Bkh stood his ground, eying the enemies. One slowly inched toward him so it was the first to go. Bhk tackled it. While on top of it he pierced the creatures head with his blade. He jumped off, the monster disentagrating behind him. Three jumped at him but he ducked, and they hit each other. Bhk swung his blade taking them out.
"Wow. This is easy," He thought.
A smart one steathily got behind him and sliced like mad with it's clawlike hands. Torn and cut, Bhk turned around, enfuriated. He raised his blade to the air and shouted "Twilight's Rage!".
Dark Clouds came over him and a lightning bolt struck his blade. The bolt caused a shockwave killing nearby creatures. The clouds instantly vanished, and Bhk turned around to the other beasts. But he didn't see what he was hoping for. He saw one big one. It towered 30 feet above him.
"Oh, Crud." He said to himself.