Twilight Town. I just like it.
Neverland.. I loved the music
Let's not forget the oh-so joyful Emerald Serenade mission...
The best world ever.
We should all vote for it.
I felt like too much time was spent in Halloweentown
Agrabah got annoying and the flying in Neverland was just a pain. I mean you couldn't hit any heartless accurately.
Neverland is Neverland, I guess.
But there seems to be loads of disgusting support for Twilight Town, even if nothing important really happened there apart from ice cream.
It isnt too "wonder" ful enough D:
A uh uh dont forget
Xion's sad sad death D:
I second that!(I hate wonderland with a passion! :angrywell it wont be neverland for me because that dam sky ruler. Id say TWTNW cause it was great throughout the whole game so thats my vote....anyone second?
I agree. I like really big detailed worlds where there's lots to explore and Twilight Town doesn't disapoint.Twilight Town for god's sake... it was, is and will always be the best world.
I-I mean, just look! the most difficult maps, brightful, and when u finish the game, ur new home!
I saw what you did there!
Only the dying was done there. The whole process leading to the dying was pretty much scattered everywhere else. Anyway, I won't let that add points to Twilight Town XD I will forever remember it as a place where someone died. For example, if your best friend died at a mall, will you love that place? Doubt so.