The only person id think Terra to be is DS.
people have been coming up with "your" terra theory for months now (me being one of them.) and i think youre dead on with the ven/roxas thing, exept for the erasing part, he probably means for his body to be erased, and his heart to be attatched to soras (so sora can weild the keyblade) hence where roxas's body comes from. but i dont think youre right with the MX at all, maybe little bits and peices of it, but overall mostly wrong.
did u ever mention Dark soildier?
What about the battle with Terra in Final Mix?
I don't really recall him saying that, would you mind digging up the interview?
Terra's eyes turn yellow, which are the color of MX's eyes. However, none of the Xehanort's eyes are yellow. Xehanort has brown eyes, his heartless and Xemnas have orange eyes. You may think I am being overly picky, but as it stands none of them are the same.
I don't really buy this because in my opinion Xehanort is far too similar to Master Xehanort for it to be simply Terra mimicking him. But I disgress.
I don't really think MX is a good guy, to be honest. Sure, he may seem like he has his moments of kindness, like telling Terra to "fix his mistake", but I don't believe he's really as good deep down as those scenes would imply. However, I won't deny the possibility, so yeah.
yeah sure there are the faults with the theory, but I mean come on the're little details. leavehim alone. sure you're not being mean, but kudos to him for coming up with this. so, "dark knight" i have one Question for you, Why so serious?