Alright, I was cool with them having an import of our version, but giving them extras when he made us feel like we were getting an exclusive is kind of bull shit. Especially when this game has so many important scenes supposdely according to the secret episode or whatever.
If Nomura has ever thought about giving us FM's it has to be done with this game.
This really geniuly annoys me.
like they care, they want to make munny xDThey keep throwing new things in. Maybe if they focused on making the game complete the first time they made it they wouldn't have to keep adding in new bits to make it more fun. Like this game will literally come out 3 times in one year.
i started to like KH with KH1 (obviously XP) and at that time i never spoiled myself on the internet so i found out about the new bosses just recently ^^ any way i got the EUR KH1 and KH1 FM (not pirated)
and bout BBSFM i dont care about illegal i mean EVERYONE does atleast one illegal thing in life and i think pirating games is really not the worst . it looks like nomura wants me to pirate FM^^. anyway i got every KH game (except for coded and BBS USA) in its original form including final mixes and re-stuff. i dont want to justify my pirating coz you cant. but i dont care anyway.
The only thing that really bugged me was Nomura saying back a few months ago about including all those additions to our version because we had to wait so long. So we got one week to enjoy it and feel special, and boom, an FM is announced. Yeah Nomura, I really do feel special :\
Other than that, I really don't care.
I know. I pirate music and movies every day (because seriously, music and movie industries get too much money and are overinflated with their egos anyways), but I have this fear of pirating games. Just because if I do, then I'm nervous that the $40 that would have went to the game's sell didn't and I might be one of the millions who caused a game to never be made in the future. Because if you make a game company mad, they will just stop dead in their tracks. Nomura doesn't, but think of the higher ups who might say "Well, it seems this game didn't make much, so we are going to pass on the next one"
They keep throwing new things in. Maybe if they focused on making the game complete the first time they made it they wouldn't have to keep adding in new bits to make it more fun. Like this game will literally come out 3 times in one year.
I wonder why people are complaining
They made the VERY SAME THING with KH1, you know, the first game of the series!
btw, who else thinks it's fcuked up that they announced this not even 10 days after the international release??
this is getting fcuking ridiculous. I remember a time when there was only one Kingdom Hearts game not friggin, 11. They need to stop with these remakes and final mixes, and make KH3 for the PS3. Im tired of this, BBS is a great game and part of the main series in my opinion, so im all right with that, but im sick of paying for all these games. just make KH3, its as simple as that. Im not buying this FM, i'll just look the shit up on youtube. I might not even buy Re:Coded or KH3DS. KINGDOM HEARTS III, COME OUT NOW !!!!!!!!!