's okay with me, I'll wait.
[EDIT] OOC: This'll do for my introduction, I suppose. You may notice my characters personality fluctuate from time to time, but if you can't puzzle out why, read it again. Oh, and he's 32 ft 9ins tall.
IC: Tir na Nóg, the legendary Land of Eternal Youth, had become nothing but a death-ridden wasteland thanks to it. Its once green, rolling pastures were now blackened and scorched, the blood of pale-skinned and red-haired men and women the only variance in shade across this ebon vista, the golden rays of perpetual sunlight now providing a hazy black shadow through the obsidian mist that covered this world as it set for the first and final time on this land of timeless heroes.
The myths surrounding this land had brought this creature here, but they had betrayed it. ‘A place of eternal happiness’, the legends had claimed; a land of peace everlasting. Somewhere it could, for once in its miserable existence, be… happy. But these people had betrayed him. They saw it for what it was; a hideous abomination, spawned from the obliteration of lives beyond count to be the brainchild of a lunatic. A doomed creature that should not, by any rights, even exist. They had tried to drive it away, launching an admittedly ferocious power against him in an effort to banish him from a realm of good and prosperity. A land he did not and never could belong in.
But they would know his pain, his suffering. Through his eyes, within his mind, they would know his loneliness and pain. They were a part of him now, they’re souls entwined with those of a lost universe. They would see their beloved land destroyed beyond recognition, and would have the memory of its annihilation forever burned into their thoughts. It took no pleasure in what it did. There were many concepts it did not know or understand, but it knew injustice well and it knew revenge better. On reflection, they were all it had ever truly known. A sobering thought, if also a harrowing one, yet it only strengthened its resolve. Out there, somewhere, there had to be a place for it. Existence could not be so cruel as to deny him that much.
Abruptly, a storm descended upon the land of Tir na Nóg, a swirling vortex that stirred the scorched earth and flung the corpses of the deceased across the landscape. Yet even as it flung all else from it, this sudden cyclone gathered to its centre the ebon black mist that had pervaded the land. It began to take form in the centre, one insignificant segment at a time, into a creature of humanoid stature, yet completely lacking of features. Its entire body as black as the mist that had formed it, its face was noticeably blank, appearing as what could only be described as a clean stretch of skin. Yet, if one were to inspect his body closely, it would be possible to spot lights, each one smaller than the smallest speck of dust, scattered around his body. They numbered in the billions, in the trillions even, with a vast multitude of creatures of all shapes and sizes inhabiting each one of them.
But each and every one of them was dead, dead beyond what they could possibly know. Only by the force of its own will could they even exist, with the inevitable consequence of limiting its abilities drastically. Yet even then, after a fashion, they were him, each and every one of them making up a fragment of its intellect, its knowledge and its power. Without them, he would become nothing but a brain dead imbecile, forever wandering in a state of convoluted indolence, an utterly pathetic reality for one so powerful… but then, so was the life it lived now. Well, for now at least. Things would change, it endlessly told itself. Its rest would come, even if it had to tear apart planets, galaxies, everything that existed to find it. Nothing would get in its way.
But, for a reason it could never comprehend, something always tried to.
The whirlwind subsided, the blasted earth and the airborne bodies returning to the ground once again as it shivered. This humanoid form it took, although decidedly uncomfortable for a creature used to being of a size beyond scale regardless of the great height he took, was nothing more than misguided vanity on its behalf. It stretched itself – a pointless venture for something such as itself but nonetheless one of the many urges it felt in this form – as it surveyed the destruction it had wrought with sightless eyes, a touch of guilt surging forth from the many minds it composed of, although doubtless the creatures within him knew not why they felt so. Such actions as it had taken were decidedly unnecessary in hindsight as it could have merely departed this realm, leaving the creatures that lived here to they’re own devices. His search for happiness should not have deprived other creatures from their own, regardless of how they had reacted to its appearance.
They were such beautiful creatures, these humans. But life could not be returned when it had been taken when outside his boundaries. For all his strength in this physical manifestation… they were but nothing compared to his ability within his own realm. Of course, he had forced the souls of these departed creatures within his own world, but never would they create a world comparable to the beauty that had once been Tir na Nóg within it. Ah, such a waste of life and beauty…