.:KL:. said:Umm why would I hate you?
Ex) if you've been here since March 2004, have over a 1000 post, and then post the BHK is Tidus then I won't be nice.
If the BHK was a shell then how could he wield 2 keyblades? YOU NEED A HEART TO WIELD KEYBLADES. This is the 12th time I told u this and u still don't listen.
They don't meet and my response above kills the "BHK is a shell" theory. And Sora never lost his heart....he just became a Heartless.
Yes it does. I swear you are one of the biggest, dumbest, and one of the most lyingest n00bs on this forum.
Too bad I proved it wrong in the topic u made.
That's totally possible. Wow, there is actually 1 correct and possible theory in this topic. FINALLY!!!
Since you won't I guess I will...even though I was going to do this anyway.
1. That's not really the BHK...only an earlier version with no name except the DWU. So he is the DWU. ASAS/DD = DWU, BHK = KH2
2. Riku does not have his own keyblade.
3. You don't even make sense.
4. The GEU is not the BHK or DWU. When has the eye of the BHK glown in screenshots, magazine scans, trailers or DWU ever glown in ASAS/DD? Never. They are 2 different Unknowns.
5. The BHK looks nothing like Sora.
*you have been added to my n00b list for starting a pointless topic that has only got stupider and brought even more n00bs with stupider info and you didn't even put thought into what you wrote*
.:KL:. said:How can the keyblades be shell? And the opposite theory has been proven wrong too....The BHK can not be Sora shell. Sora has a physical appearance. Sora has a shell.
Ultima Monkey said:Umm ok. Kerobaroes, I'm sorry if I insulted you in any way. I didn't really mean you shouldn't BE frustrated when you're 13 *reflects on my own 13th brithday* I meant that I don't think KL should be getting as angry about some of the theories. I don't see you getting that angry anyway...but blood pressure has to kick in somewhere when someone seems THAT angry. I hope you understand that. Okay...Sora did become a heartless but HE GOT HIS HEART BACK. didn't really get your last theory electrickeyblade.
Ultima Monkey said:Aww it's okay electickeyblade. It was a good theory(a bunch of people were telling me these rumors about how Sora lost his heart orsomething and I'm like NO!) Nobody can really be sure since there are SO many theories out there, but some are better than others(or they seem to be.)
Dorak said:Um, smeone said that Riku doesn't have a keyblade.........Yes he does you idoit! BHK gave him one! It was an obliovoin[sorry can't spell].