wow :/
I'm happy 'bout that , because i'm german , too . I dont understand , why people are overreacting .Just because we get it , we haven't even got RE:CoM .
Four online modes for up to 6 players
Hmm interesting.......
why do they get all the cool stuff?
Yeah! the PAL fans need RE:CoM!!!!!
The west blows.
EDIT: We need to realize that Kingdom Hearts has its sales in NA and Japan as the biggest. NA doesn't -need- exclusives because we already have such huge sales on the game alone. However in Germany, I'm sure they need to give people a reason to buy their shti. I'm completely guessing on this call to reason, also.
omg idea!!!!
Maybe RE:CoM for the PSP comes with this for us PAL fans! Anyone agree? Everybody wins!
To everyone who thinks it's so mean that Germany (and probably the rest of PAL, too) gets a Collector's Edition: It's only fair. You guys in America get your own dub. We have to live with that, even though we got local dubs for both Kingdom Hearts I and II. Yet you complain about how bad the English dub may be. You guys even got Re:Chain of Memories, while nobody in the PAL territories was able to play it. Yet you complain about us getting some bonus materials which a.) don't affect the game itself not at all and b.) we have to pay for. Don't you realize that this art book is most probably just a collection of already released render graph
The Collector's Edition is not a pre-order bonus; it's Square Enix's excuse for not giving us a local dub which we all wanted.
It's kinda weird... My first post in this forum is complaining about complaining people.
I like how most of the american fans sound really kinda whiny and selfish when it comes to an art book that you can buy off of ebay by itself once it comes out probably. I am an american and this is what i have to say. AMERICAN FANS NEED TO SHUT UP BECAUSE EU AND PAL ONLY GOT TO GAMES DUBBED FOR THEM AND THEY DIDNT GET RECOM
They don't need to. KH doesn't need a pre order bonus to rack over 1 million per title.
I agree with all the comments about American fans being whiney.
Did we get any FMs in Europe? No.
RE:CoM (Theres still a chance, not a big one but) Nope.
So seriously American fans, look at it from our point of few, we have to put up with all of you going on about how awesome the FMs and Re:CoM is, meanwhile the all we can do is tell you to shut up.
I agree with all the comments about American fans being whiney.
Did we get any FMs in Europe? No.
Honestly, I do feel bad for this but it isnt really worth it. Even if you imported it it would still be a bit of a waste of money.RE:CoM (Theres still a chance, not a big one but) Nope.
So seriously American fans, look at it from our point of few, we have to put up with all of you going on about how awesome the FMs and Re:CoM is, meanwhile the all we can do is tell you to shut up.