(Disclaimer: I am Sol. Skarsgard. You probably know me, hah.)
This has been bothering me for some time. Usually it doesn't weigh on my conscience but I feel -- no matter what I do -- that I drive people away and I can't help it.
I really do give my all to people when I care. I don't care very often but when I do, I'll do anything. People have told me I'm really up-front and brash, which is fine, yet when I do things for people -- literally run around for them, do things for them when they're ill or upset or just in general, buy things for them because I want to give them something nice, support them emotionally and financially, give my spare time to them -- it just comes back on me like bad karma.
I'm pretty much indifferent to most problems most of the time. Not uncaring, just... aloof, I guess? Not to individuals, but to issues (that don't involve me) that go on because it's really very trivial and I think everyone should just relax, right? But apparently I'm rude for that. And yet it's fine when other people come to me for advice because they say it's honest advice. I don't try to sugarcoat anything and I think this bleeds through to when I do try to give advice to people I care for even if they may not want it.
It's like, even on here. I mean, I know my reputation isn't exactly great and it's just the Internet, right? Maybe I'm just being paranoid but I feel as if no matter what I do here -- things that most people don't even notice -- I get treated like shit for it. I really have no grudges against anybody here, but people are so damn rude to me a lot of the time and I really wonder what I've done to warrant it.
I don't know. Tell me? How can I improve? Am I a horrible person? Have I personally offended you? An honest opinion? Anything at all?
This has been bothering me for some time. Usually it doesn't weigh on my conscience but I feel -- no matter what I do -- that I drive people away and I can't help it.
I really do give my all to people when I care. I don't care very often but when I do, I'll do anything. People have told me I'm really up-front and brash, which is fine, yet when I do things for people -- literally run around for them, do things for them when they're ill or upset or just in general, buy things for them because I want to give them something nice, support them emotionally and financially, give my spare time to them -- it just comes back on me like bad karma.
I'm pretty much indifferent to most problems most of the time. Not uncaring, just... aloof, I guess? Not to individuals, but to issues (that don't involve me) that go on because it's really very trivial and I think everyone should just relax, right? But apparently I'm rude for that. And yet it's fine when other people come to me for advice because they say it's honest advice. I don't try to sugarcoat anything and I think this bleeds through to when I do try to give advice to people I care for even if they may not want it.
It's like, even on here. I mean, I know my reputation isn't exactly great and it's just the Internet, right? Maybe I'm just being paranoid but I feel as if no matter what I do here -- things that most people don't even notice -- I get treated like shit for it. I really have no grudges against anybody here, but people are so damn rude to me a lot of the time and I really wonder what I've done to warrant it.
I don't know. Tell me? How can I improve? Am I a horrible person? Have I personally offended you? An honest opinion? Anything at all?
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