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BbS Ultimania "Plot Mysteries" Nomura interview

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Jun 12, 2009
Hey guys! I picked up the Ultimania a few hours ago, so we should have a whooooole bunch of images and information up very soon. To begin with, here's the first of three major interviews in the book.

I tried to get through this pretty fast so let me know if anything is unclear. Also, the quotes are translations of the Japanese text - I didn't bother to look up the exact equivalent lines from the English versions of respective games.


Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep


In this title, where our eyes are apt to be drawn to points that elucidate the mysteries of the past, it is by no means easy to grasp the full details of the story. As usual, we've gone after Mr. Nomura with the questions from the game that have been simmering away. (Interviewer: Yuuko Oono)

-- Considering the conversation between Sora and Ventus in the ending of the Last Episode, is this saying that the "just-born heart" that Ventus connects with in the opening is Sora's?

Nomura: Yes. At first we supposed that it could be Sora before he was born, but because of opinions from overseas that "the heart doesn't exist until after birth", we discarded that portrayal.

-- Ventus awakens with Sora's help, but at first his eyes are blank, and when he first meets Terra and Aqua he falls asleep under their barrage of questions.

Nomura: At that time, although Ventus has awakened, his heart is not fully formed. The imagery is the same as the first week after Roxas entered the organisation in "KH Days", when he was spacing out.

-- This time we saw a "rite of succession"* - is that a required condition for becoming a Keyblade user?

Nomura: That's essentially correct. In terms of the rite itself, the successee* just has to make the successor grasp their Keyblade - if this rite is performed by a Keyblade Master, and if they have suitable power, the Keyblade will choose that person as a Keyblade user, and appear before them. Terra, Ventus, all have passed this rite. Sora is the only exception.

-- The Keyblade succession can only be performed by a Keyblade Master, but we see Terra performing this rite with Riku - does this mean we can consider Terra a Keyblade Master?

Nomura: No. Terra was not awarded that title by his Master Eraqus, so no matter how Master Xehanort flatters him he is not a Keyblade Master. But that's just a matter of whether or not he's achieved the official title. Even Eraqus recognised that Terra possessed suitable power to be a Master, which is why he was able to perform the rite for Riku.

-- In Aqua's chapter, on the Destiny Islands, was Aqua originally intending to perform the Keyblade rite for Sora or Riku?

Nomura: Yes. When Aqua met Sora and Riku, she was on the point of realising that she may end up having to fight Terra. At that point she was going to perform the rite of succession for Sora, but realised that Terra had already performed the rite for Riku. Not wanting sora and Riku to end up fighting like she and Terra in the future, she didn't perform the rite for Sora. This is the meaning behind her murmurs that "One must not get too close to a chosen one," and "I must not make them walk the same path." When she tells Sora he must save Riku if he ends up walking the wrong path, she's projecting her own thoughts onto Sora.

-- By the time of "KHI", have Sora, Riku and Kairi forgotten about Terra and Aqua?

Nomura: That's right. In "KHI" Kairi herself says that she's lost all her previous memories, that she "doesn't remember anything before coming to the Destiny Islands", and it would be pretty easy for Sora to forget. After all, I think for a child of 4 or 5 years old to remember a person they met only once and exchanged just a few words with would be quite unnatural. Only Riku, who was told by Terra "Don't tell anything of today to anyone," may simply be keeping quiet.

-- If Terra wasn't the one who stole Aurora's heart in his chapter, who actually did steal it?

Nomura: It was Master Xehanort and Maleficent. In "KHI" it was shown that beings of darkness like Maleficent and the Heartless are able to steal people's hearts. The theory is that Terra, who has light residing in his heart, is not a being of darkness and therefore didn't steal Aurora's heart.

-- Who is the hero "similar to Terra" that Zack aspires to be like?

Nomura: As in the original game, it's Sephiroth. In "KHI FM" and "KHII" Sephiroth was portrayed as a being of darkness, but at the time of "KH BbS" we don't know whether or not he was a being of darkness.

-- What's the meaning behind the several puzzling images in Terra's chapter where we cross over into his mind?

Nomura: Firstly, when he hears the name of the masked boy from Master Xehanort at the mysterious wasteland, and we see an image of Aqua and Ventus defeated, that's a hint of the future. On the Destiny Islands, when he makes Riku his successor, he has a special view of him and catches a glimpse of his future. However, this isn't to say that Terra has the ability to see the future - it was a directive nuance intended to portray the future connection between Terra and Riku.

-- Was Master Xehanort the one who delivered the final blow to Master Eraqus?

Nomura: Because it was necessary to avoid showing such a cruel scene, it's difficult to tell from the presentation, but that's right. Terra saw this happen right in front of his eyes, so when he realised at the Keyblade Graveyard that Master Xehanort intends to harm Ventus and Aqua, this drives him to anger, saying, "Not only my father Eraqus..."* As an aside, although he says "my father", and we see from Eraqus' words that he thinks of Terra like a son, Terra and Eraqus are not actually father and son. Also, in his final moments Eraqus falls towards Terra - an important meaning is hidden in this scene.

-- In a memory scene in Ventus' chapter, we see Master Xehanort send Neoshadow Heartless after Ventus. But the Heartless only appeared in the world of light at the time Ansem Report 1 from "KHI" was written - were Ansem the Wise's student Xehanort's experiments with darkness not his first?

Nomura: As Yen Sid says in "KHII", the Heartless cannot be separated from the darkness in people's hearts, and have been around for a long time. Beings of darkness can draw out the darkness in the heart, so Master Xehanort could summon the Neoshadows with his own hands. In the same way, when Xehanort and Ansem the Wise's students begin to perform the first experiments on the darkness of the heart, artificial Heartless were created in large numbers.

-- In this title, the dark influence of the Heartless isn't breaking down the walls between worlds, so in this period before Gummi Ships, why are Donald and Goofy able to travel to the Mysterious Tower?

Nomura: You can think of it as being thanks to Yen Sid, and also because the Mysterious Tower is a loophole world in the first place, so it comes under slightly different rules than the ones that connect the other worlds. By the way, when Donald and Goofy visit the Mysterious Tower in "KHII", they say "Isn't this tower strange!" even though they know it from "KH BbS". This is because the floors are constructed differently to the previous time they visited, which is strange (laughs).

-- Are the Unversed of a similar nature to the Heartless?

Nomura: That's right. The Heartless are born from the darkness of the heart, and Unversed are born from negative emotions, so you can call them relatives (laughs). To make them fundamentally similar, we made the designs similar. However there's one difference in that the Heartless are seeking hearts, whereas the Unversed behave according to Vanitas' will, and emotionally. For example, the Flood portray feelings of irritation.

-- In "KHI" when Sora stabs the "Keyblade of people's hearts" into himself to release his heart and Kairi's, Sora's Heartless and Nobody were born. When Master Xehanort and Terra:Xehanort stab themselves with the Keyblade, were his and Terra's Nobodies not created?

Nomura: That is not yet clear. However I will say that the fixed sentiment that remained just after Master Xehanort stabbed himself with the Keyblade was not a Heartless.

-- When Vanitas calls Aqua a "spare", is he talking about raw materials for making a χ-blade?

Nomura: Yes. She was a "spare" prepared in case Ventus did not survive the fusion process with Vanitas. Aqua was recognised by Eraqus as a legitimate Keyblade Master who viewed light as absolute, and holds a strong heart of light. So if Ventus were to fail she could have been used as material for the χ-blade.

-- Comparing the Organisation members when they were human to when they were in the Organisation, apart from Xehanort, only Isa and Braig have differently-shaped ears and differently-coloured eyes - why is this?

Nomura: It's a question of whether or not they're deeply connected to Xehanort. In Braig's case, comparing the scene where he's injured in his battle with Terra and flares up at Xehanort, his appearance afterwards changes, which hints that something happened with Xehanort in between.

-- Roxas, the "Sora + Ventus" Nobody, was able to use a Keyblade. In contrast Xemnas, the "Terra + Master Xehanort" Nobody, wasn't able to use a Keyblade. Why is this?

Nomura: I'd rather that point remain a mystery. It's possible that he intentionally wasn't using one.

-- In "KHI", the robed man, Ansem the Wise's apprentice Xehanort's Heartless (the body of Xehanort's Heartless before he inhabited Riku's body), appeared on the Destiny Islands. Is this because it was Master Xehanort's homeworld?

Nomura: That may be one reason, but if he somehow had some of Terra's memories, we can consider that it might be because he had laid eyes on Riku previously. In terms of the elements of Terra and Master Xehanort, I think the questions of how their power is related and divided, as well as who has whose memories and heart, will become a key to the story* after this one.

-- Is that to say that there's a possibility that within Xehanort's Heartless, the darkness that sleeps in Riku's heart, there might remain something of Terra...?

Nomura: That's also a riddle connected to the next story,* so everyone please use your imagination.

* Refers to Terra's interaction with Riku on Destiny Islands.

* Yes, I know successee isn't a word. But the same word stem is used for the successor and the one-who-is-succeeded here in Japanese, and I wanted to convey that.

* The quote is unfinished in the Japanese text, but the way it's phrased makes it clear that he means something like, "So not only did you kill Eraqus, now you intend to do the same to my friends." Just thought I'd add a note in case it wasn't clear in English.

* Story or stories. Japanese doesn't generally distinguish singular and plural nouns.


nothing ever ends
Jan 30, 2009
The thing that makes me apprehensive, is that there are a lot of potemtials for a really bad mistranslation with the north american version.


spams bombs, not posts
Dec 22, 2007
Damn.. now I want to know how a Vantias-possessed Aqua would of sounded and looked like. The fact that MX summoned those heartless because he was a being of darkness explains that part for me. Actually, this explains a lot for me, so far.

Memory Master

Gold Member
Nov 28, 2008
So all the information about which incarnation of Xehanort has whose heart and whose memories and the mystery behind why MX and Terra didn't create nobodies is going to be one of the focuses of future games?

Thank goodness they are going to answer that.

Also i'm glad they answered why Donald and Goofy didn't seem to remember Yen Sid's tower, it was because the lay out of the tower was different.

And thank you Nomura for confirming that no one remembers TAV because they wouldn't remember some strangers they met once 10 years ago.


I'm the darkness within the shadows
Apr 20, 2009
thanks krexia.

can someone makes this clear for me. is this the whole interview? AND is this the only interview in ultimania or are we getting more???


Active member
Jun 9, 2006
In your nightmares!
And thank you Nomura for confirming that no one remembers TAV because they wouldn't remember some strangers they met once 10 years ago.

With the exception of possibly Riku, which makes me happy.


Jun 12, 2009
can someone makes this clear for me. is this the whole interview? AND is this the only interview in ultimania or are we getting more???
This is the whole of this interview. There's one more interview with Nomura, and another with two of the other staff.


Apr 17, 2007
thanks krexia.

can someone makes this clear for me. is this the whole interview? AND is this the only interview in ultimania or are we getting more???

Ultimania is 600 pages long. This is just the interview from the mysteries page. There are other interviews.


I'm the darkness within the shadows
Apr 20, 2009
i see. thank you very much for making it clear. hope to see the other interviews soon!.


The Death Alchemist
Jul 21, 2004
awesome information
thanks for the translations
I look forward to seeing what else comes out of this
reading this stuff makes me really excited for the next game

Zero Sora

Now comes with 50% more bullshit
Apr 7, 2005
Hmm, nothing too revealing yet. It's all just stuff we suspected.


I'm the darkness within the shadows
Apr 20, 2009
are you guys going to translated the staff interview? or is it pointless with no info??? Dx

Winter the Wise

New member
Dec 27, 2008
Your House.
Nomura: It's a question of whether or not they're deeply connected to Xehanort. In Braig's case, comparing the scene where he's injured in his battle with Terra and flares up at Xehanort, his appearance afterwards changes, which hints that something happened with Xehanort in between.

I can understand Braig's case pretty clearly, but...


*angry Isa fangirl RAGE*


"... because of opinions from overseas..."

Awesome, so he actually listens to his fans. Wicked.

thanks krexia.

can someone makes this clear for me. is this the whole interview? AND is this the only interview in ultimania or are we getting more???
I answer your quote with yet another quote.

the first of three major interviews in the book.


Thanks, it was a good read.

Still when he goes "that's still a mystery" it's annoying. After seeing BBS we know when he says that it's often the most obvious, simple explanation. Why didn't Xemnas use a keyblade? I'd say he just forgot, Nomura really likes to weasel mysteriousness in his answers.
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