In DDD, we learned that the Organization members did in fact have hearts. Because of this, could a Heartless have stolen their heart and turned that Nobody into a heartless? And possibly spawning a new Nobody?
It isn't like they had hearts, but that there was the possibility for them to grow a new heart.
The only ones confirmed to have been growing a heart where Xion, Axel, Roxas, Naminé and possibly Xemnas.
If these hearts are fully grown however I would certainly assume that they could be seen as prey for the Heartless. After all, heart is heart and since Heartless function on instinct and are at the base stupid as a piece of toast, they would probably make no distinction there.
Wouldn't Xigbar and maybe Saïx be on the list of probables as well? The way Xigbar acted in DDD makes me think he was growing one.
And should a Nobody fully grow a strong heart, would they leave behind a Nobody, something unnamed, or nothing at all?
Now imagine if new Nobody grew a heart, and so on. Things would get very messy fast. And in order to restore the Somebody, you'd first have to restore each Nobody down the chain.That's an interesting question, although I doubt that it will be explored further.
When I imagine though another Nobody or a different being coming into existence then, it would become rather complicated with essentially three entities (original persona, Nobody with grown heart and the new third one) all competing over one body and soul...yikes.