~NGD OMEGA~ said:
Do not get me started on this subject, I was once a rabid Digimon Fan... Though I have to admit... the endings of 2 and 3 were bad (Stupid Matt/Sora and Rika/Ryo...). But 4 was what REALLY Started the ratings drop. Even I lost intrest during 4.
Anyway I heard all the summons were getting world to, which is why I think that is not the 'surprising' one...
I AM a rabid Digimon fan.(even thought my love for Digimon is slowly dying) And Tamers really did cause it all in Japan. You are pretty much talking about America.
I already explained Japan. In America, Disney did the stupidest thing by putting Digimon Season 4 on UPN. Not to many people got UPN so the ratings dropped. And then UPN always aired old episodes. Then Digimon was pretty much dead in America by the time it got to ABC Family and Toon Disney.
And I HATE Matt and Sora. It should have been Tai and Sora. Rika and Ryo is ok in my book. AND TAMERS KILLED LABRAMON.
Anyway, I know thats not really surprising.
Genie/Agrabah - CONFIRMED
Mushu/Ancient China - CONFIRMED
Tinkerbell/Neverland - POSSIBLE (Hook was chased away not destroyed)
Dumbo/Circus - It's possible but it would be a mini game world....
Simba/Pride Rock - Favorite by Nomura....VERY POSSIBILE
Bambi/Forest - It's Possible...but it would be a mini game world...
I won't get into the Princesses but Belle and Jasmine's worlds are confirmed....
And Merlin's world is a possible.