Okay guys this is the new chapter of BCoM. Hope you like it. Well I won’t take up to much of your time so here is the chapter.
Axel teleported into the room right next to Namine; who was on her knees crying her eyes out, her tears making small puddles around her. Axel slowly took his cloak off reveling his dark undershirt bellow and draped the cloak over Namine’s shoulders as one would a king. He wrapped his arms around her pushing his cloak closer to her shaking frame. She turned around, looked up into his green eyes and pulled into a hug.
“Don’t say anything please just hold me for a moment.” Namine interjected as she buried her face into Axel’s shirt.
Axel was about to open his mouth but decided against it as he pulled her closer. Axel stroked her hair and kissed her on the side of her head as they stood there in each others arms. It wasn’t until minutes later when Riku, Donald, and Goofy walked through the door that made them pull away.
“Another one huh? Keep away from that girl you bastard or so help me I’ll kill you!” Riku shouted as he raised his sword Soul Eater and charged at Axel.
Namine stepped in front of Riku just as he was about to come down with his sword. Riku slowed his arm as he stepped closer to Namine. She rested her hand on his forearm stopping his strike in midair. She didn’t have to say anything Riku could understand her just by looking into her big, sad, blue eyes. A persons eyes can tell you more about a person then words ever could. Riku nodded and lowered his weapon.
“I see… your Namine aren’t you?” he said.
Namine only looked down at the white floor as Riku asked his question.
“So you’re the reason why Sora can’t remember me. Well isn’t that right?” Riku said his voice unable to hide his depression.
Namine was about to answer as Axel spoke.
“No,” all eyes now looked towards Axel “It was never her fault. It was this organization’s fault. It was Xemnas’s fault, Marluxia’s fault,” He paused for a moment before he spoke again “My fault” he stammered. He turned his head away from Riku. He didn’t want him to see his shame.
“So… this is all Marluxia’s fault.” Riku said; Namine and Axel now looking at him. “Its time I met him.” He said as he walked past Namine and Axel and onto the final floor of Castle Oblivion. Riku felt Axel laid his hand on his shoulder as he grasped the handle of the door in front of him. Riku turned his head and looked Axel in the face.
“Get her out of here. She’s seen enough,”
Axel walked back to Namine and opened a dark portal. He took Namine’s hand in his and they walked through the oval of dark energy.
Riku turned his head back to the door “Donald, Goofy.” They looked up at him “Go find a ship. I can take care of the rest.”
With that Riku opened the door and walked one step closer to his new destiny.
Marluxia heard someone enter the room. He smiled an evil lopsided grin.
“Ah… do you have finally arrived glad you could join… wait you’re not Sora you’re that other one. Ramen? Ramon? Rika?”
“It’s Riku! And I have come to stop you.” Shouted Riku as he took Soul Eater from the air and charged at Marluxia.
Marluxia caught Riku by the forearm and laughed at him.
“Stupid boy do you really think I’m a pushover like those other pathetic excuses for organization members?” Marluxia pulled Riku’s arm down and punched him hard in the stomach.
Riku felt the punch glide across his chest like the first tremor of an earthquake. He felt warm blood flow up his throat and into his mouth. Riku spat up the blood in large clumpy chunks at a time as Marluxia hit him hard again and again with out mercy. He was eventually knocked to the ground of the round room.
“Pathetic boy! Why the Keyblade ever chose you and Sora I’ll never know.” Marluxia said as he put the heel of his boot on Riku’s neck. He pulled his scythe from the air rose petals flew around him as he did so. “It’s time to finish this!” he screamed as he pulled back for the death blow. As the blade of his scythe was about to saw its way through Riku’s neck the kingdom key appeared and sparred Riku from a most gruesome death.
Riku kicked Marluxia in the back of his leg making him buckle under his own weight. Riku capitalized on Marluxia’s weakened state as he jumped on top of the long handle of the scythe and hit Marluxia in his now unprotected head. Riku using the left over inertia spun and hit Marluxia into the air with a powerful underhand swipe; hitting his opponent in the bottom of his chin with the hilt of his Keyblade. Riku could see teeth falling from Marluxia’s broken jaw as he flew up at him. Riku gave him a hard combination of kicks to the back and kidneys as they floated in midair. Riku finished his barrage with an elbow to Marluxia’s sternum. He heard bones break as Marluxia hit the ground. Riku plummeted back down to earth with his Keyblade out in front of him waiting for gravity to do the death blow for him. To his surprise Riku’s blade sunk into the hard marble floor and not the insane nobody that had been laying there only seconds before. Riku looked around the room. The only thing he could see was the left over rose petals that still lingered in the air. Riku then saw Marluxia’s scythe pop out of the ground. It started to rotate as it moved closer to him. Riku started to run as fast as he could away from the windmill of death that chased after him. He turned back around and faced the weal of death. He waited until the blade of the scythe was just about to slice through his head before he but his Keyblade stopping Marluxia in his tracks.
“Vary good boy but let’s see how you handle this!” As Marluxia screamed he sunk into the floor yet again.
Riku’s gaze darted back and forth as he looked for any telltale of Marluxia’s next attack. As he had thought the nobody was smart enough to cover his tracks vary well. Riku screamed out in pain as something melted through his shoe and onto his feet. He looked down and saw he was standing in a pool of some kind of heat related dark energy. Riku ran to the places in the room where the floor had not been affected yet. He looked around the room franticly looking for away to escape being burned alive. His eyes caught sight of one of the four columns that were in the room. He jumped up and dug his Keyblade into the marble. He heard the evil cackle of Marluxia as the pools of energy reseeded back into the floor.
“It seems I’ve underestimated you Riku. That one usually gets ‘em.”
Riku, who was still hanging from the side of the column by his Keyblade, looked around the room for Marluxia. He saw flower petals floating around him and then he saw Marluxia. “That’s it!” he thought as Marluxia teleported next to him and kicked him to the unforgiving floor bellow “The kind of petals show where he’s going to be and what kind of attack he’s going to do.” As Riku hit the floor Marluxia dove back into the ground yellow floor petals following after him. “Yellow that means he’s going to do that windmill attach again.” He thought as he put his guard up. As expected the scythe popped out from the floor and started to spin. Instead of running away this time Riku charged at the scythe as it was still picking up speed. He caught the curved blade of the scythe with his Keyblade and pushed up forcing Marluxia up from the ground. Riku followed up his attack with a back flip kick to Marluxia’s already broken chin; forcing him up into the air his scythe hitting the floor as Marluxia’s fingers slide off the hilt. Riku grabbed the scythe and threw it up at Marluxia. He was rewarded with the sound of tearing flesh as the blade sunk its way into Marluxia’s chest. Riku didn’t look away until the psychotic nobody hit the marble floor. He was about to open the door when he bumped into an invisible wall. “The barrier is still up? But if Marluxia is dead how can it still be…” his thoughts were interrupted by the now familiar sound of Marluxia’s laugh.
“You think I’m so easy to kill!? I’ll show you true power you insolent boy!”
Riku turned around and looked at Marluxia. He was now connected to some kind of monster with scythes for arms.
“At least you didn’t beg for your life like your stupid, weak friend.”
Riku could feel his hate rising as Marluxia insulted Sora. He looked down at his hand. They were now black as the night sky. Ansem’s power had leaked through. Riku could feel the power in him grow more and more. Riku looked around and saw that he was surrounded by darkness. He saw Ansem walk out of the shadows and towards him.
“No way I killed you!”
Ansem laughed an evil laugh and smiled “You would think so wouldn’t you. No dear boy you have not killed me and you never will. My aura will always live on in you.” He grabbed Riku by the neck and lifted him off the ground.
“I made you and I can make you go away.” Riku stammered as he grasped Ansem’s hand.
“Just try it boy!” Ansem yelled.
Riku screamed as light flooded through his mind and hit Ansem on the face. Ansem started to fade back into the darkness that still lingered in the room.
“I will return.”
“And I’ll be waiting.” Riku said as he slowly regained control of his mind.
Outside of Riku’s head the figure of Ansem was using his guardian heartless to slowly wrap around Marluxia.
“No… No!” he screamed as the darkness flowed easily up to his face.
With in seconds the darkness covered his whole body. It ate away at his skin and cloak as the dark acid pushed passed his lips and down his throat. Marluxia tried to scream but he could only gurgle the black liquid lower into his body. It burned through his organs and chewed at his brain until there was nothing left to burn. Marluxia was dead.
Riku opened his eyes and smelled the smell of burnt flesh and saw the tattered black cloak that had been Marluxia’s makeshift coffin or rather his urn. Riku looked down at his hands in horror. The Keyblade that he had been holding disappeared as he picked up Soul Eater and walked out of the room. “What am I?” He thought as he walked through the doors and back to Donald and Goofy.
Axel typed in the coordinates on the V75 Shadow Caster as he snapped himself and Namine in.
“Where are we going now Axel?” Namine said her tears now dry on her cheeks.
Axel couldn’t look her in the eyes just yet. It made him feel like a monster knowing that he was playing a big part in the cerebral assignation of a girl as sweet as Namine. “We have to go back to Nobody Castle.” He said.
Namine frowned and slouched in her seat. “I knew you were going to say that.” She said.
“Then why did you ask then?” said Axel now concerned.
“For the off chance that you would say that we were going somewhere else.” She said in a depressed tone.
All Axel could do was rest his hand on her shoulder as he piloted the ship out into the vast black abyss known as space.
Riku was sitting in the copilot seat of a V18 convoy class fighter as he thought about everything that had happened in just the last few months. He shook his head and looked at the navigation map.
“Where are we headed Donald?” Riku asked.
Donald looked up at Riku. He still couldn’t deal with the fact that they had to leave Sora behind on the Islands because the only thing he could remember was Kairi. “Were headed for Chrisen.” Donald said his thoughts still on Sora.
“What’s Chrisen?” Riku asked.
“Ehuck… Chrisen is a mining world that makes just about everything for everyone.” Goofy answered.
“That’s right Goofy. The name Chrisen is relatively new. It used to be a Hollow Bastion colony until they declared independence about 12 years ago.”
“Umm… okay.” Riku said still not sure of what to be ready for.
“Don’t worry you’ll understand when we get there.” Donald said as he flashed Riku a fake smile.
The V18’s exit ramp lowered reveling a beautiful cliff top view of a magnificent sprawling city. Riku’s jaw drooped as he stared out at the city.
“That is Chrisen’s capital city. It’s called Ciencia. Its total population is about 15.7 billion people making the most populated place in all the worlds.” Donald said as he took their equipment bags out of the ship.
“Wow…” Riku said as he gawked at the tall majestic buildings that lay out before him. Riku heard a rustle in the bushes and turned around. “Who… who’s there?” he said as he pulled Soul Eater out of the air. He lowered his guard for a moment and cocked his head. “Umm… hello is anyone there? Hmm… I guess it was just the wind or some’en.” As he turned around a figure teleported into view.
It was a humanoid figure that had on a green military like jumpsuit, strange metal gauntlets on its arms, heavy knee pads on its legs, tight black gloves, combat boots, and a bizarre shaped gasmask helmet that was connected to some strange tank that was strapped onto its back.
It pulled its hands into a fist as blades came out of the gauntlets. A strange white aura wrapped itself around the figure and teleported it in-between Donald and Goof. It delivered a series of punches and kicks as it levitated. After knocking Donald and Goofy to the dirt it turned its attention at Riku.
Riku put Soul Eater up in a defensive posture as the figure pulled its arms back making another blade shoot out of the other gauntlet. It charged at Riku with out hesitation and struck at him. Riku but his sword up and blocked the first attack. He pulled Soul Eater away and blocked the second blade. The attacker jumped back and came at Riku from above slicing at him in scissoring motion. Riku leaped back a few feet and stuck Soul Eater in-between the two blades pinching them together by the strange curve at the end where they exited the gauntlet.
“Who in God’s name are you and why the hell are you attacking us!?” shouted Riku.
The assailant only pulled its leg back and kicked the dirt with the toe of its boot making a third blade shoot out of the toe of its boot. It pushed up using only its arms and kicked at Riku.
Riku put his left arm up and caught the assailant’s leg by the shin stopping the attack in its tracks.
“I’ll say it again who are you and why are you attacking us?” Riku asked again his voice now angry.
The figure just pulled its left leg up and activated a fourth blade that shot out the heel of the attacker’s left boot. It pulled back dislocating its own arms and kicked at Riku again.
Riku pulled Soul Eater out of the ground and leaped back away from the attacker. Riku looked up at the figure as the white aura surrounded it again. It diapered from view for a moment and then reappeared behind Riku. Before Riku could even turn his head the assailant kicked him hard in the shoulder blades sending him to the ground. Riku dropped his sword as he hit the ground hard. He turned over and looked up at the masked man who stood over him. It pulled back and punched at him with the blade that protruded from its gauntlet. Riku put his hands up and a Keyblade appeared to protect him.
“Of course now it comes just when I need it the most.” Riku thought as he pushed the attacker off of him.
“A Keyblade wielder?” said the figure its voice electronically altered by something in its helmet. “Come with me.” It demanded as it walked away towards the city bellow.
“What in God’s name is going on here?” Riku thought as he cast a healing spell on Donald and Goofy waking them from their unconscious state. He helped them up and headed after the masked figure.
Riku and the others followed the masked man into the city and into a two story house. The figure turned around and looked at them through its tinted visor when all of them had entered the house. It snapped the gauntlets off its forearms, unraveled the under layer of cloth and laid them on the table next to Riku. It then proceeded to taking off its knee pads and boots. “This is Ciencia the capital of Chrisen,” it said as it unlocked the back of its helmet, the trapped air rushed out as it lifted the main helmet off reveling long blood red hair. It put its hand over the gasmask and removed from its face showing the face of a young teenage girl. “I am Holly Kalvera.” She finished her voice devoid of all emotion as she stretched out her hand.
“What!? You’re a chick?” Riku exclaimed a confused look on his face.
“If you’re asking me if I am female then the answer is yes.” She said.
Riku shrugged “It’s just that… well it’s kinda a surprise.” He said.
“Do females not fight where you are from?” she asked.
“No its not that it’s just that you don’t fight like a girl.” Riku answered.
Holly scoffed at him “Arrogant human you have no idea where you are do you?”
“Human… aren’t you human too…” Riku started to say then he realized that Holly had pointed ears, perfectly smooth skin, and all green eyes.
Riku couldn’t help but look at Holly’s eyes with a sense of confusion. The entire eye was made up of different shades of green. There was no white or black to be found anywhere.
Riku lowered his head next to Donald’s head “What’s with her eyes?” he asked
“Chrisens see things by the light or dark energy flowing through them not by a light spectrum like you or Me.” answered Donald.
Riku nodded and took Holly’s hand “I’m Riku and the two with me are Donald and Goofy. If you don’t mind me asking how old are you Holly?”
“I am 5790 svleks old. By your inferior human concept of time I am 13 years old. And what of you what is you age.
“Umm… I’m 15.” Riku answered
“Ah… so your 5990 svleks old. If you plan on fighting you would be wise to use techniques suited for your age not a child.” Holly said her voice still emotionless.
“What’s that suppose to mean?” asked Riku in a frustrated voice.
“Nothing it is just that you fight like I would expect a human to fight.” Holly answered.
Riku opened his mouth to say something back but was interrupted by the sound of a large explosion.
Holly looked around her green eyes darting around the room.
“Shlvek the heartless are back.” She said her voice still unchanging as she took her gauntlets from the table and rand outside.
Riku followed her out the door and looked out into the distance. What he saw would terrify him for the rest of his life. It was an ocean of heartless coming at the city. “Oh my God.” was all he could think as he gazed out into the wave of heartless.
Wow it looks like Riku is in big trouble. I hope you guys liked the chapter. The new one will be up Sunday. This has been a Bowchickawowwow production.