Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
You know, I don't think that's Kairi. Thank destiny. For one, that girl has dark hair, not red. Two, she's with one of Kaze's friends. How would Kairi get there?
*pokes teh other blonde dude* Aozora-clone. >_>; Or, "Aozoree"-clone. =D
*huggles both* GO KICK SEIFER'S ASS!!! GOOOOO!!! Even he's uber hott. >_>; I greatly enjoy the fact you all refer to Kaze as Kaze and not his gay-ass-faget name Roxas.
I still need a....muse. o.- Weren't those singing midgets in Hercules say they were muses? ;
Y'know... it can't be Kairi... if the girl on the island is Kairi, then this girl can't quite be Kairi... it's probably the equivilent of Kaze to Sora, Kairi to girl... *shrug*
And the muses were the Greek Goddesses of Art, Medicine, Science... etc.... or something like that. =P
But moose are better. In the words of my best friend, "MOOSEN! I SAW A FLOCK OF MOOSEN!!" caps and all.... =P
Erato- Muse of lyrics Euterpe- Muse of music Thalia- Muse of comedy Melpomene- Muse of tragedy Terpsichore- Muse of dance Urania- Muse of astronomy Clio- Muse of history Polyhymnia- Muse of hymns Calliope- Muse of epics
You see, my Muse had Orpheus for a father and the Fury Allecto as a mother ((Don't ask....)). She takes after her mother, but she got the Muse-esh-ness from Orpheus. Sucks for me. She's evil. <_<
Despite popular belief, I don't really DROOL over my bishies; I kinda....gape. That is what I was currently doing! ^-^ Gaping at the awesome violence of teh...ninjaness vs. Kaze-kun! Now that my randomness is over, let's center back to Chibi-Elric, shall we? Although, I still don't know how anyone can be more chibi than Ed, but, whatever....
Ducking to avoid a kick to the head, I did a sweeping punch to the girl's side; she stumbled back, looked up at the roof of the Accessory Shop, and leaped onto the nearby lamp post, climbing onto the roof. I twitched.
"Dammit, she's like a freakin' cat!!" ((Unknown to Kaze, he had just quoted his father!! =D))
Climbing onto the wooden crates, I leaped onto the roof after her. I heard Megan shout after me, but I ignored her; who was this ninja chick?! SHE WOULDN'T EVEN STAY TO LET ME GET A FIST IN HER FACE!!! ((Hehe, he quoted Ed, again..."I told you! A fist in his face!!" Hehe...blackmail...>=D)) She leaped down into the alleyway, and I followed after her, determined to kick her sorry ninja ass! Oblivion and Oathkeeper materialized in my hands, and I leaped down, stumbling slightly when I landed.
I swung at her, pinning her to the wall in the process. "Who are you?!"
She smiled maliciously, her appearance melting away until-
I TOLD YE She beeth a homonculus! *smacks Namine with Reno's electrical rod* Oooh Ed said 'shes like a frekain cat' from the episode 'her reason' *continues hitting Namine* FIRE!
Dark and Krad: *Pelt her with feathery magic of DOOOOM!*
Riku: *Smacks her with Oblivion*
Aroz: *goes Lucavifate on her ass*
Fear us Namine for we beeth the NHGOD. The Namine Hating Group Of Dooom!
........i almost spewed right there. THANKYEW GAWD that *insert hommunculous name here* is not the ninja chick. i almost choked from spewing on cue so much. ^-^ nice half update dude. scary as hell, but awesome.
I will updart, GoH!! After evil school and hw! =D BEWARE TEH SHORT CLIFFIENESS!!!! *throws head back and laughs manaically while fading back into the shadows*
Namine... smile maliciously... 0o... I just can't see it. >< I hate her for her "innocence" but I just can't see a smile like that... it's creepy when I picture it... too creepy... *shudder*
Sorry, it's random lyric time up here. xDD *ponders if I should make this a song chappy* ._.
...I am!! The song is fer Namine...I guess...*kicks her* #>_>
Long lost words, whisper slowly, to me
Still can't find what keeps me here
When all this time I've been so hollow inside
I know you're still there
After Kaze leaped after that ninja chick, and didn't come back fer some time, I started to get worried. Which was kinda rare fer me; almost as rare as blushing. For, I, Megan, Mistress of Elements, did not worry and/or blush like a Mary Sue!! SO, I'M NOTTA MARY SUE! I'M LOOKING AT YOU, GOH!!!!! >_>; Following the direction in which they both had leaped off, I started yelling Kaze's name frantically.
From behind me, I heard Piku shout, "ED'S NOT CHIBI!!!!"
Watching me, wanting me
I can feel you pull me down
Fearing you, loving you
I won't let you pull me down
I heard a slight chuckle, then, "Of course he's chibi...."
Following the Kaze-ish voice, I finally came upon the alley that Sora first landed in KH1; Kaze was leaned up against the wall, sitting on the floor. I poked him several times.
"What happened? You ok?"
Damn straight... I gripped Kaze's arm, and pulled him to his feet; he staggered slightly, pulled away from me, and brushed past me, back to the main street. I blinked. Psh, yer welcome! >_>
Hunting you, I can smell you - alive
Your heart pounding in my head
Sighing, I decided to wander aimlessly around town!! Which is what I did best! Opening the large oak door leading to the Second District, I tried to ignore my sense of de ja vu; being in a place affiliated with a game you obsess over isn't good fer yer brain. I'm gonna need therapy after this... Seeing a Shadow Heartless matierialize in front of me, I remembered that I should lock the Keyhole; unlike Halloween Town, I didn't want Traverse.....City to spontainiously implode. After combusting the small Shadow, I carefully made my way to-
Do I take the first alley or the second one to get to the Third District...;
....No comment...Like I said, the song was kinda like Namine...kinda...And..I killed the last two verses...o.o;