well, ur in luck GoH!!! LOLiO~ hey, i have a summer job. im a C.I.T.(counselor in training) at a camp. i get paid $200!!! WOOWOO!! yeh, so like...hi~ ^.^ here u all gooo!! sry for the wait!!:
**More Than a Fairy-Tale**
~Blinded: Open Up Your Eager Eyes~
“Pain is such a vital part of realizing one’s existence...”
Riku tightened his grip on his sword--Soul Eater. Beside him, his big-eared companion slashed at a Heartless.
“Where did all these damn Heartless come from?” Riku demanded.
“How should I know?” Mickey replied, slashing another Heartless in half with his Keyblade. It was glowing unusually bright.
Riku put two hands firmly on the hilt of his sword before swinging around in a complete circle, knocking back a group of Heartless. Some dissipated into puffs of smoke while the rest jumped back up in recoil, ready to strike again.
“Don’t they ever quit?” Riku growled in frustration.
Riku snapped his head around to see the King creating a clear path through the army of Heartless. He headed towards Mickey as he kicked a Shadow aside.
“Hurry!” Mickey urged, fending off a trio of Soldiers.
Riku rushed by Mickey, reaching out and grabbing the mouse by his hood.
‘What the hell?! Where’d all these Heartless come from?’
“Heyyy!” Mickey cried, flailing around in the teen’s grasp. “Can you put me down?!” Riku snapped out of his thoughts.
“Sorry, your Majesty.“ Riku apologized. Gently, he set the King on his feet.
“No, it’s okay.” he replied while brushing off his raincoat. “I should be thankin’ you.”
Just then, four Heartless appeared. “Thank me later,” Riku said, readying his Soul Eater. Mickey ran forward, Keyblade ready to pierce anything blocking it’s path. Overhead, thunder rumbled amongst the clouds.
A group of Heartless twitched in anticipation as they closed in on their prey. Riku closed his eyes and concentrated. There was no way they could beat him. He
was part of the darkness. Opening his eyes, he flipped over the approaching creatures, landing swiftly on two feet like a falling cat. Bouncing off the ground from the tips of his toes, he rushed forward, sword splitting dark necks and torsos.
Rage was coursing through every inch of his body. Just seeing the sight of Heartless made his blood boil; bringing back unwanted memories. Without even thinking what he was doing, Riku slashed at multiple figures of Heartless. Unaware of the great number of creatures he was ridding of. Riku stopped killing for a minute to catch his breath, panting so hard that his shoulders rapidly bobbed up and down. An inky black mist coiled into the air. A small, shimmering gold heart floated with it to the Heavens above. Riku watched it fly away with a malicious glare. Sweat hung off his snowy hair and dripped down this face.
Riku shifted his gaze to his left, where the King relentlessly fought off the enemies one-by-one in quick, rapid swipes. The weary teen sensed a presence behind him and shifted his weight on one foot, ready to spin around and kill off the Heartless who dared challenge him. As the presence lingered closer, Riku tightened his grip on his sword until the Heartless was almost on top of him.
Riku hastily spun around, striking the creature across the chest. It faltered in it’s step and wobbled backwards before gaining it’s strength again. Riku gasped in surprise.
This Heartless was different than any he had seen before. It’s long slinky body was a pure shining silver, glimmering in the moonlight. It had no hands, let alone fingers, but instead it’s arms extended into needle-sharp points at the end. It had no eyes. In their place, a strange shape--between a cross and a star--sat in the middle of it’s forehead, extending out a little at the bottom point of the shape. Riku narrowed his eyes once more before hurrying forward and slashing it across the chest again. This time, it disappeared into a silver mist. But no heart coiled into the night sky. The mist just evaporated into trickles of silver light.
Riku heard fast footsteps approaching him, but he wasn’t fast enough to defend himself and soon something connected with his head. Sending him to the ground. He hastily jumped back up into his fighting pose. Taking a sleeve, he wiped it over his mouth to surprisingly find blood dripping out the corner of his lip. He narrowed his sea-green eyes, now flaming with complete hatred.
Deep inside, he felt something. Something that wanted to come out. But somehow, Riku knew it wasn’t meant to be unleashed. Battling his own self, he stepped forward swinging away at another strange, white Heartless. Ignoring the excruciating pain racking his head, he continued fighting. He would never give in to his weakness. Never.
His vision soon became blurry. Mickey saw the problem and rushed over, killing off a Heartless just before it attacked Riku.
“Riku? You okay?” the mouse asked, worry leaking in every tone of his voice.
Riku stumbled forward, but caught his balance. The pain was becoming too great. “I’m…fine.” he gasped.
“No you’re not. You can’t fool me.”
“I’m telling you, I’m okay.” he wheezed through clenched teeth. It wanted to come out. But he couldn’t let it. It could well destroy him.
‘No! I’m not going to let it happen again. Not ever. I won’t be used!’
A sharp pain shot through his side and Riku found his vision becoming completely black. His feet gave way and he felt himself coming to meet with the hard ground. Struggling to get back up, he collapsed down onto his knees, clutching his sides. It was coming. And he couldn’t do anything to stop it. Deep down the anger was bubbling. His head was pounding like a drum. Riku screamed in agony as he felt himself giving in.
A raindrop fell and splashed on the ground in front of Riku. Winds violently circled around the teen kneeling in the dirt. Riku let out another painful scream as a roll of thunder cracked through the cloudy sky, flashes of lightning following soon after.
“Riku! Riku!!” Mickey frantically called his name, but to no avail. Riku could hear his name being called…but the pain was too great to let him function. He tried to call back out, but he couldn’t even hear his own voice. The darkness was too powerful.
‘No…I’m more powerful than the darkness. I can fight this…I can..’ His thoughts helplessly floated through his head; His only source of comfort.
‘Here it comes.’ Riku prepared himself for the pain. He had experienced this before, but nothing like this.
Darkness was wriggling it’s way around his body, he could feel it. And there it was. The pain that felt like hundreds of stabbing knives. He could no longer scream…so he bit his lip to stop himself from crying. Overhead, he could hear the thunder crackling. With a boom of thunder, the rain came. Washing over everything below. It fell like silver shards, shattering when they hit the ground. A wave of energy forced itself out of Riku, sweeping along the ground with the fallen raindrops. He felt himself slipping in and out of consciousness. The last thing he felt was a small heartbeat within his chest, making him know that he wasn’t dead, and Mickey’s helping hands trying to shake him awake. But it was no use.
Riku’s eyes closed and he drifted off.