First thing is First... This is a really old thread (so i hear) so no point to me sayin this but... (cause now we know that the "Surprise world" is Pirates of the Carribean... I guess that info was not realesed at the time (some time in May... once again... so I hear) When the person started this thread... However if I was not just told that... This whould have been my reply to this Thread...
It could be one of the 7 princesses of heart's world such as Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, or Snow White! (Snow White whould be suprising to me) Hey, here's a new one... What bout that movie... "Dinosaur" That would also be suprising... I think that it may not fit however? (do you think it would?) I am 100% POSITIVE that there
IS going to be a Lion King World... There has to be... It is such a famous, liked, animated, Disney, and did I mention FAMOUS movie that they wouldn't leave it out... I know there is gonna be someone who says "Well, they left it out in the first game" and tell I would say "No, you could summon him..." Also, all you people who are sayin like "Sword in the Stone" & "The Black Cauldron" I
HIGHLY doubt that... They just aren't famous enough... I have no clue what they are... Their names sound farmiliar but I've NEVER seen them... Also except for a couple, all the kids who mention those movie aren't kids but "young adults" That is why you know those movies cause when you were a kid... they were popular but they weren't when I was a kid and I'm only 12 so imagin what would happen to a child who is like 8, 9, or even 10... He/she would be so confused cause he's/she's probally never seen it in his/her (god that is annoying! lol) whole life. I know that "Alice in Wonderland"... "Peter Pan"... etc. Are old but they are really really famous so everone knows bout those anyway... Just like other ones that I said should be in the game... Which are all the princess's of Heart's Worlds...
Now... like I said ^that^ is what I would have said but now I know that the one they are talk'ing bout in this tread is PIRATES OF THE CARIBEAN!!! Ok? The person who started it on May
__?__, 2005 did not see the screen shots/shot that can be found on it's the middle picture on the page... Cya! -Matty