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Fanfiction ► Cirque du Mort

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Davy Jones

I Believe In Harvey Dent
Oct 21, 2006
1 Police Plaza, Major Case Squad Room
ooc: At least he wasn't frozen in fear. A keybearer is special, so there may have been a chance Sora could have dodged, but it didn't happen...heh heh heh.

The black furred Canus warrior was tiring down. Today's training regimen had been hard, but Jors never backed down. He watched as Qell-Hadr stopped for multiple breaks.

"Spoiled potentate."

Qell-Hadr apparently had heard Jors, and the prince walked up to the Canus.

"I'll have you know that I can handle myself. On Yornzo, the people are rebellious, and it takes a talented warrior and adept ruler to keep them in line."

"I guess that's your father." Jors grinned, showing a row of sharpened teeth.

The prince flew into a rage. "Qell-Urtrin?! He hasn't done any ruling for the past twenty years! I've ruled my world well since I was ten and you will show me some more respect!" With that, the prince went on with the training. Jors smiled, remembering his days as a noble warrior.

The Canus home world is a place known as the Village of the Serpent. It is a relatively small planet, home to only two peoples: the Canus, and the Vioa. The Vioa are a race of Reptilian people only found here, for the are the offspring of The Serpent, a huge snake that has shimmering blue scales and black eyes. The Canus were constantly at war with the Vioa, and they usually lost to the vicious reptiles.

Jors was a knight of the noble Canus king Nevortalion. He remembered the times he spent fighting for a better world, but one day in his mind stood out.

The day he fought for a worse world.
Jors sat against a tall tree in the midst of the forest. He had been sent by the King himself to do some reconnaissance. Jors could jut glimpse the small town that the Vioa called their own. In the middle of the town was a pit that held The Serpent. Jors got up and crept closer to the town. He saw several Vioa soldiers getting ready for war. Having enough information, Jors hurried back towards the Canus side of the forest. He would have made it, had it not been for... him

Jors was running back to King Nevortalion when a large black portal opened before him. Jors immediately stopped, the inertia carrying him a bit farther. He came face to face with a strange creature.

A human.

Jors sized him up. "What manner of creature are you?"

The totally white skinned man smiled. "I am a human being. You must be the Canus named Jors."

Jorst was taken aback. "How do you know of me, yet I know not of you?"

The albino smiled once more. "Magic. Anyway, I am a friend to your people. My name is Helios."

Jors bowed to the newcomer. "Welcome to our humble world. May I ask how you plan to help our cause?"

"Like so." With that, Helios drew his Solar Rapier, and thrust it in the direction of the Vioa town. A huge blast of flame flew forward, catching several trees on fire until it reached the intended target. The entire town, and everyone in it, burst into flames, then abruptly went out. The only things left were some smoldering stones and some dead trees.

Responding to the flames, a large rumble came that nearly knocked Helios and Jors off their feet. Then, out of the hole in the middle of the village, came The Serpent, glistening in the sun like a brilliant sapphire. It stared around the entire village, and a hiss of pain and loss came from its mouth. Then it slithered forward in a direct path to the Canus town. Jors stared at Helios with a malevolent glare.

"You've brought about the destruction of the world!"

"Their gonna love the part about you wanting me to help." Helios stated flatly.

"But I must help my people!"

"If you don't leave now, you will die with all your Canus brethren. So come with me. There is nothing left for you here."

Jors looked at helios, then he looked at the Serpent coming towards them, then to the Canus town. He looked back and forth for a while, and as the Serpent drew near he made his decision.

"Alright, Helios. I'm coming with you."

"About time." And with that, Helios summoned a portal and they walked through. The last sight of his world was that of the giant Serpent slithering through the smoldering forest.

So much had changed since then. Jors sighed, then continued the training regimen.
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Davy Jones

I Believe In Harvey Dent
Oct 21, 2006
1 Police Plaza, Major Case Squad Room
ooc: Thank you for waiting, pk para and Herr H0g. Now, I bring you the next chapter in a Series of not-quite-so-unfortunate events that are based in the KINGDOM HEARTS REALITY

Harmony sat with a bunch of friends at a table. She laughed as one member of the table told a joke. But this was only a superficial expression. Deep down, Harmony was remembering all of the things that had happened to her life since the day- the one, fateful day...

The streets were quiet that night on Velo-City. A young Harmony stared out of her room's window at the city below. Her family was a prominent one in this society. But they lacked a patriarch: no one knew what happened to Harmony's father. Her mother was one of the representatives in the Velo-City congress. So, Harmony was usually left alone with her older brother, Balian.

The moon shone down brightly on the empty streets. Harmony rarely went to sleep as early as her mother told her to, so she would stay up and just think of all the the things that made up her life. She would be thankful for her restless nature.

Two figures walked around the streets. Harmony watched as they turned a corner and headed away from her house. That was an odd sight. Harmony followed their path with her eyes until they passed around another corner. They weren't criminals doing anything bad, just late night walkers. Harmony saw them occasionally, but these two seemed different.

"They're just normal people," she kept telling herself. Just normal people, not criminals.

For the moment.

A few minutes later, Harmony's quiet thoughts were broken by the sound of an automatic weapon firing. Harmony jumped up out of her bed. She slowly walked out of her room and down the stairs. The sight that met her was a grusome one.

Her mother and Balian were dead. A multitude of bullet holes riddled them both. Blood spatter was everywhere. Even on the assailants' faces.

Ones was an older man, with salt and pepper hair. He was wearing a suit with a bowtie, and his shirt was stained red. The one next to him was an albino gripping a rapier made of gems and precious metals. With all of the shock, Harmony forgot something very important.

The bottom stair creaked.

The two murderers looked at the small girl descending the steps. The one in the suit raised a gatling gun and aimed it at her head. The albino pushed it away with his rapier.

"Go, girl," the albino said. "Run to the police. Tell them what happened, and who we are."

The girl was extremely surprised on top of all of her shock. Why the heck would two murderers want to turn themselves in? The thought was so puzzling that Harmony simply stood there thinking.

"Go now, or my friend will open fire."

That was all the incentive she needed. Without a single thought, she instinctively ran out of the house and towards the police station. Soon, she would get all of this solved and everything would be better. She stopped for a moment. Wouldn't it?

Nothing was better, even now. Harmony slowly got up and cleaned up her area. She needed council on what to do to heal her pain. Elder Sora would give her all of the help she needed. Harmony headed over to the Elders dining room. She pushed open the door, then stopped in her tracks.

Elder Sora stared at her with cold, lifeless eyes. He lay in a pool of blood, a bullet wound in his chest. The scene was almost familiar.

She screamed.
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pk para

New member
Jan 18, 2007
I know I'm somewhere around...
ooc: Thank you for waiting, pk para and Herr H0g. Now, I bring you the next chapter in a Series of not-quite-so-unfortunate events that are based in the KINGDOM HEARTS REALITY

/sarcasm on
Why thank you crashkid77, the above chapter has been the best evur. How you said so much with so little astounds me.
/sarcasm off

jk, can't wait for you to finish ^^.

Davy Jones

I Believe In Harvey Dent
Oct 21, 2006
1 Police Plaza, Major Case Squad Room
OOC: Do you fear death? Cause if you do, then you should STOP MESSING WITH DAVY JONES! One more thing: What would happen if Davy Jones took a shave?


The master mechanic wiped sweat off of his brow. His greatest work was nearing completion. The coliseum world that would hold Helios's little "games" needed only a GEM (gravity enhancement module, Iod's own creation) to get it running. The thrill of completion rushed through him. It was almost as great as the thrill of freedom that he had experienced not to long ago.

Iod sat alone in his cell at The Prison of the Void. He pondered all of the things that he could be doing if he were free. He had been locked up for treason, murder, and arms dealing- he made his own massively destructive weapons. He was also pretty handy with his shotgun.

It had taken the proper authorities many years to track down Iod, and it took many more to capture him. Once in custody, he was immediately taken to the Prison of the Void without trial. He had been stuck in this forsaken place for a year now, and his only recognition of this anniversary was a reprieve from the boring monotony of the prison life.

On this day, Iod looked up at the sound of footsteps. He watched as two guards escorted a Canus, a woman, a man, a teenage boy, and an albino man. Each of them had solemn looks on their faces, except for the albino. He had a small smile placed firmly upon his face. At the rear of the quintet was another pair of guards. Iod watched with growing curiosity. Now why would these five be coming in together?

"I think I'll find out."

A few hours passed. Iod walked to the cafeteria and recreation area with host of inmates and guards. He walked up in line and got a tray. The food was the same as always: a bland soup, some toast, and a drink. He looked around and saw the five people from earlier at a table in the corner. Iod made his way over to it and sat down at the end of the table; this way he could hear and be inconspicuous. He nonchalantly ate his food while listening to the conversation at the other side of the table.

"It's all your fault we're here," the woman said, directing her gaze at the albino. "I have a good mind to torch you right where you stand, Helios."

Iod tried to keep a cool facade, but inside his heart skipped a beat. Helios! He was the most wanted man in the worlds because of his atrocities on Velo-City and elsewhere. Iod began to listen again.

"Tryllya, you must know by now that I always have a plan for everything. There is a very good reason I got us caught." Helios grinned.

"Well," prompted the Canus.

"What's the reason?" the teen asked.

Helios sat, relishing the others displeasure. Then he spoke.

"I'm looking for one last cohort in my plans-."

"The ones you haven't told us about," the man interrupted.

Helios's eyes shined. "Yes, those plans. Anyway, we need one more person to help make my plans a reality. We need a master engineer. Someone who can build an entire world to house my project for total domination of all things." Helios looked over at Iod. "You," the albino called. "Come here."

Iod did as he was bidden and sat down next to the canus. Helios looked at him for a moment and sized him up, then began again.

"You look like a good builder. Am I correct in this assumption."

Iod nodded.

"Its settled. Meet the newest member of our team."

Everyone was taken aback. Tryllya was the first to speak.

"Shouldn't we check him out first? Maybe see what he's capable of."

Iod smiled. "Look lady, if you need an engineer, I've got you covered. I've also got some new inventions up my sleeve."

Helios looked at the new addition and smiled once more. "Now, I need to go over a few things with you."

They all huddled in and listened as Helios laid out a plan for escape. Iod had to admit, it was too simple.

When the meal was over, everyone was led back to their respective cells. After the guards had left, the plan went into action. Sidrix's part came first. He summoned his keyblade, known as Simple Sadism, and unlocked the cell. Then he did the same for his cohorts, including Iod. They all slowly walked towards the front doors of the vast prison. At the last turn, they encountered a patrol of guards who immediately began pursuit. The six escapees ran out the front doors and into the black forsaken landscape that was the Void. The guards stood by and watched the escapees run into the distance. On the way, they did not encounter the Guardians of the Void. That had been Tryllya's doing; she had sent a spell to imprison them in a cage of flame. So they all escaped to the large white keyhole that was the Nexus of Light. Using it, they re-entered the outside world. They were free.

Free to enslave the universe.

Fresh from his nostalgic reprieve, Iod placed a welding mask upon his face and began to make the mechanical systems ready for the placement of the GEM. Soon, Helios would have his Coliseum. And Iod would have what he wanted.
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Davy Jones

I Believe In Harvey Dent
Oct 21, 2006
1 Police Plaza, Major Case Squad Room
Note: Right now, all of my readers, aka Herrs Para and H0g, are wondering 'why the heck is he double posting?' So the answer is simple. It is starts one line down.

There was a teen sitting on a cliff edge. This world was peaceful, quiet. The Tenth Dimension held many places of beauty. The teen began to meditate. His long black hair flowed in the wind, and his face was protected from the chill wind by a grey mask. He wore a red trench coat with a black dress shirt underneath and black pants. Fastened across his back was a sheathed claymore. He was of normal height, but he cast a long shadow. For he was the greatest assassin of all time, in all worlds.


He tuned out his surroundings and began to think about all of the things that his life was. His half life, really. For he knew that he was cursed; he was one of the few, the rare.

The destined.

Requiem was a Reflection, a being carrying an exact replica of another's heart, but inverted. For instance, light would turn to darkness. Requiem knew that while his heart sang the song of death, his opposite's was singing the song of life. Requiem knew that he would one day find his other.

The wind whistling through the ravine was drowned out by the sudden tread of hundreds of feet. Requiem slowly got up and turned. In his sight was a battalion of Neo-shadow Heartless. At their head was Helios, brandishing his Solar Rapier.

"Well, well,"Requiem said. "Helios, destroyer of worlds, is to scared to meet me alone."

Helios smiled, his white teeth blending in with his skin. "And you have the audacity to taunt me. You surprise me sometimes, how you can kill as an assassin yet feel sorrow for your victims."

Requiem shrugged. "No one wants to die."

"Except for the depressed or deranged." Helios stared into the assassin's eyes. "You can take your mask off; I'm not going to punish you here."

Requiem faltered for a moment, then slowly removed the grey clay mask that was placed on his face. He took it off and dropped it on the ground. His face carried two large scars, one going diagonally across his right eye, the other on his left cheek. Helios smiled.

"The only one ever to survive the Solar Rapier's slice."

Requiem glared at Helios. "You should be shaking right now." The albino simply laughed. Then Requiem unleashed the attack.

He drew a circle on his palm, and it began to glow purple. Requiem then pushed his finger into the center of his palm. Suddenly, the sky clouded. The wind stopped, and rain began to pour down.

"A little drizzle?" Helios taunted. "The rumors say you can flood cities with your little move here."

Then something unthinkable happened. The sky rained flaming boulders. They struck the Heartless horde that had been assembled. The rocks continued to fall until Helios nodded to the assassin.

"So that is the "Tears of Fate," is it not?" Helios asked Requiem, both soaked to the bone.

"Yeah, that's it." Requiem stated. Helios walked up to him. "I have a little job for you to practice that with."

"Who's the target?" Requiem asked, nonchalant as ever.

Helios smiled and his eyes burned with hatred for one person.


R0ad H0g

New member
Nov 8, 2006
Cirque du Mort
Requiem is sitting on the edge of a cliff when suddenly BAM he is backed over by a pickup-truck and falls to his doom on the pointy rocks below. The townspeople proceed to celebrate by feasting on fruit bats and breakfast cereals and ground sloths and orangutans..........

pk para

New member
Jan 18, 2007
I know I'm somewhere around...
road hog decided to join in on the festivities when suddenly a portal opened and a gattling gun poked out. Road hog was so surprised that he summoned forth his keyblade and aimed it at the gun.

A beam shot out and a click sounded.

"Heh, thank you, I had forgotten to unlock the saftey." the stranger said as he blasted the guts out of road's face.

~revenge is sweet~

Alternate ending: Road hog gets a nasty diahrea virus from the sloths and eventualy dies from it.

Davy Jones

I Believe In Harvey Dent
Oct 21, 2006
1 Police Plaza, Major Case Squad Room
Note: R0ad H0g, you destroyed my life. WHY CAN'T MAGIC BROOMS WITH ARMS HAVE EARS? Its like saying theres no Santa Claus, or that Bill Clinton was the most popular president ever. All of which is true (holds fingers behind back).

Also, The world here is pronounced heh-fay-stee-on
The Princess and the Organization

Tryllya sat alone in her bedroom at Willow Castle. It was night time, and she could still here the sounds of Iod tirelessly working on the new Coliseum world. Only the base had been assembled so far: the rest was to come later. She couldn't go to sleep. Memories kept her awake.

Tryllya stared out of a small window in her cell at the Castle that Never Was. She had been taken captive by a small group of Nobodies calling themselves the Neo-Organization. Tryllya didn't know how they got the name; all she knew was that she was captive inside of this place. And her powers of flame were useless for escape purposes.

Tryllya had been born into the royal family of Hephaestion, a world that was one huge caldera. The palace of her father, King Vlacun, rested on top of a dormant volcano. She led the life of any princess until she was fifteen. At this age, she was sent off to the world of Radiant Garden, where she studied with teachers in the Great Library. She was lucky that she was away, for one year into her schooling the dormant volcano erupted and sent flames and smoke into the air. The palace, along with her parents, were obliterated instantaneously. Tryllya's life went down hill from there.

Without her parents, she was unable to pay for her schooling, and therefore was forced to drop out. She took up wandering the streets and stealing to get what she needed, a task which she quickly gained expertise in. It was at this time that she realized her gift: the control of fire. She used it to get many a thing. But now, it was getting her nowhere.

Footsteps entered the hallway. Tryllya saw one of the Neo-Organization members coming to meet here. She recognized him as Number VI: Xermoch, the Chromatic Knight. He walked up to the cell and was followed by Number XI: Nuxsod, the Sonic Troubador. Nuxsod carried to red castanets, each with the nobody symbol imprinted on them.

"Oh Princess Tryllya of Hephaestion
Where wouldst thou be if thy parents weren't gone?"

Nuxsod said the poem while rythmically clicking the castanets. Xermoch simply kept a nonchalant look on his face.

"Anywhere from here, that's for sure," Tryllya snapped, answering the poem's rhetorical question.

Xermoch grinned. "But that, my hot-headed lady, is not relevant. Fate has left you here, in the Neo-Organization's hands. So, you would do best to come with us."

The two nobodies unlocked the cell, and Tryllya stepped out. She immediately used her powers of fire to summon to fire balls. She hurled them point blank at the two nobodies. Nuxsod was hit in the chest, knocking him flat against the wall. The flame went out instantaneously, leaving the Sonic Troubadour with only minor burns.

Xermoch was quicker though. Instinctively, he summoned his weapons, two handheld circular saws, and deflected the blast. The flame dissipated as quick as the one that had hit Nuxsod. Then the Chromatic Knight simply took the stunned Tryllya by her hand and led her towards the center room where the thirteen thrones of the organization was.

"How..." Tryllya muttered.

"I'm a well trained knight, Lady Tryllya. For your own safety, I would suggest you not perform that stunt in front of all the rest of the Organization."

Tryllya rolled her eyes. This guy was truly a knight: chivalry and all.

Nuxsod slowly got up, glaring at Tryllya, and followed the two to the throneroom.

Upon entering, Tryllya glanced at all the thrones. The room was solid white, with the exceptions of some light grey Nobody symbols set into the walls. Two thrones were empty: Those of Nuxsod and Xermoch. The rest were filled, according to their ranks. Tryllya didn't know who they were, so Xermoch filled her in.

I- Miltuxhi, The Steeled Scientist
II-Niox, The Static Lord
III-Xynox, The Stone Samurai
IV- Ulmox, The Duchess of Light
V- Rasceax, The Imperator of Shadows
VI- Xermoch, The Chromatic Knight
VII- Xie, The Dune Vassal
VIII- Vaxyd, The Memory Pirate
IX- Jexson, The Scourge of Seas
X- Honcrox, The Time Twister
XI- Nuxsod, The Sonic Troubadour
XII- Edox- The Floral Maiden
XIII- Sidrix, The Lunar Orphan
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