.
http://www.invertedmoon.com/KH2_Menu_Trailer.avi Supposed direct link to menu trailer. Right click--> Save target as.
(No noticable spoilers, just a recap of KH and KHCoM in full CGI/FMV quality graphics. It truely is beautiful to say the least.)
http://files.filefront.com/KH2_Opening_FMVavi/;4495486;;/fileinfo.html <----Alternate File front download source.
http://files.filefront.com/Passion_Orchestratedmp3/;4495044;;/fileinfo.html Passion orchestral mp3 (Not a video)
http://files.filefront.com/Dearly_Beloved_KH2_Versionmp3/;4495191;;/fileinfo.html Dearly beloved KH2 ver. (not a video)
First cutscene:
(Minor Spoilers to those that can't understand Japanese. Other than that consider it something to watch.)
You tube.com links:
For those that don't have codecs and such, use the youtube link that Slimjd has provided.
http://www.youtube.com/watch.php?v=-7vPFgWhmUY Menu trailer on youtube.com (May conatin some spoilers)
http://www.youtube.com/watch.php?v=Zhyd3j1bvAU Intro movie on youtube.com (No noticable spoilers, just a recap of KH and KHCoM in full CGI/FMV quality graphics. It truely is beautiful to say the least.)
http://www.youtube.com/watch.php?v=kKzaixrrAgY First cutscene on youtube.com (Minor Spoilers to those that can't understand Japanese.)
Also Kingdom Hearts 2 has received a 39/40 from Famitsu!!(so almost perfect!)
And according to JillV on gamefaqs this is all she plans to upload for today. So late tonight/tommorow expect more cutscenes and stuff.
Credits: JillV for pretty much everything, Slimjd for the youtube links, Gotran for the link to Passion orchastral, and Chedarcheese for ripping PO.
If there is anymore than let me know.
And for those of you who remember me talking about a surpise the suprise was something along the lines of what JillV has done, however my videos would/will contain more spoilers. Now it won't be much of a surprise, but when I get the game in a couple of days I'll also start uploading new content video wise. I'm kind of at a dissadvantage to someone who lives in Hong Kong, but it doesn't matter. So long as it gets reported it matters not who the messenger is. My import copy should be arriving soon. Anyways even though the game was released early, i guess it still wont hurt to say happy KH2 release! after all of the time we spent waiting for this game it is finally out, and Merry X-mas to you all.
Menu trailer:
(May conatin some spoilers)
http://files.filefront.com/KH2_Menu_Traileravi/;4494889;;/fileinfo.html <---- Alternate File front download source.
http://www.invertedmoon.com/KH2_Menu_Trailer.avi Supposed direct link to menu trailer. Right click--> Save target as.
(No noticable spoilers, just a recap of KH and KHCoM in full CGI/FMV quality graphics. It truely is beautiful to say the least.)
http://files.filefront.com/KH2_Opening_FMVavi/;4495486;;/fileinfo.html <----Alternate File front download source.
http://files.filefront.com/Passion_Orchestratedmp3/;4495044;;/fileinfo.html Passion orchestral mp3 (Not a video)
http://files.filefront.com/Dearly_Beloved_KH2_Versionmp3/;4495191;;/fileinfo.html Dearly beloved KH2 ver. (not a video)
First cutscene:
(Minor Spoilers to those that can't understand Japanese. Other than that consider it something to watch.)
You tube.com links:
For those that don't have codecs and such, use the youtube link that Slimjd has provided.
http://www.youtube.com/watch.php?v=-7vPFgWhmUY Menu trailer on youtube.com (May conatin some spoilers)
http://www.youtube.com/watch.php?v=Zhyd3j1bvAU Intro movie on youtube.com (No noticable spoilers, just a recap of KH and KHCoM in full CGI/FMV quality graphics. It truely is beautiful to say the least.)
http://www.youtube.com/watch.php?v=kKzaixrrAgY First cutscene on youtube.com (Minor Spoilers to those that can't understand Japanese.)
Also Kingdom Hearts 2 has received a 39/40 from Famitsu!!(so almost perfect!)
And according to JillV on gamefaqs this is all she plans to upload for today. So late tonight/tommorow expect more cutscenes and stuff.
Credits: JillV for pretty much everything, Slimjd for the youtube links, Gotran for the link to Passion orchastral, and Chedarcheese for ripping PO.
If there is anymore than let me know.
And for those of you who remember me talking about a surpise the suprise was something along the lines of what JillV has done, however my videos would/will contain more spoilers. Now it won't be much of a surprise, but when I get the game in a couple of days I'll also start uploading new content video wise. I'm kind of at a dissadvantage to someone who lives in Hong Kong, but it doesn't matter. So long as it gets reported it matters not who the messenger is. My import copy should be arriving soon. Anyways even though the game was released early, i guess it still wont hurt to say happy KH2 release! after all of the time we spent waiting for this game it is finally out, and Merry X-mas to you all.
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