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A Suikoden RP: Protecting Prosperity {OoC and Sign ups Thread}

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The cutest Jolteon EVA :3
Feb 17, 2009
Watchig the lightning bolts dance in the sky...
Please read it and see if you're interested. If you have any questions,contact me by PM or Visitor message.

Suikoden: Protecting Prosperity.
A land named Sardonyx is young and prosperous. The kingdom of Sardonyx rules peacefuly and fairly. Their economy is perfect,the peasants are treated with equal respect. Therefore they are always satisfied with their King and Queen.It is as if war has no place or meaning in this country. But,when there is prosperity in a land,there are others wanting to take it for themselves.
A greedy group of people have secretly gathered and are tring to find a way to undermine and usurp the Royal Family. They have formed an army and have an HQ secretly hidden in a neighboring contry called Azure. They bestowed upon them the name The Demonic Rebel Army.(DRA) and now have enough recruits to try and take over.
The Kingdom's Army is well trained,but with no war in-sight a few have lost their edge. A tip came in,about an organzition named the DRA that is planning to overthrow and control the Kingdom. The Queen thinks it's just a false rumor. However,the King knows war comes eventually and had his Knights prepare for a fight. Most obeyed the King,while others just ignored it and went about with their lazy ways. They soon would regret ignoring those orders.
The King has also ordered for any able bodied warriors from villages to come and aid them if war truely did break out. These soldiers,young and old,are well trained but lack the armor and supplies needed to fight. Having inticapated this,they have brought their own weapons and money for war funds. Together they have formed a Volunteer Vanguard.
The DRA is almost set to invade.The Volunteer Vanguard and the Knights are preparing their Defences. Both sides are running through their tactical plans. The King and Queen are in their castle,debating on whether or not to go into hiding. The reason why is because they are the only one's who are capable of spliting and forming the crystal that the DRA is wanting to seize,The Rune of Beggining.

There are Three sides.
Knights of the Sardonyx
Volunteer Vanguard
Demonic Rebel Army

-No GM or powerplay.
-As for loves stories,well if you want just keep it pg-13.
-No killing without permission. First you must ask that person permission,then both of you come to me and I'll see if He/She is really willing to let the character die.
-Try to show respect towards one another in the OOC thread.
-Maximum of 2 characters.
-Lastly have fun. Doing so keeps you happy and wanting to post more and more.
An additional rule or two:
.-I'm only going to allow 5 True runes,one of which I'll use. These DO NOT give you immortality in battle. It just makes you live longer if you live through all the battles and they are stronger than standerd runes.. So if you want to aquire one,just claim the one you want,then go make your temp. Basically a first come first serve. Other than that,you can use the standard ones.

True Lightning-DarkLightning (yes I like the power of thunder)
True Fire- Way to Twilight
True Water- TwilightDusk
True Earth-
True Wind- Cloudwolf
True Holy- Blufire (Added, but isn't a major True Rune)

To those who don't know what Runes are, they house special abilities that let you use magics of that element (E.I. True Lightning enables the user to use powerful Lightning magics.)

Here is the temp format,please put "The 27 True Runes" at the top or your Template.
Appearance: Pictures are ok. If you want to write it out,be my guest.
Other talents:(If any)
Since I don't have a map of this place, I have done my best to construct a written map. Hopefully the places will be seen vividly in your mind.

Kingdom of Sardonyx 

The Castle Town of Sardonyx located inside the kingdom. Market Street is bussling with shoppers and merchants from all around. The houses aren't poor, but average. However, the caste system still lingers, some rich people tend to abuse the averge joe and call them worthless. They have their own little urban area located on the southwest side of the Caste Town. While the rest of the place is just average urban areas, with cloths lines connected from one window to the neighbor's window.

Timber Village, located east of the castle town, is a two day ride on horseback. The road is paved over hills and forests. Half way down, it turns to a semi-smooth dirt road, then leads into a vast forest. Once in town it's just basically wooden houses in a clearing they've made in the center of the forest. So the sky can be seen since the leaves no longer hamper the view. Trees blanket the outskirts of the Village, looming darkness as you go deeper.

Further east, about a 3 day carrige ride from Timber Village, is Roskman Port Town. It's your basic port town. The buildings are made out of stone and stand proud, overlooking the vast sea. The docks are built sterdy, and the wood is clean and fresh. The boat's that are docked to the harbor are also tall, with their whit sails flowing in the wind. Others are tied up and await to go out to sea. The calm blue sea, and the sun's light reflecting off of the water is a gorgeous site.

North West of the Castle Town, is Fisher's Fissure. It is a Town, built around a massive fissure, formed by the Soul Eater eons ago. There are countless bridges connecting from one side to the other. Many scholars and mages hail from this region, therefore the vast varieties of basic Runes can be found here. Aincent texts, found in a cave inside the fissure, says there was a great power hidden somewhere in this region. However, very few believe there is a great power remaining in the Town.

Cosmo Town is North-East of the Kingdom. It would take 3 days by carrige. The road leading to the town is basic flatlands, with scarce vegitation once you're almost there. The road is somewhat paved with stone, but most of it is just flat dead grass and dirt. The town itself is like an oasis, the buildings are modern stone however. So the town itself looks as modern as the Castle Town. (If anyone who's played Pokemon Colloseum or XD Think of Phenec City.)

Located in the southern part of the country is Wisp. Wisp is a Town located in a Marshlands. Here the village is shrouded in mist and fog, and the houses are built in a special way so they levitate off the ground. It is said that a Balance Rune and a Lightning Rune, created this levitational phenomina. The town's main purpose, is that they create Water Rune Shards. The shards are attachments that give elemental attributes when embeded into a weapon.

Azure country.

The Citidel, is basically the biggest town in this country. Here the political powers and nobles gather for events of various kinds. The caste system is practiced in this region. The poor stay poor as the rich stay rich. In the middle of the Citidel, it's lined with gorgeous houses and paved roads. Flowers, trees, and finely cut grass can be seen through out the streets. However, the outskirts surrounding this area is far away from pleasant. The streets are littered with trash, and homeless. Very few are able to work and help themselves. The best they can accomplish is for them to work for a noble or senateor.
Towards the west, the country was ravished by vile pillagers that came through their lands. Very few towns are still up, while the rest lay in waste and ashes, never to be reborn. One town that has remained alive is Klarks Town, about a 2 days ride by carrige from the Citidel. Here, it is said that many craftsmen were born, so in return, there were a good variety of Blacksmith shops. However, most fled once the raiders tried to ransack the town. Scares, burns, and broken homes still stand, and the few that remain try to live in peace.
Ersatz Dome is north-west from Klarks, about another 2 day ride from horseback. This place is extraordinary, because it is a massive stone granite rock that was hallowed out to support a village inside. It was so finely crafted, that the roof of the dome is said to open and take in the suns rays. Inside, it truely is a village. Think of Petra, where the buildings were carved in rock. Some are like that, while a few are just built like normal houses. Also, there is a waterfall a few miles East that dumps into a river. That same river flows inside Ersatz Dome and supplies the water.
These two enplacements, are the only ones known to have stayed afloat.
As for the east, it's lavish green with a good range of mountains.Gonrema a port town
locationon the eastern coast of Azure, one of the ways that links the two countries are trade routes and ferries between another port town called Roskman port on the western shore of Sardonyx. This is one of three ways to get to Sardonyx. (The set up is simialr to Del Zexey from Suikoden III)
To the south of the Port town, lies the HQ of the DRA. Hidden in the vast mountain ranges, Valmar's Tower is placed here. It was once a watch tower, then turned into a fortress long ago, before Sardonyx was ever founded. It was abandoned for years, and now was found by the leaders of the DRA. This is the base of operation for them, and there is a rumor stating that there is a secret passage way hidden in the mountains near by. That place is said to go under the sea, and comes out on the southern most region of Sardonyx.
There is one village South of the Citidel,about 3 days away from horseback. Ozo is a windy village, not Chicago. Here, the winds are being taken advantage of, and the people have found a way to run electricity. Though the power is weak, it only powers lights for the Village and nothing more. The people that live here are accostumed to the winds and make their living by repairing windmills. Other's have found a way to make wind and lightning Rune shards. These lack the power of actual runes, but if they are atatched to a weapon, they gain elemental attributes.
Okay, there you have it! I'd like to thank my Friend Blufire, for helping me create the two port towns. Thanks to him, I was able to get motivated to finish this task.
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Hero of Lhant
Apr 25, 2009
You know what I really don't know lol
Name: Kratos Yorgen
Age: 19
Gender: male

Weapon: a broadsword
Rune: True Fire
Side: Volunteer Vanguard
History: Kratos was born in a Roskman Port Town. He live with his parents and his younger twin brother Vash. He would spar with his father and brother almost everyday. Kratos dream that he would be a hero who would save the world. When he turn 15 his brother, mother, and father were in accident and were lost at sea that cause Kratos to be an orphan. Kratos train himself and promise that he shall not make anyone go by the same pain as he did. When he became 17 he found a a sarcet rune in his old house attic, which was the true fire rune. He place it on his right arm and kept it ever since. The True fire rune was Kratos symbol of courage. When years pass he heard of war threatening a land. He knew he had to help it some how so he join the Volunteer Vanguards. He now helps his comrades put up defensive
Personality: Kratos acts mostly calm in situations. He not the type to be scare at danger so he fight for what he thinks is right. He also has a sense of humor and can be laid back sometimes.
Other talents:(he loves to fish and also loves to swim)
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Apr 9, 2009
'The 27 true runes'
Name:'The reborn Angel'

Age: looks like she's 18 but she is in fact in her 100's
Gender: Female

Weapon: Broadsword though she can wield a bow
Rune:True Holy Rune (Allows faster speed and eternal life)
Side: Volunteer Vanguard
History: She's had small roles in other stories but none are comparable to the role she'll have in this story. She was born through the rune she wields... she was discovered in a great forest as a child, and raised by a merchant that lived in a village on the edge of the forest she was found in. And no matter how much time passed she didn't seem to grow old. When her father died she left the safety of her village with nothing but a bow... she traveled all over the lands for a hundred years and eventually found herself in Sardonyx. Unfortunatly she lost her bow to the talons of a giant hawk and so in place she started fighting with a sword.
Personality: Very understandable, even though she is quite knowledgeable though she acts quite childish, She is also very observant and prideful, though she can be reserved and even seem depressed at times...
Other talents: She can also play a piano pretty well since she practiced to please her father...


New member
Oct 8, 2007
who cares
The 27 True Runes

Name: Ray Ino

Age: 21

Gender: male

Appearance: http://i194.photobucket.com/albums/z246/Lunas_blood/fe10-male.jpg

Weapon: http://i211.photobucket.com/albums/...kotou/Fantasy_Swords_Cinthorc__Sword_of__.jpg

Rune: True wind rune

Side: DRA

History: Ray knew very little about his birth parents, all that is really known about him is he was abandoned and left alone. As a young child he taught himself to fight and hunt so he could survive. Soon after he wandered into the HQ of the DRA where he was held prisoner for trespassing. He spent several years trying to escape but was released for good behavior. His time in the "slammer" left him soulless and cold hearted. But as a show of loyalty he joined the DRA to repay them for giving him freedom.

Personality: Ray is a cold hearted person but will treat people with decent respect. He fights those who deserve it and will destroy anything that stands in his way of getting what he wants. Ray seems dark but in truth is very happy at times. He tends to get side tracked very easily.
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Apr 11, 2009
Umm hold on i'll re-post my temp tomarrow, i've been doing hw for the past 3 hours after vb practice so i never got to go on so i'll post it tomarrow!! SORRY!!!


Apr 11, 2009
Ha i'm finally posting it!

The 27 True Runes

Name: Leisa Aqueti

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Appearence: Anime girl with blue hair image by MissAttitude101 on Photobucket

Weapon: Bow and Arrows

Rune: True Water

Side: Volunteer Vanguard

History: Leisa has been swimming now for her whole life. Its her passion and what she loves most. She had a happy normal life until her stepfather came when she was 7. He wouldn't let her near the water that was outside her window, and would keep her inside every day. But then when she turned ten her father went crazy and attempted to kill her family. No one knows why he did it but they didn't have enough time for him to tell them. After killing her mom and her brother, and stabbing Leisa, he killed himself. While Leisa was hurt she was next to the water and saw a blue stone and picked it up. The Rune of True Water. She held onto it and her wound started to heal a little bit. Now she is fully recovered and has learned how to defend herself with a bow. She's not the best... but she's good enough to help herself and others in bad situations. She heard about the war and decided to join so she could help people.

Personality: Always swimming, and reading. She is quieter and doesn't like to talk much but is nice and cheerful despite everything thats happened to her. Always strong and kind she stands up for everything thats right.

Other Talents: Can swim for over 100 miles, and likes writing stories.


The cutest Jolteon EVA :3
Feb 17, 2009
Watchig the lightning bolts dance in the sky...
Okies here's the DRA leader...

Name: Clara Myshka (Mi-shkuh)
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Appearance: Click here She may look cute, but when she gets angry or in an evil attitude, her pupils narrow like a cats, and she bares small fangs when she smile.
Weapon: Staff of flight
Side: DRA

History: Clara Myshka was originally born into a wealthy family in Sardonyx. She was told that her mother married a nobleman of some kind, and that in turn made her rich. However, Clara lived her life in solitude, but not of her own free will. Her mother cared little for her, and instead attended royal balls, and other fancy gatherings of the wealthy. The father was supposedly way to busy to care for his own daughter. At only the age of three, young Myshka was alone to fend for herself. She had to learn how to cook at a young age in order to avoid starving to death.

Five years later, at the age of eight, Clara attended school due to her class in the caste system. She learned the basics, math, history, reading, and writting. Excelling at all of her classes, she was given the choice for an advace course. Clara chose without hesitation, and was introduced into the course. Here, she learned how Runes worked and how they were formed. Her knoweldge was now growing, and so did her hate for her parents....
One day, sometime in the summer ten years later, Clara was visiting Fisher's Fissure. She wanted to do an essay on the myths as to how it was created. An Elder from the Village led her down into a cave found far below inside the fissure. Clara and the elder where doing some spelunking, when the ground gave way, and Clara fell down into the black abyss.

After a few hours of unconciousness, she came around and surveyed her surroundings. There was a faint glow in the distance, and it was the only light in sight, so instinctavly, Clara went towards the glow. What she found astounded her, something was levitating over a small alter of stone. It was glowing red and black, and it seemed voices were coming from it. She started to place her hand on it, but when she was inches from contact, a loud scream echoes through out the room, and everything went black once again. When Clara finally came too, she was inside the Elder's house recooperating.

Days after the event, Clara was changing... There were voices in her head, talking illy of the kingdom of Sardonyx. Soon, it made her crazy, and a strange aura possessed her. Clara fled from the Kingdom, and went over to the outskirts of Azure... There, she secluded herself, plotting with the voices in her head to take down the Kingdom of Sardonyx. For the rest of the years going up till her twenty-second birthday, Clara gathered an army, from Sardonyx and Azure, to help her overthrow the King and Queen. She's currently going over attack plans to invade the Country.

Personality: Clara is a sadistic girl. She cares little for the lives of her army, except for those that are close to her by being a high ranking officer. She'll torcher anybody to get a laugh, therefore the dungeon has been clear of prisoners for quite the while....

Other talents: Clara's staff has the ability to grow its wings larger and take flight. It also houses a standard fire rune, however, it isn't her main Rune. Her main has been kept a secret... and only she knows...


The 27 True Runes.

Name:Joseph Wolf


Side:Volunteer Vanguard


Weapon: A pole that extends and retracts at a push of a button.

Rune:True Lightning

Appearance: Joesph has light colored skin, and is reasonably fit. Not to the point where his muscles bulge, but more subtle. He has black hair that has a red bandana tied around his forehead. His eye color is really close to gold. Joseph wears black armor with certain paterns that are colored brown. The armor is strong and doesnt impair is speed. He has a red cape dangling behind him. The boots he wears are red,they're light and reliable.

History:Joseph was born in a village in the neighboring country of Azure. His parents were the owners of an Armory. The father was able to train him with a fighting pole when he was six. Him and Joseph would trian day in and day out. His mother was a little jealous of her husband teaching him something. So she decided to train him in cooking. Joseph was clutzy in the beggining,but soon became a decent chef.

Years have past by and Joseph was now 13. Unfortunatly his country was in turmiol and the village was usually raided by bandits. He himself would stand alone against them,and was always able to drive them away. His secret to his strength was a sacred Rune,placed on his left hand.

To his dismay,his parents decided to leave their home and flee to another country. They packed their bags gathered whatever money they had and left when the oppritunity arose. Joseph's Father said he heard of a new country,tring to get off the ground. The name was Sardonyx.

It took two years for Joseph and his family to reach the newly formed country. They settled in a little
village deep isnide the Sardonyx. They lived peacefuly there for six years,making money selling Armor to the nobles.

Now war is threatening this land and word got out that the King wanted for any able bodies warriors to help and aid him. Joseph talked it over with his parents,and they agreed to let him go. They gave him armor that would suit his fighting style and sent him on his way. Joseph was accepted in and was placed with other Volunteers. He is helping the Knights and other members of the Volunteer Vanguard set up defensive through-out the counrty.

Personality:Jospeh is a likeable guy. He can make anyone laugh and show respect to everyone he meets, even those who are younger than him. When it comes to battle,he is serious and does his best to protect others.

Picture:here's the characters pic. http://i676.photobucket.com/albums/v...nimedude-1.jpg
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Apr 11, 2009
ok so I bumped the thread by finally flippin posting in it! GAWD i kept on forgeting lol!!!
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