Me: Yeah. Sean is based off PoL. I can do that cuz I'm kool!! ^_^
Kaze: NEVER!!! *tackles Sean* >_<
*massive fight scene*
Me, Sora, Aozora: -_-;
[blah]=when I try to say something
~Megan's PoV~
Thanks to watching The Little Mermaid, I knew that the boat would leave at sunset. And Ariel had to kiss Eric before the sun set. It was a long shot, but we had to try. Right now, Me, Sean, And Kaze were helping Ariel swim to the wedding boat, while Sora, Donald, and Goofy were super-gliding there to stall the wedding. {I'M GONNA GET MY VOICE BACK!! AND I'M GOING TO LAUGH AT YOU ALL!!! >_<}
~Sora's PoV~
Me, Donald, and Goofy frantically super-glided to the wedding boat. {There just happened to be no wind today!! >_<} I saw Scuttle fly ahead of us. I called out to him,"Where're you goin'?" He yelled back,"To get help!!" {Help? What kind of help?

} We were almost at the ship, and the day was nearing sunset. {MUST GO FASTER!!! >_<}
Far behind us, Ariel was swimming alongside Megan, Kaze, and Sean. {An THIS is why we need to learn to TELEPORT!!! >_<} We finally landed on the deck and were followed a number of birds and creatures. They all attacked the bride, who was really Ursula in disgiuse. Or at least that's what Megan had....uhhh...."said" She had also "said" to get the shell pendent around Ursula's neck.
I waited for the right moment to strike. {Riiiiiiiiiight............NOW!!} I sprinted at Ursula and ripped the pendent from her neck, then quickly fled. I saw Megan standing next to Ariel and yelled,"Megan!!! CATCH!!" I tossed the golden seashell at her.
~Megan's PoV~
I tried to focus my attention on the incoming pendent and not on the chaos that was meant to be a wedding. {Good thing I'm an outfielder in softball!! Wait......I'm gloveless.....>_<} I caught the airborne seashell. [I got it!! ^_^] I stared stupidly at the necklace in my hand. I held it up in the air. [What do I do with it?] All my friends yelled,"JUST BREAK IT!!!" [Oh....right....^_^;;;]
I threw the pendent to the wooden deck and it shattered. With the necklace broken, a fire red and icy blue light flaoted up and circled me. It entered my throat and i unconciously finished the song I had began in ursula's Grotto. My eyes widened and I gasped. "I can talk..? I CAN TALK!!!" I pointed at Ursula trimphantly,"IN YOUR FACE, SEA COW!!! IN YOUR FAAAAACE!!" I jumped up and down excitedly,"I almost feel like randomly breaking into song!!"
Ariel ran up to Eric. The spell was broken. Ursula yelled,"ERIC!! Get away from her!!" She covered her mouth. "Ursula no longer possesed a different voice. It was ugly again!! How a voice can be ugly, I don't know....Eric and Ariel edged closer, about to kiss. The sun went down behind the ocean. I muttered,"Oh, crap....."