Me: Alright peoples....I'm'm gonna update......-_-;
Aozora: YEAH!! Your fans are waiting. <_<
Kaze: K_K doesn't have fans. >_>
Sean:*pops outta nowhere* Hi guys!! ^_^
Me, Sora, Aozora: *collective scream* DON'T DO THAT!!! >_<
Sean: Heh......sorry.....^_^;;
Me, Sora, Aozora, Kaze: -_-;
~Megan's PoV~
I ran at Ursula(still in her human form), Keyblades out. Unfortunatly for me, Ursula changed into her true form and the Neo-Shadows sunk into the floor, coming towards me. {Crap....>_<} Ursula lashed her tenticles at me like whips, trying to trip me. I dodged the first three, but tripped over the fourth. Ursula laughed maniacally as she wrapped her tenticles around me. {Can't anyone hear her laughing?!?! >_<}
A flash of a sword cut through Ursula's tenticles, causing her to scream in pain. I fell to the floor with a thump. [Ow.....>_<] I scowled as I laid on the floor. [I feel like a Mary-Sue......>_<] Someone lifted me up,"Are you okay, K.K.?" I looked up. [Sean?..........I guess I owe you big, huh?] He shrugged,"I don't need anything......" [Didn't expect you would actually call me K.K.] Sean smiled at me,"It's kinda fun to say." {And people sure enjoyed typing it at whatever it's called now....>_>}
I looked around, finding the hall empty, except for me and Sean. [Where'd the sea-cow go?] Sean raised an eyebrow at me,"The....sea...cow..?

" He burst out laughing. I rolled my eyes. [That's her nickname......cuz....she needs to go on a diet....>_>] Sean took several deep breaths,"You're funny..." My left eye twitched. [WHY DOES EVERYONE THINK I'M FUNNY?!? PEOPLE GAVE ME REP POINTS FOR BEING FUNNY!!! I AM NOT FUNNY!!!! >_<]
Sean waved his hand dismissively,"Riiiiiiiight......" I glared ar him and started walking to Ariel's room. Putting my ear up to the door, I heard sniffling. [She sickens me.....>_>] I pushed open the door and found Ariel sobbing on her bed. Rolling my eyes, I walked over to her. Smacking the side of her head, I "said" [Pull yourself together woman!!]
She stared at me, tears rolling down her face. [You disgust me!!] She sniffled and I rolled my chocolate eyes. [Eric doesn't love her. That girl is Ursula in disguise and she hypnotized him. We have to stop the wedding AND GET MY VOICE BACK!!! >_<] Ariel seemed to understand what I had "told"her and nodded. Getting back into my awesome camo capris, hunter green tank top, and mah uberly awesome Converse, we all left Eric's castle. Determined to STOP THE WEDDING AND GET MY VOICE BACK!!! ^_^