me: GAH!! I'M LOSING THE FUNNY!!! *runs in circles* >_<
Sora:*rolls eyes* Get over it......<_<
Aozora:'re in a sack.....^_^
Sean:*glares at Aozora**bashes his head into the wall several times* Shut up. >_>
~Megan's PoV~
Opening my eyes, I only saw darkness. {JUST LIKE THE EVIL PLATFORMS!! AHHHHH!! PLATFORMS!! THEY'ER COMING BACK TO HAUNT ME!!*cowers* >_<} Getting up on my hands and knees, I saw a small, glowing.........THING... Not thinking, I picked it up. It was apparently alive, for it started crawling up my arm. My eyes widened as I suddenly realized what was crawling up my arm. {SPIDER!!}
My blood-curdling scream broke the the sound barrier. At least I think it did.... I grabbed the spider off my arm and summoned my Keyblades in one swift movement. I started pounding it into the ground, screaming,"DIE, YOU MULTI-LEGGED SPAWN OF SATAN!!! >_<" The small glowing spider was already dead, but I had to make sure it would never return.
I pulled my arms back for another strike, but someone grabbed them, stopping me from attacking again. I struggled a bit,"HEY!! LET GO!! MUST....KILL....SPIDER!!! >_<" I looked back, scowling. I screamed for the...uhhh.....third time? Yeah. Third time that day. {OOGIE?! HE'S SUPPOSED TO BE DEAD!! >_<....Then again so was Ursula......>_>}
He smiled evilly. "Boo." I blinked. "Kinda late, don'tcha think..?" Instead of answering, he opened his mouth so I could see all the glowing bugs inside of him. My left eye twitched. {I really need ta' get that checked......>_<} A few of them crawled onto my arms. I whimpered. {Bugs....ew....ew.....ew....ew.....ew....EW!! >_<} I pulled away from Oogie, flailing my arms rapidly.
Every bug I saw, was squished into oblivion. Then, Oogie pushed me onto what I reconized as the roulette wheel. {Oh, no.......damn....} Summoning One-Winged Angel & Diamond Dust, I waited for something to attack me. The bag of bugs threw two die near me. They were glowing. I yelled,"Why does everything glow in here!?"
The die suddenly exploded, sending me into the wall. "Note to self: Never go to Las Vegas.......wait I've already been there........nevermind then......>_<,"I muttered to myself. Looking up, I saw an axe about to chop my head off. Rolling outta the way, I stood up rather shakilly. Oogie Boogie threw another of die near me. When I saw the die, I scrambled away. I braced myself for the impact. Nothing. The die hadn't exploded. {Oh, figures.....>_>}
Instead, a huge blade came down. It started bouncing up & down as it came towards me. I yelled out, "WHAT IS THIS!? A SCREAMING METAL DEATH-TRAP!?" I had to time my moves perfectly, or else I might lose a limb. When the blade was a few feet from me, I jumped over it, and rolled under the next blade. Using the momentum from my roll, I lept over the fence that seperated me from Oogie. Summoning my Keyblades, I smirked at him. {You are so dead. ^_^}