Oh my god.
KH fans are so hard to please. Ugh. x_x;
The box art is awesome. Everyone's complaining for so many lame reasons.
1. "We've seen it before!"
Yeah, we've seen this art...AS THE BOX ART. It was revealed like a few weeks ago, right? That was the first time I ever saw this artwork ON THE BOX, and everyone was saying "Well this may not be the official box artwork lolololol," looks like you guys should open your eyes a bit.
2. "It's squished/cramped/etc.!"
No it's not; in fact, there's a whole freakin' white space there. I love how the three worlds blend together.
3. "It's not KH-esque!"
Yes it is. It's KH style to have all of the characters cramped together, with the possible exception of the KH2: Final Mix box art.
It's not perfect; I want diZ and Namine on it. But hey, whatever, it looks really cool.