Roxas *wootwoot* It ain't hard for me to believe if someone wears his duds
Roxas looks like a checker board the black and white one.
i voted for Leon cuz of his belts.. *drools over them*
once, i tried wearing three belts just like Leon's; and wrapping my wrist with another belt and ooh, it was soooo cool.! lol .(i only wore it for a day) :[
but it could be a tie between Riku, RoXas, Org.Coats, and Sora.. .not to mention Cloud.? hehe
lol I have to say, a character with a thousand belts on is the stupidest thing in the world
I mean, what functionality is there to putting seventeen belts around your arms and legs? How can you stand putting on every single belt every morning? How can they stay there like that?.
Exactly! Roxas I think had the best outfit. It's colors all went together and his pants and his shirt and wristband... *drools* Roxas fangirlishness.
Ah yes, the old Vincent cloak and metal glove he had. I liked that. But shoulda had Vincent in thereCloud was alot better then his cloud/vincent outfit.