But Nomura has denied the fact of a BBSFM for a while now.
Now he is just lie LOLOJK GAIZ FM FOR U
i dont think he denied it, he just didnt want to make any commenets about it.
But Nomura has denied the fact of a BBSFM for a while now.
Now he is just lie LOLOJK GAIZ FM FOR U
Exactly why i wrote that >.> He went through 2 reporters that asked him if he was going to make a FM He said no to all of them and now that all the Japanese comments come in hes all like ok FM!But Nomura has denied the fact of a BBSFM for a while now.
Now he is just lie LOLOJK GAIZ FM FOR U
Im so pissed
Do you think that possibly they might put the new arena as DLC
So basically they deny everyone a Pinocchio world (Ya, I remember when everyone wanted that world.) But they gave us-....no..they gave Japanese kids a used world that should have stayed and died in KH1. (I mean it wasn't a bad world in kh1, but I'm just glad they stopped using it after kh:com.)
I am sad.
Nomura pwned us again.
'Bout time we get to see Eraqus using his complete armor.