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Anyone else happy that....

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New member
Jun 19, 2009
this is the first game where the last boss doesn't include a form which is like a moving battleship or a building sized armor? don't get me wrong, not that i didnt like fighting the other ones.

but theres just something about these boss battles that i like more. not to mention this is the really the first games where keyblade users are fighting each other so much. its intense!

if i were to pick my most memorable fight out of the other games though it would have to be kh. sora vs dark riku. what do you guys think? like the 1 on 1 feel?


New member
Nov 25, 2009
Windsor Ontario. Don't ever visit XD
this is the first game where the last boss doesn't include a form which is like a moving battleship or a building sized armor? don't get me wrong, not that i didnt like fighting the other ones.

but theres just something about these boss battles that i like more. not to mention this is the really the first games where keyblade users are fighting each other so much. its intense!

if i were to pick my most memorable fight out of the other games though it would have to be kh. sora vs dark riku. what do you guys think? like the 1 on 1 feel?

in general i think i have to agree with you. from what i have seen so far BBS' bosses seem to be rather small in comparison the ones from the past(ie ground shaker, storm rider, ursula etc) especially the last bosses from the games. i must say there is something really disappointing about that. but i always did like that after killing the giant nobody dragon and xemnas on his throne that you fight a more human form two on one. so i think i will appreciate this aspect of the game.

actually the only thing that disappoints me on the new last bosses is that even though each stories last enemy is "different" from the other ones there are still a lot of similarities. like terra's(LS) last boss was terranort but in the last chapter you fight him again with aqua. granted i think his second form with the guardian is pretty sweet but its still the "same guy" and even though ventus's last boss is vanitas and aqua's was ventus they both are essentially the same person(since vanitas was in control of ventus's body) and they both fought with the X-blade. however that being said i couldn't actually imagine their last bosses being anything else than what they are since each boss had a lot of meaning. i guess im just complaining for nothing :p

my most memorable boss fight was xigbar. everyone had "warned me" that xaldin was the most difficult of the org battles but xigbar killed me way more times than xaldin ever did. so i remember his pre battle speech really well after seeing it so many times(i rarely bothered to skip the scene) lol. hopefully braig wont give me as much trouble :p


spams bombs, not posts
Dec 22, 2007
Scepter (Marluxia's "guardian nobody") wasn't all too big either though. In CoM, Scepter seemed to be only a few times Sora's size and Re: CoM's version.. err.. never mind I said that, but if you don't care for Days spoilers anymore, take a gander at this..

Spoiler Spoiler Show


New member
Jun 19, 2009
Scepter (Marluxia's "guardian nobody") wasn't all too big either though. In CoM, Scepter seemed to be only a few times Sora's size and Re: CoM's version.. err.. never mind I said that, but if you don't care for Days spoilers anymore, take a gander at this..

Spoiler Spoiler Show

well TECHNICALLY ur right. but rly, i didnt consider him the last boss there, it was more of an ending to the game.


New member
Nov 25, 2009
Windsor Ontario. Don't ever visit XD
Scepter (Marluxia's "guardian nobody") wasn't all too big either though. In CoM, Scepter seemed to be only a few times Sora's size and Re: CoM's version.. err.. never mind I said that, but if you don't care for Days spoilers anymore, take a gander at this..

Spoiler Spoiler Show

well as you kinda already stated the final boss of Re:com was rather big and i think most consider the change in events from re:com canon. however even if one doesn't yes the specter wasn't all that large but if you consider the limitations from the GBA it couldn't have been that big. also it does resemble a "battle ship" per se and you do have to jump on its back and "ride" it in order to beat marluxia.

well TECHNICALLY ur right. but rly, i didnt consider him the last boss there, it was more of an ending to the game.

i have to agree its kinda like the ending of the original final fantasy 7 the true final boss was safer sephiroth but after you beat him you still have to fight sephiroth in his normal(albeit shirtless :p) form. however in the second fight i think its almost impossible to lose(unless you try) since it will give you the option of using clouds ultimate attack against him which ends the fight in your favor.

the obvious difference is that riku is still a "boss" who is capable of defeating you however i found(and im sure others have as well) that after xion riku wasn't much of a challenge at all. the game just had to end there because from the beginning we all knew how it was going to end...


New member
Jan 12, 2010
I like the fact that the final boss is not a huge gaint ship monster it adds a sense of how the fight should actualy be.


New member
Jun 16, 2009
I do and dont. The massive boss makes go "Holy shit I have to fight that!" it really displays the strengh of the characters, like when sora was casually cutting apart buildings against Xemnas.

But the one on one duel with the other characters, made it feel more personal. You have one opponent before, one obstacle to overcome. You must not be defeated. Its adds a different kind of tension.


New member
Nov 25, 2006
i liek both actually the big bosses r like omg (like some1 above psoted ) whiel the smaller bosses (like ansem sod) make u strategize more


New member
Sep 7, 2008
if i were to pick my most memorable fight out of the other games though it would have to be kh. sora vs dark riku.
out of all the fights in KH1 this is one i will forever remember, beside Ursula (2nd time when she's big) he was the frickin hardest for me to beat. Hearing that darn cut scene over and over i had that thing memorized and could leave the room and come back just listening to the lines lol. My most memorable fight was Ursula I literally was shaking after i FINALLY beat her the very first time.

everyone had "warned me" that xaldin was the most difficult of the org battles but xigbar killed me way more times than xaldin ever did.
Xigbar was actually pretty easy, god i got mutilated by Xaldin I don't know HOW many times @.@ that dude just pissed me off....lol


New member
Nov 25, 2009
Windsor Ontario. Don't ever visit XD
out of all the fights in KH1 this is one i will forever remember, beside Ursula (2nd time when she's big) he was the frickin hardest for me to beat. Hearing that darn cut scene over and over i had that thing memorized and could leave the room and come back just listening to the lines lol. My most memorable fight was Ursula I literally was shaking after i FINALLY beat her the very first time.

Xigbar was actually pretty easy, god i got mutilated by Xaldin I don't know HOW many times @.@ that dude just pissed me off....lol

its kinda ironic i guess, big ursula was easy for me because i didn't understand the concept of battle level for each world on my first play through so after monstro i did halloween town and then neverland before going back for atlantica. as a result captain hook gave me some trouble but ursula wasn't that bad.

however i do feel your pain because when i did my second play through i did everything in the "right" order and ursula gave me a TON of trouble. also on my first play through i did OC after deep jungle so cerberus wasn't that tricky either however once again on my second play through he was much more difficult.

as for the xigbar/xaldin scenario i can't figure it out. one of my friends who doesn't play video games as much as me and didn't even play the first kingdom hearts had no trouble at xigbar either(oddly she got stuck at luxord, go figure) even though it was petty it was a serious kick to my ego at the time. on all subsequent play through's i have had very little trouble against xigbar but man that first time going through he murdered me so many times that i lost count. xaldin "killed" me once. the second time i tried i was killed but mickey saved me and i managed to win

i guess different people have different experiences *shrugs*

Oracle Spockanort

written in the stars
Staff member
Jul 13, 2008
KH1 massive ship sized characters were fun. KH2 massive ship sized Xemnas wasn't fun. Just kinda like "Why am I fight this giant dragon engine/internal core/FLYING DRAGON THAT SHOULDN'T BE FLING BECAUSE I DESTROYED YOUR CORE AND ENGINE! GOD THIS IS POINTLESS AND EASY!"

CoM was fun. Marluxia's JENOVA looking thing was fun to fight in Re:CoM.

I wish the King was the final boss in KH2 though..

But BBS's final bosses and final final boss are simple, but a gamer really wants sometimes.


Mar 4, 2006
1000000 BC
The giant boss fights r fuckin ez XD
I prefer the man-to-man style too.

my fave boss fight is RIku vs Replica Riku in the original CoM (never played Re: CoM)

Ventus Air-Man

Nov 6, 2009
this is the first game where the last boss doesn't include a form which is like a moving battleship or a building sized armor? don't get me wrong, not that i didnt like fighting the other ones.

but theres just something about these boss battles that i like more. not to mention this is the really the first games where keyblade users are fighting each other so much. its intense!

if i were to pick my most memorable fight out of the other games though it would have to be kh. sora vs dark riku. what do you guys think? like the 1 on 1 feel?

I sort of do. Some of the giant boss battles were pretty fun, but the one in KH2 was not, at all.
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