In the nation of Avalon, we find ourselves. The government has made many unpopular decisions, as of late. Heightened taxes for the poor, subjugation of minorities, and the occasional disappearing of political opponents of the ruling party. This situation… people thought that it could lead to something. Something enormous… something terrible… though no one quite knew what it was. Some folks did in fact remember books that had spoken of situations like these… but, they couldn’t find them in any libraries, and book-stores were government run. Yes, things seemed… interesting, to say the least. And they just kept getting more and more interesting by the day.
Of course, as you would expect, people found many, many things to complain about. The government didn’t like that, so they soon worked out to share their opinions in secret. As each group of people grew and grew, silently gathering to discuss the government, using absurd meeting places, and often being toppled by minor slip-ups on the part of members, two men appeared. They called themselves “Elizabethans”. They did not share their faces, but both were charismatic, idealistic leaders. These men began rounding up the smaller groups, and used apparently massive funds to ensure that no one gave them away. They paid for training, they supplied weapons, and they supplied alibis. Somehow, these two men managed to gather a massive group of well-trained guerillas, and loosed them on the government.
As time went on, they were inspiring more and more citizens to join them, and thanks to the masterful tactical planning of their leaders, deaths remained relatively small. The only problem was that they couldn’t cover major ground without a post in the military.
Well, that, and one of them was dead.
Enter our two “Heroes”, going under the names of Millions Schwartz and Viscount Baskerville. As our story begins, Baskerville has just been found dead. And many people suspect Schwartz. As it goes, the two had rather… polarizing effects on the people in the group. Many favoured Baskerville’s more aggressive strategies, and others were more in favour of Schwartz’s slow-but-steady infiltration tactics. And, of course, this had brought the two men into conflict many times, but they had always appeared to keep things together for the sake of the “Elizabethans”. Now, however, many are unsure. Baskerville’s true loyalists want proof against Schwartz, those who intend to use his name to wrest power from Schwartz want his head, Schwartz himself wants answers, and the opportunity to regain control of the group as an effective force, and all the while the Avalon government hopes to wipe them out during their dip in activity… though they still don’t know quite what.
This is where you all come in.
I know this seems like it would probably be well suited to some form other than roleplay… but where’s the fun in it all if I know what’s going to happen?
This roleplay, as I intend it, will cover, initially, the time after Baskerville’s death. If it manages to last long enough, we may cover some of the time beforehand. Though I hope for several installments in this, each fairly short in comparison to many roleplays with long installments, such as Organization XV, there is a good chance we will only see one installment, in which we will roleplay from the point of view of the “Elizabethans”, in their ongoing quest to make sense of their selves… and topple the government, of course.
Now, I’m not good with the smaller details, so I’d like to know, before continuing work, if there’s anyone who’d like to help with working such things out. By smaller details, I mean: Locations, government and “Elizabethan” power structure, building layouts, and the type of technology involved. I will admit, though this is a fairly old idea, I have not fleshed it out much. That said, I honestly liked it enough to give it a chance at life, so here’s hoping it catches someone’s eye, hmm?
Well then… onward to… the beginning, I hope!
Of course, as you would expect, people found many, many things to complain about. The government didn’t like that, so they soon worked out to share their opinions in secret. As each group of people grew and grew, silently gathering to discuss the government, using absurd meeting places, and often being toppled by minor slip-ups on the part of members, two men appeared. They called themselves “Elizabethans”. They did not share their faces, but both were charismatic, idealistic leaders. These men began rounding up the smaller groups, and used apparently massive funds to ensure that no one gave them away. They paid for training, they supplied weapons, and they supplied alibis. Somehow, these two men managed to gather a massive group of well-trained guerillas, and loosed them on the government.
As time went on, they were inspiring more and more citizens to join them, and thanks to the masterful tactical planning of their leaders, deaths remained relatively small. The only problem was that they couldn’t cover major ground without a post in the military.
Well, that, and one of them was dead.
Enter our two “Heroes”, going under the names of Millions Schwartz and Viscount Baskerville. As our story begins, Baskerville has just been found dead. And many people suspect Schwartz. As it goes, the two had rather… polarizing effects on the people in the group. Many favoured Baskerville’s more aggressive strategies, and others were more in favour of Schwartz’s slow-but-steady infiltration tactics. And, of course, this had brought the two men into conflict many times, but they had always appeared to keep things together for the sake of the “Elizabethans”. Now, however, many are unsure. Baskerville’s true loyalists want proof against Schwartz, those who intend to use his name to wrest power from Schwartz want his head, Schwartz himself wants answers, and the opportunity to regain control of the group as an effective force, and all the while the Avalon government hopes to wipe them out during their dip in activity… though they still don’t know quite what.
This is where you all come in.
I know this seems like it would probably be well suited to some form other than roleplay… but where’s the fun in it all if I know what’s going to happen?
This roleplay, as I intend it, will cover, initially, the time after Baskerville’s death. If it manages to last long enough, we may cover some of the time beforehand. Though I hope for several installments in this, each fairly short in comparison to many roleplays with long installments, such as Organization XV, there is a good chance we will only see one installment, in which we will roleplay from the point of view of the “Elizabethans”, in their ongoing quest to make sense of their selves… and topple the government, of course.
Now, I’m not good with the smaller details, so I’d like to know, before continuing work, if there’s anyone who’d like to help with working such things out. By smaller details, I mean: Locations, government and “Elizabethan” power structure, building layouts, and the type of technology involved. I will admit, though this is a fairly old idea, I have not fleshed it out much. That said, I honestly liked it enough to give it a chance at life, so here’s hoping it catches someone’s eye, hmm?
Well then… onward to… the beginning, I hope!