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Another side, another story

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New member
Mar 28, 2005
in a tree, like everybody! dhu!
KL, I'm sorry to say this, but you kinda need an attitude adjustment. You can't just call everybody who disagrees with you a nOOb or something. Who knows, maybe in the end your the nOOb! Anyway, like the 2above everybody has his/her own theories and it's only fair that everybody can tell them!

"The GEU is not the BHK or DWU. When has the eye of the BHK glown in screenshots, magazine scans, trailers or DWU ever glown in ASAS/DD? Never. They are 2 different Unknowns. "

So??? it's not because it happens in 1 screenshot that it has to happen in all of them. I mean you can say the same about falling down, it's not because you fall down once that you have to do it all the time ( I know, quite bad example but you know what I mean)

The point is, being totally rude to people isn't going to help, the game will still be like it will be, and it's not because you think you got all the right theories that they are right. Just so you know!

Who started with the whole shell thing actually, cause although it was explained to me, I still don't really get it. And I don't really think that any of the new peeps (characters) are shells anyway so...


New member
Mar 20, 2005
Is their actually anyone who thinks KL isn't rude?
you know what? I Really Don't know...
It's like many people in here were saying...
people have there own theories and let them...
I'm not stopping you from postingthem :cool:


New member
Aug 29, 2004
well...it depends on your definition of live.
Posted by Luminara:

"Who started with the whole shell thing actually, cause although it was explained to me, I still don't really get it. And I don't really think that any of the new peeps (characters) are shells anyway so..."

well... a person didnt really start that. It says it in Ansems reports. here is a Quote form one: "...cast off by the heart, a mere shell..." and in Final Mix, the unknown u fight in Hollow Bastion says: "I am...a mere shell" so thats sort of what got it started. hope i cleared that up for ya ^^


New member
Mar 20, 2005
Luminara =>Who started with the whole shell thing actually, cause although it was explained to me, I still don't really get it. And I don't really think that any of the new peeps (characters) are shells anyway so

SorasKingdom =>well... a person didnt really start that. It says it in Ansems reports. here is a Quote form one: "...cast off by the heart, a mere shell..." and in Final Mix, the unknown u fight in Hollow Bastion says: "I am...a mere shell" so thats sort of what got it started. hope i cleared that up for ya

Luminara And I, don't know much about the Final Mix...
Thanx For clearing that up :)
It does make a bit sense know, from how this thing started:cool:


New member
Mar 28, 2005
in a tree, like everybody! dhu!
tnx Soraskingdom, well I haven't really finished the game yet, but tnx to Kizzy up there, I got totally addicted to the game. But so I don't know all the reports and definetly didn't play the final mix so that kinda sucks. Still I don't think that the 2 sentences you give, give the fact that there would be shells I mean, these two are actually more expressions( it's actually two times the same thing, a mere shell)

But well, there are theories about every little thing so of course there is a theorie about this too! hihi

Ultima Monkey

New member
Mar 20, 2005
New York City
Yeah, the theory about BHK being a shell is sort of twisted since one would definately need a heart to weirld a keyblade(shells don't have hearts) and the BHK might have a pretty strong heart since he can weild two. Yeah, I think it's possible for Riku to still wield a Keyblade(he is the true owner right!) but then what about the Soul Eater(I haven't played CoM yet so someone just explain.)\
I like Tre'CoolFreak13's theory about the Oathkeeper keychain. That is really possible! :D


New member
Mar 20, 2005
Tre'Coolfreak13 said:
Thought-Maybe a Keyblade doesn't have to have a "certain" keychain to take a different form. Maybe it's the symbol of what the keychain meant. Remember, Sora made a promise to Kairi when she gave him her lucky charm. Thus he made an "Oath" to her. Sora, who is a boy/man of his word intends to "Keep" this "Oath" to Kairi, thus transorming his Keyblade into the Oathkeeper. So, BHK could have made a promise to someone, possibly Namine'. How the others have a symbol I'm not sure. The only one I can think up would be the Jungle King, which was a symbol of Sora and Tarzan's friendship. Another thought is that BHK has a VERY strong heart, like Sora's, and everyone knows that only a person with a strong heart can weild a Kayblade. But, maybe BHK has an exceptionaly strong heart, and can mold his Keyblades into the forms he wants. I remember reading somewhere that Keyblades are also made of hearts, similar to Riku's, who's was made by the first six Princess' of Heart. But that's just me!

Like Coolfreak said,...
It might be possible, I never really thought about it...
but the keyblades are given or found in several different occasions so that makes it possible to change your keyblade's form without an actual keychain...
only if you have a strong heart, though


New member
Mar 20, 2005
Yeah, i've seen other things...
i read somewhere that he might have killed another keyblade barrier and got his key, i mean that's stupid....
so i'll stick to the strong heart thing...


Silver Member
Oct 13, 2004
Why would you believe in something that has been proven wrong more than 50 times. The BHK can not be a shell because shells don't have hearts. And you need a heart to wield a keyblade and a pretty strong one to wield 2. Plus Sora has a physical form....si he has a shell or else he would be like Ansem in the beginning of KH. But atlas...you believe that the BHK is Sora's shell.

And once again, Ultima Money just proved the shell theory wrong....

Also: It's FACT that shells don't have hearts. It's FACT that you need a heart to wield a keyblade. It's FACT you must have a strong heart to wield a keyblade. So how can the BHK be a shell when you have those FACTS proving he's not?

And I was calling you a liar because of this:

Originally Posted by Ultima Monkey
What about Namine's charm that everybody keeps bringing up? Does that have anything to do with it?

No it doesnt. <- You.

Namine's charm does have something to do with: "Many ppl including me are overlooking the fact that there are many keychains. But that doesn't explain different versions of the same keyblade. Maybe Namine gave BHK his own Oathkeeper keychain." Posted by cloud@omnislash. People believe the Oathkeeper keychain that the BHK has is from Namine and may be the same one that she made from CoM.

kl you need an aditude adjustment

That's nice.

kl u dont know all the answers to every thing... and calling ppl n00bs just because its not what u wanna here is totally out of line. and BHK did have 2 Keyblades still, it was oathkeeper and possibly the inverterted Kingdom key.

I never said i did know the answers to everything. But atleast I have the patience to look up stuff before I just post stuff without checking if theres already an answer to it. And I don't call everyone n00bs because they say stuff I don't want to hear. The inverted Kingdom Key is Mickey's keyblade. The DWU has the Oathkeeper and Oblivion and so does the BHK.

KL, I'm sorry to say this, but you kinda need an attitude adjustment. You can't just call everybody who disagrees with you a nOOb or something. Who knows, maybe in the end your the nOOb! Anyway, like the 2above everybody has his/her own theories and it's only fair that everybody can tell them!

It's ok and I don't call everyone who disagrees with me a n00b. I disagree with ~NGD OMEGA~ a lot of times but i don't call him a n00b. Ummm....ok....


New member
Mar 20, 2005
.:KL:. said:
Why would you believe in something that has been proven wrong more than 50 times. The BHK can not be a shell because shells don't have hearts. And you need a heart to wield a keyblade and a pretty strong one to wield 2. Plus Sora has a physical form....si he has a shell or else he would be like Ansem in the beginning of KH. But atlas...you believe that the BHK is Sora's shell.

And once again, Ultima Money just proved the shell theory wrong....

Also: It's FACT that shells don't have hearts. It's FACT that you need a heart to wield a keyblade. It's FACT you must have a strong heart to wield a keyblade. So how can the BHK be a shell when you have those FACTS proving he's not?

And I was calling you a liar because of this:

Originally Posted by Ultima Monkey
What about Namine's charm that everybody keeps bringing up? Does that have anything to do with it?

No it doesnt. <- You.

Namine's charm does have something to do with: "Many ppl including me are overlooking the fact that there are many keychains. But that doesn't explain different versions of the same keyblade. Maybe Namine gave BHK his own Oathkeeper keychain." Posted by cloud@omnislash. People believe the Oathkeeper keychain that the BHK has is from Namine and may be the same one that she made from CoM.

kl you need an aditude adjustment

That's nice.

kl u dont know all the answers to every thing... and calling ppl n00bs just because its not what u wanna here is totally out of line. and BHK did have 2 Keyblades still, it was oathkeeper and possibly the inverterted Kingdom key.

I never said i did know the answers to everything. But atleast I have the patience to look up stuff before I just post stuff without checking if theres already an answer to it. And I don't call everyone n00bs because they say stuff I don't want to hear. The inverted Kingdom Key is Mickey's keyblade. The DWU has the Oathkeeper and Oblivion and so does the BHK.

KL, I'm sorry to say this, but you kinda need an attitude adjustment. You can't just call everybody who disagrees with you a nOOb or something. Who knows, maybe in the end your the nOOb! Anyway, like the 2above everybody has his/her own theories and it's only fair that everybody can tell them!

It's ok and I don't call everyone who disagrees with me a n00b. I disagree with ~NGD OMEGA~ a lot of times but i don't call him a n00b. Ummm....ok....

Thanx for clearing that up...
And the thing is, I don't believe the shell thing
it seems kinda odd
i know it's in the ansem reports but still it seems pretty weird
and i know too that if there are any shells BHK isn't one of them...
cause you can't wield a keyblade without a heart...
and i'm still sure about the fact that DWU and BHK are one and the same person...
but as you can see in the DD/ASAS he throws his oblivion towards Riku and gets another sort of kingdom key in exchange...


The Random Rabbit
Mar 23, 2005
Noting that sanity is a point of view... Mine is s
question kl, is it possible for you to shoot down our theorys and still be nice, or do they come in a package, cause so far when i see the posts you write you have a tendancy to be right and rude! please work on your people skills because while i can't speak for everyone, i feel it wouldn't kill you to be nicer!


New member
Mar 20, 2005
so now you are saying that if you hate the theory, you hate the person who wrote it too?
That's insane...
Then you might hate me too because of something...


Silver Member
Oct 13, 2004
Umm why would I hate you?

Ex) if you've been here since March 2004, have over a 1000 post, and then post the BHK is Tidus then I won't be nice.
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