Aboard the Universal train, I was trying to swing my legs back and forth while sitting on the seat and failing; my legs were too long. I twitched, and kicked the floor in frustration. I glared at Kaze across the train.
"Twilight Midget! You said you'd teach me Alchemy!" I accused the blonde with a pout.
...*scratches out 'pout' and puts 'scowl'*
He shrugged nonchalantly. "What's there to teach? You know the concepts, and I'm sure you can draw transmutation circles."
"...No comment." I said with another twitch.
After an all-too-short train ride, we had arrived at Hollow Bastion. Standing upon the lowest of the series of platforms made the castle seem even more looming than it already was. As I gazed at Hollow Bastion, I pursed my lips together, eyes narrowing; behold the Myra Pout. I nimbly lept up the platforms, not caring if any of them followed. They did. Riding upon the final platform until we reached the castle itself, I pulled my already-short auburn hair into a ponytail; I couldn't kick Order arse with my hair down.
Stepping off the platform, I stomped my way to large double doors that led to the Entrance hall, scowling and planning my moves. Everything I would need to remember to kick their sorry, dark-infused arses. Stay away from Larxene; number one. Lightning-my ultimate enemy. That and sewing machines.
After defeating the Heartless Army, I thought everything was over and done with.
It had only just begun
After I shared the Paopu with Kaze, I knew he would never betray me; always love me. We would never be apart.
Guess again
This was it.
No turning back.
The Order was not going to win; not after all our hard work. Taking a shaky, nervous breath, I carefully pushed open the humongus metal doors to the Entrance Hall of Hollow Bastion. Subconsciously, I called One-Winged Angel and Diamond Dust to my hands, and they promptly appeared in a flash of their respective colors, ready to kick some Order as-
Axel appeared in a burst of crimson and orange flames, "Welcome back, Kaze! Or should I call you Roxas? Or...maybe Master..."
Perfect by nature
Icons of self-indulgence
Just what we all need
More lies about a world that
Never was and never will be
Have you no shame, don't you see me
You know you've got everybody fooled
I whirled about to blink at Kaze in confusion who was death-glaring at Axel, his teeth and hands clenched tightly so they were white, and his cobalt eyes clearly read, "Shut up!!". Axel just smiled triumphantly at Kaze's reaction.
"Oh, you mean you didn't tell them, Roxas?" The redhead asked the silently-fuming blonde in mock-innocence. "You didn't tell them your true position?"
Look, here he comes now
Bow down and stare in wonder
Oh, how we love you
No flaws when you're pretending
But now I know he
Never was and never will be
You don't know how you've betrayed me
And somehow you've got everybody fooled
Kaze's cerulean eyes were smoldering; someone was clearly pissed off. I stared back and forth from Axel to Kaze in utter confusion. What was going on?!
"Kaze? What's he talking about?" I asked the blonde quietly.
Kaze finally lifted his eyes off the beautifully-tiled floor until we locked mis-matched gazes, and he smiled sadly at me. Axel floated over, gripping my shoulder and smiling maliciously.
Without the mask where will you hide
Can't find yourself lost in your lie
"Why, Megan, you don't know? Your dear 'Kaze' is the Superior of the XIII Order! He's a dirty, lying, little traitor!! We're all very proud of him." Axel declared.
All I could do was gape, bewildered, as Axel ruffled the glaring blonde's hair. I blinked several times, trying to process this information. My Keyblades had dissapeared; my heart was broken, empty, weak. I couldn't weild my Keyblades. Not now. I took a tiny step away from the two apparent members of the Order.
I know the truth now
I know who you are
And I don't love you anymore
"You lied... you lied to us! You lied to
me..." I murmured accusingly, backing away slowly.
"Megan...." Kaze started.
"SHUT UP!! THAT PAOPU MEANS NOTHING TO ME, NOW!! I DON'T EVEN KNOW YOU, ANYMORE!! AS FAR AS I KNOW, YOU'RE EVIL! YOU'RE GOING TO DIE TODAY,'ROXAS'!!!" I yelled, gaining my Keyblades back; my heart was strong again, but with hate and malice, not love or light.
Welcome to Darkness
It never was and never will be
You don't know how you've betrayed me
And somehow you've got everybody fooled
Axel floated away, smiling evily, and Sora, Riku, and Sean ran after him, hot on his heels. It was only me and Kaze. Roxas, whatever. Kaze tried his best to protest against my accusations.
"I tried to tell you, Megan! But... I didn't know how you would react..."
"YA' THINK?!" I shouted , rushing at Kaze, Keyblades swinging.
He side-stepped easily, "Megan, I won't fight you!!"
"DON'T GIVE ME THAT!" I shouted, swinging again at the blonde once more, but he dodged my messy attacks without breaking a sweat.
It never was and never will be
You're not real and you can't save me
Somehow now you're everybody's fool
"I don't want to fight you.." He whispered, falling to his knees. "Go ahead and kill me. I'd rather it be me than you..."
Kaze mouthed something, closing his bright eyes tightly. I stared at his defeated form, and finally shattered, lifting my Keyblades once more.
I love you, Megan. I'll always love you. No matter what...
....Beware teh cliffies. o.o