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Help/Support ► Career help, PLZ.

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` dragon dance
Jul 8, 2009
netflix probably
Sup? The sky.

I'm about to start my second year at college & signed on for an extra course so I'm gonna be taking 5 A-levels. NOTE: I LIVE IN ENGLAND. Anyway, so I'll be taking physics A2, maths A2, French A2, Spanish A2 and Italian AS (which I'm not gonna stay on an extra year to do the A2 for) and well, I'm confused as fuck.

Alright, so I get As and shit in all my subjects. A+s in French (obviously), As in Spanish though I've only been learning it for a year meaning I've done fucking brilliantly considering some have done six years of Spanish, A-Bs in physics and A-Bs in maths & I suspect I'll be getting As in Italian since it's quite similar to Spanish & languages are my strong point.

But here's my problem. You see, I have no idea what I wanna do for a career. I love languages and the prospects that come with that but my parents would prefer it if I pursued a physics degree at university, which I don't want to do. I mean, I find physics interesting & all that but I just feel like I'm forcing myself to do it, when college is about making your own choices and finally having the chance to do what you want to do, and I realised that languages are my strongest point & I excel at them because, you know, I hardly have to try. I can't explain it but I seem to be able to look at something in a foreign language I'm learning and then just understand it immediately. Tutors at college say I'm lucky because it's like, a natural talent and a good little niche I have & that I should pursue that instead.

Could anyone give me some advice on what the fuck to do? Go into physics to please my parents and be better respected but not enjoy myself as much, or go into languages and get the chance to travel & experience great things all over the world & communicate?


Hakuna Matata
Apr 17, 2004
The answer to this is obvious, as I'm sure you know. :p Pursue what you want. Your parents aren't the ones attending college, so if language is where you want to go, then go for it.


` dragon dance
Jul 8, 2009
netflix probably
The answer to this is obvious, as I'm sure you know. :p Pursue what you want. Your parents aren't the ones attending college, so if language is where you
want to go, then go for it.

I want to go into languages with all my heart, but my family are important, too. I like to make them happy & I'm not saying that pursuing physics as a career would be awful & horrible & miserable & omgiwanttodie because I am interested in it, but I'm seriously stuck on this one. I want to make them proud, I really do, and while I know that languages are great & all, I also know that sometimes language careers can fall through the roof. I've been on the Internet concerning interpretation & wages & stuff, and it seems that not everyone makes a lot of money, and of course, this is a very big factor. I'm not money-crazy but I'd like to have enough money where I can have a cozy existence & have small pleasures. It's all very confusing.

Massive Attack

Dial 'M' for 'Motherfucker'
Nov 22, 2006
Location Location
Don't let your parents pressure you into doing something you don't want to do. If they aren't proud of you for choosing the career that you want, then, well... they aren't the best parents.

very differentiable
Mar 22, 2008
an n-brane
Do what you want, don't let your parents decide. College requires a lot of work and motivation, if you do something you don't truly want to, you won't work hard for it. And also keep in mind that you'l be in the same field for over fourty years, if you don't choose right you'll regret it for years.


` dragon dance
Jul 8, 2009
netflix probably
Don't let your parents pressure you into doing something you don't want to do. If they aren't proud of you for choosing the career that you want, then, well... they aren't the best parents.

Do what you want, don't let your parents decide. College requires a lot of work and motivation, if you do something you don't truly want to, you won't work hard for it. And also keep in mind that you'l be in the same field for over fourty years, if you don't choose right you'll regret it for years.

See, this is another problem I have: I'm indecisive as shit. I can't even decide on an apple or a banana for my lunch box. While languages would get me to places around the world, would it necessarily work out for me? Languages is a bit rocky, whereas physics seems a bit more stable. Also, I get the feeling that if I did physics, I'd feel more accomplished, but my heart's telling me languages.

very differentiable
Mar 22, 2008
an n-brane
Well, the best way to decide is this, ask yourself what you want to be doing for years, purely looking at interest and satisfaction you get from it (without thinking about income). That is how you'll be most happy.


New member
Jul 15, 2009
In a threesome with Ven and Aqua ;D
Do what makes you happy! Your parents should be proud of you no matter what you decide. It's your life, and if you live it to please your parents, it's more like your living your life for them and not yourself. If you get a satisfaction from languages, then you should pursue a career with languages. It's what will make you happier in the long run.


Apr 7, 2007
Sup? The sky.

I'm about to start my second year at college & signed on for an extra course so I'm gonna be taking 5 A-levels. NOTE: I LIVE IN ENGLAND. Anyway, so I'll be taking physics A2, maths A2, French A2, Spanish A2 and Italian AS (which I'm not gonna stay on an extra year to do the A2 for) and well, I'm confused as fuck.

Alright, so I get As and shit in all my subjects. A+s in French (obviously), As in Spanish though I've only been learning it for a year meaning I've done fucking brilliantly considering some have done six years of Spanish, A-Bs in physics and A-Bs in maths & I suspect I'll be getting As in Italian since it's quite similar to Spanish & languages are my strong point.

But here's my problem. You see, I have no idea what I wanna do for a career. I love languages and the prospects that come with that but my parents would prefer it if I pursued a physics degree at university, which I don't want to do. I mean, I find physics interesting & all that but I just feel like I'm forcing myself to do it, when college is about making your own choices and finally having the chance to do what you want to do, and I realised that languages are my strongest point & I excel at them because, you know, I hardly have to try. I can't explain it but I seem to be able to look at something in a foreign language I'm learning and then just understand it immediately. Tutors at college say I'm lucky because it's like, a natural talent and a good little niche I have & that I should pursue that instead.

Could anyone give me some advice on what the fuck to do? Go into physics to please my parents and be better respected but not enjoy myself as much, or go into languages and get the chance to travel & experience great things all over the world & communicate?

Pursue your languages. If you follow what your parents want, you will be living their life as a whole career. Remember, a career is ever lasting, and it will define a good portion of the rest of your life. This is your future, not theirs. Go with the languages. Discuss the situation with them, and explain that while you like physics, you have a passion for languages, and for them to dictate your career path, which you'll have for the rest of your life, is not fair, even if they are paying fr it.


KHI's Asz-Houl
May 3, 2009
Do I look like a freaking GPS!!??
Sup? The sky.

I'm about to start my second year at college & signed on for an extra course so I'm gonna be taking 5 A-levels. NOTE: I LIVE IN ENGLAND. Anyway, so I'll be taking physics A2, maths A2, French A2, Spanish A2 and Italian AS (which I'm not gonna stay on an extra year to do the A2 for) and well, I'm confused as fuck.

Alright, so I get As and shit in all my subjects. A+s in French (obviously), As in Spanish though I've only been learning it for a year meaning I've done fucking brilliantly considering some have done six years of Spanish, A-Bs in physics and A-Bs in maths & I suspect I'll be getting As in Italian since it's quite similar to Spanish & languages are my strong point.

But here's my problem. You see, I have no idea what I wanna do for a career. I love languages and the prospects that come with that but my parents would prefer it if I pursued a physics degree at university, which I don't want to do. I mean, I find physics interesting & all that but I just feel like I'm forcing myself to do it, when college is about making your own choices and finally having the chance to do what you want to do, and I realised that languages are my strongest point & I excel at them because, you know, I hardly have to try. I can't explain it but I seem to be able to look at something in a foreign language I'm learning and then just understand it immediately. Tutors at college say I'm lucky because it's like, a natural talent and a good little niche I have & that I should pursue that instead.

Could anyone give me some advice on what the fuck to do? Go into physics to please my parents and be better respected but not enjoy myself as much, or go into languages and get the chance to travel & experience great things all over the world & communicate?
Well if you like languages then go for it, dont give a damn about what your parents want you to do(unless is the right thing wich in this case isnt).Because they often just want you to do what they couldnt and stuff like that, at the end you are gonna be stuck doing stuff you dont like just to please them.


Jun 12, 2009
Never, ever base big life decisions around what others want you to do, or what you feel you should do but aren't really interested in. You're absolutely right; college and university are about making your own choices about your own life. I know a guy who was pushed into physics by his family, and failed every single subject in his first year at university. He was more than bright enough to pass the course, he just hated it and so had no motivation to work - and when you get to university, you really need personal motivation. This guy wasted most of the next two years until he finally started thinking about what he personally wanted to study. He's now excelling in politics and philosophy course and has been accepted to do his Juris Doctor (postgraduate law degree) starting next year.

If you're lucky enough to be talented at what you enjoy doing, nothing in the world should stop you from pursuing it. What's the point of a "respected" field if it doesn't keep you interested or happy? Is "respect" really worth sacrificing educational and professional satisfaction for? Will your parents really be that upset with you if you choose to follow your own path? It's not like you're dropping out of education to be a hippie artist. As long as there are conflicts and different cultures in the world there'll be demand for translators and interpreters - just look at the demand for fluent speakers of Arabic right now. I'm sure if you sit down with your parents and explain to them that languages are where your passion lies, they'll support you.

As for the indecision, I felt the same way when I was nearing the end of high school. But around that time I read a novel with an idea that really stuck in my mind: you don't have to know what the right choice is, because no-one ever knows what the right choice is. All you have to do is choose, and act; there's no point in obsessing over potential consequences that you have no way of divining. (And don't worry about being stuck in the same field for forty years; the average person changes careers three times in a lifetime, these days.)


New member
Jul 12, 2008
i'll let you know when i find out
Do NOT just do what your parents tell you to when it comes to life-altering descisions like this. Since you'll be deciding what career you have for the rest of your life, make sure it's something you really want to do.
If you like languages, you could always be a language teacher? Or travel, like you said

Vayne Mechanics

Expert of Asian things
Mar 27, 2005
why the fuck would anyone pursue a career in physics

at all

your parents are retarded.

pretty brag in here btw.


Feb 18, 2006
spitting everywhere
physics sucks don't study it or else you'll be miserable forever and ever

i made the mistake of being interested in engineering and so i took physics 2 this year and halfway through the first class i remembered why i don't want to be an engineer ever in my life ever


` dragon dance
Jul 8, 2009
netflix probably
physics sucks don't study it or else you'll be miserable forever and ever

i made the mistake of being interested in engineering and so i took physics 2 this year and halfway through the first class i remembered why i don't want to be an engineer ever in my life ever

why the fuck would anyone pursue a career in physics

at all

your parents are retarded.

pretty brag in here btw.

I chose a physics A-Level, and hence a maths A-Level, because I had pretty big plans to go onto university and study an astronomy degree. I needed physics and maths A-Levels to get on the course, but I've had a change of heart and even though space is probably the most fascinating thing, I don't wanna spend my life doing it when I look at at the shit up there through a telescope. Languages would make me feel more personally fulfilled but my parents are ass-fucked to fuck about intelligence and not being common and all that shit.


Aug 28, 2006
Killing is easy once you forget the taste of sugar
I'm struggling between choosing something I'm good at over something I like, due to money.

I may need to practice what I preach, but in all reality, go after what you love and are good at. Regardless of salary. If you can be the best at what you like, your life will have meaning and joy. Doin what you don't enjoy just to get a good salary won't buy you happiness.


` dragon dance
Jul 8, 2009
netflix probably
Thanks for all your help, guys. I really appreciate it. I went to talk to my padres and I sat them down and told them that my real passion lies in languages and that's the route I feel I'm "destined" to go down, as cliché as that sounds. They're not happy with it but they said that if it's what I really wanna do, then they can't change my mind and they'll just give me all the support they can. Again, mucho appreciated.

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