So what? Let SE drain some money out of some japanese suckas. I don't see how this affects any of us.Release Date: Winter 2010
+ Sticker Collecting
+ Mysterious Figure fight.
+ Pete D-Link
So what? Let SE drain some money out of some japanese suckas. I don't see how this affects any of us.Release Date: Winter 2010
+ Sticker Collecting
+ Mysterious Figure fight.
+ Pete D-Link
The only people who should be angry right now are Japanese people who pre-ordered the US version for the extras only to find that they are being given the same game a week after buying it!!
The only thing I can see them adding is a CGI secret ending or the Mysterious Figure saying some dialogue. But meh, who knows they may end up just making it a 2-disc game just so they can add more content.
Actually it does, in a very indirect way... We finally got the game, with extra content and stuff, and now, a week later, they're gonna release a FM for Japan, I dunno if any of you guys thinks the same way as me but, couldn't they at least let us enjoy having more content than Japan for like... A month?So what? Let SE drain some money out of some japanese suckas. I don't see how this affects any of us.
Actually it does, in a very indirect way... We finally got the game, with extra content and stuff, and now, a week later, they're gonna release a FM for Japan, I dunno if any of you guys thinks the same way as me but, couldn't they at least let us enjoy having more content than Japan for like... A month?
That's kind of selfish. No offense to you, of course, but I really doubt the Japanese smugly relish getting content we don't. They're probably thankful they get everything, but I really don't think anyone is laughing at us.
I loved Kingdom Hearts 2FM cause they did add some pretty sweet extras. With BBs doesnt look like much at all, I'm actually surprised. Ah well, as long as we get every kh game I couldnt really care much for the remakes(excluding kh2 fm which has the dodge xD), unless there is something to it thats just omg gotta play. The only games I cant wait to play now are BBS, which should hopefully be tommorrow(rebuy >.<) and Re:Coded. I can wait for 3ds, though the story behind that is bound to be epic
I had this coming and yet I still feel angry. If nothing new is included in the BBSFM, except a new secret ending, then I'm fine with it. I can just look it up on youtube.
So is it still gonna be on a PSP or upgrade to PS2?
Seriously. I mean, giving their country of origin and base camp a better version because they are the first customers! How shameful.
So what? Let SE drain some money out of some japanese suckas. I don't see how this affects any of us.
The only people who should be angry right now are Japanese people who pre-ordered the US version for the extras only to find that they are being given the same game a week after buying it!!
I expected this would happen not long after the US release. I do hope it gets some more new content, then i'd have a reason to actually import it, but I can't see it getting much more than a new secret ending if it does feature anything new.
The extras don't seem all that much anyway, so I'm not complaining much. Perhaps that Pete D-Link I am a bit pissed off about, unless the U.S. version has it, too.