khg: ummm.... no worries. I will.
Bhk stood, staring at the monstrosity.
"There's no way I'm fighting this thi-" He started, but was cut off because of the creature stomping next to him.
"Alright. If you want a fight! I have one for ya!" Bhk shouted.
He ran toward the white thing, blade in hand. It tried to pound him into the ground, but he dodged and jumped on it's hand. He ran up it's arm, slicing as he went. Finally, he reached the head, which he tried to jump onto. But, the creature moved just slightly and Bhk fell to his certain doom. Thinking as he fell, Bhk had an idea. He turned over so his stomach was to the ground. With seconds until Bhk hit the ground and died, he pointed his blade at the ground and shouted "Twilight Blast!"
A large beam shot out of his blade, hitting the ground and then pushing him back into the air. Moments later the beam disappeared and Bhk was well above the creature. He flailed in the air, trying to move toward the head. He landed, in a painful position, already tired from the useless attack. The beast, confused that the small animal was still alive, started to shake about.
This shaking caused Bhk to sit up, though he couldn't feel his legs. He tried to stand up and attack again, but he couldn't hang on and was knocked off once more. Though this time, he couldn't do anything.
Right before he hit the ground, a small, black cloaked animal thing flew through the air, grabbing Bhk and laying him down softly.
He turned to look over his shoulder, his knees and left hand holding him up. He pulled out a sparkly gold keyblade and threw it, hitting the beast square between the eyes. It slowly disappeared, while the keyblade returned to it's owner.
Through half-conscious ears, Bhk could hear a faint voice saying: "Hiya! I'm da king! King Mickey!"