Sup? The sky.
I'm about to start my second year at college & signed on for an extra course so I'm gonna be taking 5 A-levels. NOTE: I LIVE IN ENGLAND. Anyway, so I'll be taking physics A2, maths A2, French A2, Spanish A2 and Italian AS (which I'm not gonna stay on an extra year to do the A2 for) and well, I'm confused as fuck.
Alright, so I get As and shit in all my subjects. A+s in French (obviously), As in Spanish though I've only been learning it for a year meaning I've done fucking brilliantly considering some have done six years of Spanish, A-Bs in physics and A-Bs in maths & I suspect I'll be getting As in Italian since it's quite similar to Spanish & languages are my strong point.
But here's my problem. You see, I have no idea what I wanna do for a career. I love languages and the prospects that come with that but my parents would prefer it if I pursued a physics degree at university, which I don't want to do. I mean, I find physics interesting & all that but I just feel like I'm forcing myself to do it, when college is about making your own choices and finally having the chance to do what you want to do, and I realised that languages are my strongest point & I excel at them because, you know, I hardly have to try. I can't explain it but I seem to be able to look at something in a foreign language I'm learning and then just understand it immediately. Tutors at college say I'm lucky because it's like, a natural talent and a good little niche I have & that I should pursue that instead.
Could anyone give me some advice on what the fuck to do? Go into physics to please my parents and be better respected but not enjoy myself as much, or go into languages and get the chance to travel & experience great things all over the world & communicate?
I'm about to start my second year at college & signed on for an extra course so I'm gonna be taking 5 A-levels. NOTE: I LIVE IN ENGLAND. Anyway, so I'll be taking physics A2, maths A2, French A2, Spanish A2 and Italian AS (which I'm not gonna stay on an extra year to do the A2 for) and well, I'm confused as fuck.
Alright, so I get As and shit in all my subjects. A+s in French (obviously), As in Spanish though I've only been learning it for a year meaning I've done fucking brilliantly considering some have done six years of Spanish, A-Bs in physics and A-Bs in maths & I suspect I'll be getting As in Italian since it's quite similar to Spanish & languages are my strong point.
But here's my problem. You see, I have no idea what I wanna do for a career. I love languages and the prospects that come with that but my parents would prefer it if I pursued a physics degree at university, which I don't want to do. I mean, I find physics interesting & all that but I just feel like I'm forcing myself to do it, when college is about making your own choices and finally having the chance to do what you want to do, and I realised that languages are my strongest point & I excel at them because, you know, I hardly have to try. I can't explain it but I seem to be able to look at something in a foreign language I'm learning and then just understand it immediately. Tutors at college say I'm lucky because it's like, a natural talent and a good little niche I have & that I should pursue that instead.
Could anyone give me some advice on what the fuck to do? Go into physics to please my parents and be better respected but not enjoy myself as much, or go into languages and get the chance to travel & experience great things all over the world & communicate?