Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
i had to fight him 11 times (i counted) till i beat him, it was so annoying, but not as annoying as riku 4 i fought him 17 TIMES, so annoying,:cursing::cursing:
umm always have an sleigt when he does somthing like combo and present.break it.you have to have like a mega potion or somthing like that take out all the summon cards xcept cloud cuz hes good .if you want to do some damage without wasting could on stock cards use a weak card like a 1 or something like that.if you cant do it keep on leveling up[i know the enemys look kinda wierd and there annoying] when you get a level up ,use cp keep on doeing that until u got the cp that you want if you dont got enough hp ,.....keep on doing that youll be unstopable!