They're called PSP graphics.Is it just me or do the graphics look odd.
For all you know it is the exact same person, just playing it less "bad-ass" seeing as how the scenes she is in in this trailer aren't really ones that require bad-assedness.Also Aqua's voice w.t.f.!!!!!!! Gone is the bad-ass young woman's voice. She sounds so freaking girly!!! Why Enix why!! Goddamn she sounds like any other Kairi, Namine wannabe now. Please bring her old voice back nomura!!!! :angry:![]()
As far as you know.Not only did Xigbar know Ven so did Vexen, Lexaues, and Xaldin as humans, and yet they didn't bat an eye at Roxas who looks just like the little key-blader they knew 10 years ago.