btu he never had a heart..... i dont remeber that! SHHUSH!! R-K!! i thought you were on my side! T_T
Clone means an EXACT duplicate of sometihng. Thats why the RR looked exactly like Riku. Theres no way for someone to make a clone from two different people. How the heck does Axel and Sora look alike? When was it said that BHK was ever in CO? We see BHK in Twilight Town after R/R so how could he be in a pod? Get your facts straight and provide proof to your theories.Elric said:It could be possible that Vixen could have made a clone powerful than Sora and Riku COMBINED and than that could be BHK
Think about it
The unknown in DD said he just looks like you and the unknonw you fight in FM says you look like him (unless their talking about AXEL)
but than Sora and Riku never entered CO until a little while after he locked KH
but it could have happened in COM and after Sora went to sleep Namine could have awakened BHK (Hiro or Hero) out of a pod
NO ONE IN KH IS A SHADOW!KeybladeKid said:I think that BHK found out that he is a shadow of Sora and he cannot beleave that is somebodies Shadow!