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Bleach Confrontation: Espada vs A Burning Soul

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Endless Strategy

New member
Jun 1, 2011
Jaakuna vs Roland Oceanier. Both are in character. Location is the Hueco Mundo dessert. I'll try not to hound you about posting, but a response within 3 days sounds reasonable. I accept powerplaying to a fair degree. I want this to look like a fight, not a series of singular attacks. Both of us are allowed to control the other player during our posts so long as they are in character and no significant damage is incurred. I mainly intend to use this to let characters dodge without it taking a post or letting us go through a series of attacks in sequence. If either of us disagrees with the others post they will be required to re-write it. If you have any objections to these rules please tell me, otherwise post your template in the next post and I'll start the battle immediately after. Here's mine as a formality.

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King Sora X

Legendary Member
Mar 31, 2008
Nowhere in particular.
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Endless Strategy

New member
Jun 1, 2011
The Arrancar stood on the Hueco Mundo sand, grasping the hilt of his sheathed sword. This play had finally reached its climax. First the Olvidado had made their presence clear, completely dominating the Gotei 13 and Arrancar. Then the Nulla Jewels had fallen into The Gotei 13’s hands, making the battle nearly equal. No doubt the Olvidado’s power was legendary, but they were assailable at last. Heavy losses had been taken on both sides, and no matter who won it would be a pyrrhic victory. How many souls with the strength to fight still remained on this plane of existence? Roland could count them on his fingers.

Not that it mattered to him anymore. Roland had joined this war to cure his boredom, and he had not been disappointed. Even if his leader was dead, he no longer fought for others. This war had awakened a desire in Roland, a desire to fight. And with worthy opponents vanishing by the minute, he would enjoy this day even if it were his last.

Cracks formed in the darkened air 20 paces from Roland, like the shattered reflection of a canvas painting. The cracks widened to form a hole, and out stepped a smiling young man with a red hoodie and sadistic blue eyes. He shifted into a fighting stance.

“You realize this is the end,” Roland said, drawing his blade. “Soul Society and the Olvidado are both facing annihilation. Our respective armies are through, which means you and I no longer have any reason to fight. Were I my usual self, I would suggest you leave this place.” Roland smiled. “However, that is not the case. I see the bloodlust in your eyes, and I too wish to be satisfied. If this battle consumes both of our lives I wouldn’t mind. Just… bring me hell.”

Roland swung his Zanpakuto fifty times in an instant, sending fifty white Balas strafing towards Jaakuna, impacting almost instantly.

(Your turn, Roland intends to Sonido behind Jaakuna once he dodges or blocks to deliver a slice to the neck. However you structure your next post, please write this action and your response.)
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King Sora X

Legendary Member
Mar 31, 2008
Nowhere in particular.
The white sand, the clear skies, and an entire landscape of nothingness, this was a scene all too familiar to Jaakuna. In the months he's been allied with the Olvidado, and nothing but victory and fame smiled upon their sudden fortune. Jaakuna had found love in Emiri, and a mentor in King Marco. He was able to kill for being on their side, and he actually enjoyed the thought of having a family that shared his similar beliefs.

It was, until very recently that Jaakuna felt a sudden change in his overall mood. His mind has became corrupted. He no longer felt the need to kill just for the sake of killing. His entire thought process of killing was now reformatted to have a purpose — a meaning of why he kills. In that same mindset, Jaakuna finds himself wondering if he chose right, and if his exact place that he held in the Olivdado's ranks was worth it. He found himself pondering if the Soul Society have anything better to offer him.

And then this happened.

Before him stood the Arrancar that called himself Roland. Jaakuna wasn't impressed by the Arrancar's appeal factor. He wasn't that much taller than Jaakuna was. The pale white skin and red lips really didn't help his case. Jaakuna's immediate thoughts were that he looked like some hooker-reject, and that's putting it lightly. Furthermore, his mask remnants made him stand out worse than a sore thumb. NOW that's something to brag about.

"You are right." Jaakuna smiled as Roland had sheathed his blade. "This is the end." Jaakuna's body lit up with a fire aura that proceeded to spread out as each second passed by.

Impressed, Jaakuna simply watched as Roland's skilled swordsmanship came into play as fifty, quick slashes of his zanpakto released the same amount of white balas. Jaakuna smiled at this feat, and he openly welcomed the bala's. All Jaakuna had to do was to expand his fire aura in density. By doing that, would be able to take all fifty without so much as getting a single scratch. Oh, but he wasn't done there. The flames got so intense, that if Roland try getting within ten feet of him, the flames would proceed to burn him either mildly or severely.

Endless Strategy

New member
Jun 1, 2011
The Balas flew into Jaakuna’s dense Reiatsu of flames, sizzling for an instant before melting into nothingness. Impressive, the Reiatsu of this young man far surpassed that of a captain class. He would prove a match for even the Olvidado, were he equipped with a Nulla Jewel. He would prove to be an excellent match for him, except that something was off…

”What’s the matter, your flames are strong, but where’s your ferocity?” He would have to try a different tactic. Jaakuna was clearly putting his all into the flames; Reiatsu normally wouldn’t be enough to cancel an attack of Roland’s level. So if not a bala, then a Cero?

Roland used a Sonido to get above Jaakuna’s head, then tented his sword with an ethereal glow as his Cero formed. It focused at the tip of the blade, creating a small sphere of white light. “Cero,” Roland said, lobbing the sphere into Jaakuna’s flames. A colossal explosion of Reiyoku followed, the blast expanding hundreds of feet each way, coming to blows with the flames surrounding Jaakuna. Roland dove into the heat of the clash, tanking the slight damage his own synched Reiyoku gave to him. Jaakuna’s flames would be obliterated by the Cero, and while he tried deflecting it Roland would slice him in two.
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King Sora X

Legendary Member
Mar 31, 2008
Nowhere in particular.
Jaakuna's flames were too intense for the Bala's to even get near him.

At the current moment, he was safe from contact, but Roland had some different intentions as he used Sonido, a very similar technique to the Shinigami's Flash Step or Shunpo. The only difference, however, was that the sound of it was not of silent variety, but instead made a slight static sound. This was able to alert Jaakuna of exactly where Roland was appearing.

As he looked up, Jaakuna saw Roland above him, and after mocking Jaakuna about how he wasn't going in for the kill, and where was his fiery passion that lit up his desire to kill and kill. Yeah, perhaps Jaakuna is softening up, but his will to fight is more tuned, if anything.

After Jaakuna to it into account, he noticed a white composition of spirit energy gathering at the tip of Roland's Zanpakto. At first examination, Jaakuna noticed it was in fact a Cero. It was a normal one, and it fired pretty quickly, and at close-range, so Jaakuna knew this would automatically hit, and cause quite an explosion. Before the point of contact, Jaakuna built an extra thickness to his flames, which by using a very small dose of his own life force, but also while maintaining the intense heat via his spirit energy, Jaakuna would walk away unscathed from the explosion.

"That was close." Jaakuna said.

His worries weren't over as Jaakuna's aura was now gone due to the intensity of the Cero. He hadn't thought of that, but at least Jaakuna wasn't hurt in any way. It was a good thing because he noticed Roland coming in for a up-and-front kind of attack when he went for a slice with his zanpakto. All Jaakuna had to do was to maneuver his body to the right, while consecutively drawing his Vengeful Daggers, connecting a stream of his fire spirit energy that connected them, and he whipped Roland in the back by using the daggers as a type of whip with sharp ends attached. Also, the daggers were coated with fire aura, so it would cause burning on the point of contact.

Endless Strategy

New member
Jun 1, 2011
"That was close," Jaakuna said.

He had countered the blast, but his Reiatsu was spent for the moment. Roland lunged down, putting his all into the swing. Jaakuna deftly sidestepped, causing Roland’s swing to impact the ground, spraying sand in all directions. As Roland whipped around to face him Jaakuna drew his Vengeful Daggers and coated them in dense fire Reiatsu. A string of crimson Reiatsu connected them, allowing Jaakuna to throw one like a whip, the other piece acting as handle. Roland ignored the attack-this was his chance. Roland thrusted his blade at Jaakuna, even as the dagger-whip stabbed into his back. Instantly his would ignited, burning in a contained brilliance. Jaakuna parried the thrust with his second dagger.

Roland imbued his blade with yet more Reiyoku. He pushed Jaakuna back with the force, allowing the man to pull back the first dagger in the process. He let loose with a hail of Balas like before, each swing creating a new blast, all at point blank range. Jaakuna wouldn’t escape.

King Sora X

Legendary Member
Mar 31, 2008
Nowhere in particular.
In a simultaneous effort, Jaakuna delivered two strikes, one from each of his daggers. In this effort, it brought upon a burning sensation to Roland. However, the momentum that would have carried was gone, and all that was left was Roland pushing Jaakuna away to which was followed up by a few slashes from his Zanpakto which created several balas. They came at Jaakuna like an army of Bees. Being as close as he was, Jaakuna had no chance but to defend himself.

By placing his arms in a defensive covering, Jaakuna was launched into the air. Due to how close he was, there were a few cuts along his arms. It was nothing that would slow him down for any reason. Just for a brief moment, as Jaakuna was in the air,he was unaware of his surroundings, but very quickly, he regained his composure. He noticed that he was still in the air, and by using his own version of Sonido(an alteration of it), Jaakuna appeared right above Roland. By this moment, Jaakuna's Vengeful Daggers were back in their sheath.

Jaakuna placed his hands out, and as they gathered raishi from around the desert, sky, and anything that had a spiritual pressure. As it gathered, it appeared to be centered to one point: the center of each palm. By the time it had finished gathering, Jaakuna used his Sonido alteration once more which now made him just below Roland as Jaakuna appeared in a crouching position. He held out his hands, twisted them to which the end of each palm were touching.

"Sea of Flames" He said.

Quite literally, a flowing stream of fiery spirit energy shot out from the centerfold of Jaakuna's palms, and came at a wickedly fast speed to Roland's head.
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Endless Strategy

New member
Jun 1, 2011
The Balas impacted, launching Jaakuna into the air. He had blocked with his arms, only receiving several cuts instead of any real damage. His Reiatsu was indeed captain-class. But he was still disoriented, and Roland would take advantage. He raised his blade and it glowed as he charged a second Cero, but before he could launch it Jaakuna was above him. Jaakuna sheathed his daggers.

Jaakuna placed his hands out, gathering Reishi from the surrounding desert and sky. The gathered energy was centering on one point of his palms, but Roland was faster. The white Cero formed at the top of his blade and was lobbed at Jaakuna. Just before impact Jaakuna vanished, appearing behind Roland in a crouching position, forcing the Cero to detonate harmlessly in midair. He held out his hands with palms touching.

"Sea of Flames" He said.

A flowing stream of fiery spirit energy shot out from the centerfold of Jaakuna's palms, and came at a wickedly fast speed to Roland's head. Roland attempted to Sonido away, but the flames caught him dead-on, negating his flicker of movement. The flames washed over his head and upper body, distorting the air with the immense heat. Despite his metal flesh, Roland was burning.

“AAAAAAAAAAAGH!” Roland screamed as his face continued melting away. How could this mere human be so strong? These flames, they held him even as they burned, preventing his escape. The proximity caused his back wound to set ablaze once more, increasing the pain. He had never felt pain like this. Every nerve was melting away.

Gathering his thoughts through panic, he understood. This mere mortal had pushed him further than any other had. He would have to give his all in return. As his skin entirely melted off his face, exposing ravaged muscle tissue and bone, Roland surged Reiyoku through his blade.

“Finish them, Infinity Beast!” He roared. He released, a great burst of spirit energy exploding around him. For a brief moment the energy subdued the flames, allowing Roland to Sonido into the air. The increased stream of Reiyoku fused with his skin, healing his face back to a presentable level, as well as healing the wound on his back. He tore off his cloak, revealing white leather pants and a bare torso. Riddling the torso were rectangular slits, each a few inches long and barely wide enough to reveal blackness within. The presence coming from him was entirely different now. His release had multiplied his power, and with it he had regained the calm of a tactician that dominates the battlefield.

“Listen well, human,” Roland said imperially, placing his left hand to his chest. “From this point on, you will not even be able to scratch this body. Your flames are nothing compared to the pain you’ll feel, as you die!” A blade shot out of a slit on his right hand and rocketed towards Jaakuna.
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King Sora X

Legendary Member
Mar 31, 2008
Nowhere in particular.
Jaakuna's quite pleased with the results of his Sea of Flames. The intense heat was one thing, but the fact that he was so close made the contact even more dangerous. From what Jaakuna could tell, the skin on Roland's face was entirely wiped clean, and all that was left, was the muscle tissue and bone. It definitely wasn't a pretty sight, not even in the slightest.

Just as he was soaking up every moment of what he thought was his victory, Jaakuna failed to remember that Roland was an Arrancar, and he still had his Resurrección form. It was completely obvious to Jaakuna as Roland had uttered out four words

"Finish him, Infinite Beast"

A transformation occurred.

Jaakuna not only noticed the transformation, but as of a result of it, the spiritual pressure of Roland increased almost tenfold. It was so intense, Jaakuna got excited. His inner-killer soon surfaced. He licked his lips as Roland transformed to what could be described as a human-sized porcupine. White pants supported his new, topless look with several silver blades that popped out of the many slits scattered across his torso.

When he fully transformed, he went on about how Jaakuna's flames aren't anything compared his strength. Jaakuna doubts that. No matter how strong Roland think he is, Jaakuna knows there is a limit to what his powers can do, he just has to figure out what that is.

"You really think so. Well, come at me bro." Jaakuna said taunting him.

It must have worked since Roland shot out a silver, sharp blade at fast speeds from his right hand at Jaakuna. Unlucky for Roland, Jaakuna had seen the two-dimensional weakness of this attack. All he had to do was simply sidestep, and Roland would leave himself wide open for attack.

"Dumbass" Jaakuna said.

He rushed in. With each few steps he took, Jaakuna used his Sonido=based technique to dash from left to right until he was above Roland(but still a good five feet away). He knew that there were dangers of doing close combat with his new form, so Jaakuna took a different approach. By expanding his arms outward, Jaakuna unleashed two Sea of Flames from each of his hands, which by using his complete control over fire, he guided them into a two-sided attack that came at Roland from left and right.

Endless Strategy

New member
Jun 1, 2011
[FONT=&quot]Jaakuna sidestepped out of the blades path and rushed in. "Dumbass," Jaakuna said.

[FONT=&quot]“You’re rather shortsighted,” [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Roland thought to himself as the blade shook vigorously, burrowing into the sand. He cut off all Reiatsu to the blade, making it effectively invisible. It would come in handy later.[/FONT]
With that taken care of he shot a dozen more blades out from his body at Jaakuna. The blades encroached on Jaakuna, but his constant instant movement made it difficult to hone in on him. Jaakuna moved again, appearing right above Roland. Roland immediately shot out several more blades, but at the same time Jaakuna unleashed the same attack as before four-fold, maneuvering the flames from his extended palms to hit Roland from both sides.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]“Worthless!” [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Roland said as still more blades shot out from his sides, overlapping each other to take on the appearance of circular shields on either side of him. Swords weren’t made for blocking flames, but they slowed them enough to allow Roland to Sonido yards upward. The blades making the shields and the blades shot at Jaakuna earlier all congregated on the flame user, taking advantage of his low speed while forming his attack. A couple blades whipped around Jaakuna, wrapping the string that connected the blades to Roland around Jaakuna’s body. The rest of the blades, nearly fifty all told, glowed with an ethereal white light as spherical Ceros formed on the tip of each blade. Then every blade shot the Ceros simultaneously.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]“Cero Infinity!” [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Roland said, using Sonido to escape the blast radius while holding his blades as they were. A colossal explosion occurred, high-density Reiyoku expanding thousands of feet each way, surpassing the tallest skyscraper in length and width, distorting the fabric of Hueco Mundo itself.
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King Sora X

Legendary Member
Mar 31, 2008
Nowhere in particular.
The accurate term for Jaakuna's situation would be messed up. Yup, cause by the looks of it, he is in a bad place. He currently was being held against his will by the many blades that Roland had control of. By the looks of it, Jaakuna arms and legs were being held still, while Roland fired a sum of one big-ass Cero. The Cero itself was called...it was called...

"Cero Infinity"

As soon as Jaakuna heard that, a massive amount of spirit energy was released from the tip of Roland's blade, which expanded a long distance due to the increase of Reiyoku. Jaakuna knew he was in the hot seat. Considering he's a fire-user, it's quite literally. He felt the power of the blast cause the spiritual pressure not only was felt through the atmosphere, but the explosion itself came to be quite large.

Jaakuna knew that this explosion would destroy his physical body, and he would NOT let that happen. If he had to give all that he had, he will stop the explosion from killing him. So, in an all-out effort, Jaakuna dug deep into his soul, and his determination took an outward manifestation as his spiritual energy went off the charts. His alignment of fire took a majority of the display as intense flames surrounded Jaakuna so much that they literally melted the swords holding him. Not only that, but the held the explosion at bay. This kind of power was not felt only through Jaakuna's body, Roland's entire body as well, but it rivaled the intense strength of the explosion.

At the sight of this, one would see on one side, a white explosion from Cero Infinity, and on the other is Jaakuna's own spiritual pressure. "YOU THINK YOU CAN DEFEAT ME!![" Jaakuna said as he increased his power even more to the point where the flames flurried and flurried until it not only took over the struggle that Roland's attack put, but absorbed the energy to add to strength of Jaakuna's own.

"HELLFIRE!!!!!!" Jaakuna has just snapped.

Due to his power overload, Jaakuna's strength has increased tenfold, as has his speed. Using his same technique from before, Jaakuna has warped himself through the air in such quick speeds, he was right behind Roland, and then above, behind, to the side, to the other side, and repeat five times more. He was moving so fast, it just looked liked afterimages of the sadistic killer. He was not only this fast, but now that his head is clear, his tactics will be also as dangerous. And because he was moving so fast, his fiery spiritual pressure added to that creating somewhat of a hard breathing air bubble around Roland just because of how fast he was moving and how hot his reiatsu is.

He stopped just three feet in front of Roland, which at this point was coughing from the invisible air bubble he was in. Jaakuna pulled out his Vengeful Daggers. Due to him being in the air, Jaakuna altered the way he usually does this move. Instead of being on the ground, Jaakuna controls the flow of his fire by connecting his spirit energy directly to the ground which contains several amounts of reishi due to the fabric that is Hueco Mundo. By doing that, Jaakuna takes his Vengeful Daggers, and sticks them down in the air by using his own spirit energy.

From that he gathers all the reishi he can from the surrounding air, and ground from the grains of sand in Hueco Mundo's desert. By concentrating all of the gathered reishi into the chain that connects his two daggers, the reishi gathers there creating a fiery, red glow within each inch of the chain. They start to glow and glow until they reach maximum power. Due to the distance between them, Jaakuna fires all he has into one, multi-layered blast of fiery spirutual pressure with the intensity of a thousand suns.

As it fires, Jaakuna coats himself with what's remaining of his spirit energy to create a rather thick, and almost perfect shield of fiery spiritual energy.

Endless Strategy

New member
Jun 1, 2011
[FONT=&quot]Something was wrong. Despite the mass of Ceros, Jaakuna hadn’t been destroyed. In fact, his power was rising. Tenfold, hundredfold, a multiplication of Reiatsu that far surpassed an Arrancar’s release. His form was set ablaze, fires as contained and intense as hell itself melting the blades holding him. The flames shout out at the Ceros, rivaling the sheer energy, fighting against it with a power far surpassing Roland’s. The two forces lit up the sky, Jaakuna’s crimson red Reiatsu surpassing the mass of Ceros. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] "YOU THINK YOU CAN DEFEAT ME!!" Jaakuna yelled as he increased his power even more, the flames flurried and flurried until they not only took over the struggle that Roland's attack put out, but absorbed the energy to add to strength of Jaakuna's own.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Roland’s calm demeanor turned frenzied as his face twisted in abject horror and despair. To have the level of power to do this, this couldn’t be the work of a mere human. His strongest attack had been countered by Reiatsu alone? This man was on par with the captain-commander, no, with King Marko, no, EVEN HIGHER!!”[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"HELLFIRE!!!!!!"[/FONT][FONT=&quot] Jaakuna snapped.

Jaakuna warped, moving with speed far surpassing Roland’s own. He was right behind Roland, and then above, behind, to the side, to the other side, only his afterimages were visible. Roland was dazed, paralyzed by his inability to understand his opponent’s strength. Being in such proximity, Jaakuna’s Reiatsu was beginning to choke him. He couldn’t lose, not like this…[/FONT]
Jaakuna stops and pulls out his Vengeful Daggers. Jaakuna’s Reiatsu instantly connects to the ground, allowing him to harden the air’s spirit particles and stab into them. All of the surrounding spiritons gathered to him, the sand, the air, all becoming fuel to his already phenomenal power. Roland watched with head held low, already given up. He couldn’t believe he had miscalculated, that his opponent was so far above the expected parameters. The chain connecting Jaakuna’s daggers glowed an intense red, soon reaching a fever pitch. Jaakuna fires all he has into one multi-layered blast of fiery spiritual pressure with the intensity of a thousand suns.

[FONT=&quot]Roland is blinded by the light as the flames crash into him. He raises his blades to defend, a half-hearted gesture really. The blades hold it for a second before melting apart. The blast clashes with Roland’s Reiatsu, overcoming it entirely. Roland was still at around 75%, but he felt his Reiatsu quickly melting away in self defense. The blast shot him back, carrying him hundreds of feet as the initial layer burned away, letting an even greater flame or dark red surface. Roland’s Hierro melted away with his Reiatsu. His arms held up in self defense are reduced to bone and then nothingness as Roland maintained the same defeated expression, even as the pain overcame all else.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]The Flames continue to burn, obliterating all Reiatsu Roland has left. 30%, 20%, 10%. One wave of flames gave way to the next, acquainting Roland with even greater heat just when he thought the threshold had been reached.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Then Roland face twisted into a manic grin! He had found his new purpose! If he was to die by another’s hands, let it be in a blaze of glory! His Reiatsu reduced to almost nothing, his body burned with new intensity. Now, in the last second, before his voice was taken from him too-[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]”I thank you, Jaakuna Hinoko! Thank you for the fight! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Here’s one last parting gift, from me to you!”[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Jaakuna reached out telepathically to the one remaining blade he had buried in the sand, and delivered every last drop of Reiatsu into it. The blade shot out of the ground at Jaakuna’s exhausted figure. Roland’s body burned away before the impact. He wouldn’t see the outcome. Whether the fight would end with one death, or two.[/FONT]

King Sora X

Legendary Member
Mar 31, 2008
Nowhere in particular.
Jaakuna was taken over by the overflowing power. He never thought that he could fight like this. He never took it into account that his power could be so much more than he realized. All of those years of fighting, and Jaakuna never gave into the positive parts of his powers. He always thought fire was determination, but rather it was a source of anger. He was wrong. The power of Fire is what comes from deep within and the undying will to never give up; the will of fire. He knows this now.

Just as he realized this, Jaakuna saw that Roland was slowly fading away. The Arrancar knew he couldn't win, but that didn't stop him from making a last ditch effort. By saying his farewells to Jaakuna, he gave him a parting gift by commanding his last sword to attack Jaakuna. It was his last-ditch effort. Jaakuna was too exhausted, but he knew he had to dig deep to get through this last attack.

So, to avoid this, Jaakuna dug deep within his soul. By using some last remnants of his spirit energy as well as his own life force, Jaakuna was able to create a layer of excess spirit energy to protect him from any serious damage. However, this didn't stop the impact of the sword. In all of its might, it pierced Jaakuna in the right shoulder. The crimson blood flowed from the impact, and Jaakuna's cries in pain could be heard a mile away.

As the final moments of this fight wore off, Jaakuna fell about three stories and lied semi-conscious on the ground. He heard only the whispering winds of Hueco Mundo, the cries of the Menos in the distant forest, and then there was her voice.

"You crazy asshole, wake up!"

He kept on hearing Emiri's voice. Was it the only thing that kept him going or was there some other undying will. Whatever it was, that's all he needed to get through this. He wasn't exactly one-hundred percent, but this will of fire filled with love for his honey-bunny was all that he needed to continue. He still lies on the white, cold sands of Hueco Mundo, but dammit, he still lives.

"Wait for me, darling..."
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