Frootz Cat is gonna be a must at the end with all his Hp and attack hastes and such.
You know, I'm really hesitant with Frootz Cat. Frootz Cat doesn't give you any HP boosts to start, but she does give you all 5 Attack and Magic Hastes (which are amazing) along with both a Reload Boost (the Support Boost is permanent upon unlocking so I wouldn't count it as something that Frootz Cat has alone). The problem with the hastes is that I find most DE's give at least 1 of the hastes in some form, maybe only 3 of that haste, but when you add all 3 up, I find the hastes very easy to complete. For that reason, I think by having Frootz Cat on your team, you are kind of making the other hastes on your team a waste. The only DE's that compliment Frootz Cat (in other words, those that have no hastes) are:
Chef Kyroo
Drak Quack
Kab Kannon
KO Kabuto
Peepsta Hoo
R&R Seal
Ryu Dragon
Tyrano Rex
Yoggy Ram
13 out of 50 other DE's (really limited options). However, I'm just saying, if you were to put Frootz Cat on a team with Kab Kannon and R&R Seal (the 3 rarest DE's), you'd pretty much have one of the best sets of DE's in the game so far from what I've seen. The 3 of them I'm pretty sure were made to be on a team together because they don't repeat anything the others have (except 2), and if you had them maxed out, you'd have the following abilities:
Attack Haste x5 (maxed out)
Magic Haste x5 (maxed out)
Reload Boost x2 (only can install one)
Defense Boost x4 (only need three)
Fire Screen x2 (max of 5)
Water Screen x2 (max of 5)
Thunder Screen x2 (max of 5)
Blizzard Screen x2 (max of 5)
Defender x1 (only need one)
HP Boost x5 (maxed out and amazing)
Magic Boost x1 (max of 3)
Mini Block x1 (only need one)
Confusion Block x1 (only need one)
Bind Block x1 (only need one)
Poison Block x1 (only need one)
Slow Block x1 (only need one)
basically with those together you'd have the best HP, hastes, pretty much be able to block everything (minus a few things), have much better defense, and slightly higher magic, not to mention being much better resistant to all the elements except light and dark. This is just my two cents though