Yep! I had to unfollow a bunch of people because they were spamming my dash with Xion and saying that anyone who hates her is a rabid yaoi fangirl. (Even though this club's existence shows that's not true.)
Yeah, the Xion thing with tumblr gets really out of hand sometimes, it's hard to just stay out of it and not start a war :redface: Other than that I don't mind browsing the KH/Roxas/Axel tag, and try to ignore where Xion pops up.
Ah, how exciting! I know the feeling; I have one semester left before I start grad school, so I'll have to get a real job soon. Have you seen the screenshots from the KH HD Remix? Someone posted side-by-side shots comparing the original with the remix, and the difference is astounding. I hope we actually get it; I've heard rumors it'll be Japan-exclusive. I've been kept busy with Bleach, Tales of the Abyss, and news about Lightning Returns. (Have you seen Lightning's new outfit? It's HIDEOUS.)
This outfit? Ugh...does that promote a bad image or what...
I'm not very knowledgeable about Final Fantasy other than FFX, since that one is very special to me, but I've seen Lightning in the previous games, and her outfits weren't too feminine but also showed how pretty she is. This...I think someone could actually wrap their fingers around her waist

KH I.5 looks beautiful. I won't be able to play it, since I don't have a PS3, but I'd still love to see the cutscenes voiced in English. That would be so exciting! Hopefully it does come out in America, but I won't keep my hopes up...I did that too many times with Final Mix!! (I want to play KH II Final Mix in English SO bad...)
Flawed characters are awesome anyway. <3 They're more realistic and are easier to relate to (which is why Merida is my favorite Disney Princess; she's more flawed than any Disney Princess I've seen yet). I don't understand what's wrong with admitting your favorite character has flaws. :/
Yeah, there are more Xion fans than haters. And the other side of the spectrum isn't too peachy; I've seen people use this fact as a reason for why Xion is perfect and why all haters are all morons who have no idea what they're talking about.
I love flawed characters too! Axel is SO flawed, and so is Roxas, and I love them both. They're either claiming that Xion is flawless and there's no reason to hate her unless you're an Orgy XIII/AkuRoku fangirl (or stupid), or that she has a TON of flaws that make her so believable -_-
Hi guys! Happy New Year! (It's Roxas Year, huzzah!)
Well, this past semester, it looks like I didn't have as much free time as I thought I would either! *hangs head in Ultimate Shame* Sorry about that! But yeah, I think it would be a lot of fun if we could all find the time to do it. I had figured we could just brainstorm for a while, get our thoughts more organized on what we would want to have seen in a Roxas/Organization XIII game, and then assign chapters to club members based on who has time to write and which parts each person wants to write. That way it wouldn't necessarily fall on one person to write the whole thing.
Happy New Year to you too!! I hope you guys all had a good holiday!
If we did do this it would be even cooler because I RARELY see KH fanfictions or anything of the like that aren't AU. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE well-written AU and read it all the time...but there's never fanfiction of the Organization in-game, even rarer without Xion -_-
And yes, fellow Xion fans, when I go into Hate Mode, it is mainly because I am disappointed that I did not get to see much of the other Organization members get development. But do we ever hear people say, "Ew, Jar-Jar Binks haters are just a bunch of whiny Vader fanboys who got mad because they didn't get what they wanted from Star Wars: Episode I!" (Well, no, because Jar-Jar haters are the majority, but that's beside the point.) Again, people were disappointed. They hoped to hear one story told and instead the focus of many scenes went to a character they didn't care about. Likewise, I figured a game about Roxas and Organization XIII would be about Roxas and Organization XIII, and when it focused on Xion instead, I felt disappointed. (Especially because I think it was unnecesary.) Fans of Axel and Roxas wanted to play a game about Axel and Roxas, and instead they got a game about Axel and Roxas worrying about Xion. And since Xion is the reason behind that disappointment, Xion is the character who gets disliked. Idk, I don't think that's irrational.
As soon as people find out I'm an AkuRoku/Organization fangirl all my arguments become invalid -_-
Her bland personality and Mary-Sueish behavior (and more importantly the OOC-ness of the other characters) are huge reasons I don't like her. But I do hate that she came between Axel and Roxas, but not in the shallow way they think. It's not the fact that she came between a fictional pairing, but, as you said, that I was SO eager to see Axel and Roxas' friendship grow and develop. That's what made me so eager to get the game, that I would find out how they got so close that Axel, the biggest douche (well, second biggest douche) in Chain of Memories, would risk his life to save Roxas.
But...that never happened, and I could never understand why Axel was so intent on risking his life for a kid that only cared about Xion and could care less about him. People can argue that Roxas did care about Axel just as much as Xion...but...I really didn't see it. The whole friendship trio felt forced.
I LOVE THE MANGA!!!! <3<3<3
I haven't read that part yet because I'm waiting for KH13 to post translations but there have been so many amazing Demyx moments throughout the manga and it makes me so happy! His mission report is a work of GENIUS. And the outcome of that Olympus Coliseum mission (why couldn't that have been in the game, it would have been hilarious) and Roxas asking him if he's ever flipped a girl's switch. OH and that beautiful moment when DEMYX is the first one to start questioning why Roxas and Xion are always on missions together. I suspect that Shiro Amano really likes Demyx because he keeps giving him stuff to do. As you can imagine, I am not complaining at all.
Everything about the manga is just so funny. And I like what Amano does with the RAX trio; I think they have some genuinely cute moments in the manga, like Xion freaking out when Axel says he wants to waste his day off by taking a nap. It helps that he gives the other members stuff to do, even if it's not always relevant to the plot.
At least if the game isn't going to give the Organization development, Shiro Amano will. He really likes the Organization, you can tell by the way he adds his own take on everything and gives them extra scenes! His portrayal of Dem makes me so happy ^^ I was laughing so hard during the Olympus coliseum part too!!
If there's something I have to critisize about Shiro Amano's take on 358/2, it's Roxas' portrayal. There are times when I think he's absolutely adorable, and there are times when I think he's TOO dunno, I always got the feeling that Roxas was more quick-tempered and sarcastic. And if that was simply his personality after he was 'betrayed' by Axel, I thought he'd be more quiet and thoughtful but funny when hanging out with his friends, like he was in the KH II prologue. Instead, he was ALWAYS bubbly and energetic, a little too much like Sora ^^;; While cute, I had hoped Roxas was the 'darker' and quieter part of Sora...this goes for 358/2 the game too, Roxas was just blissfully happy and when his quick-temper DID surface, it was at other people for being mean to Xion.
Shiro Amano seemed to have something else in mind before he knew about Xion, too.
In the KH II manga, there's that flashback when Roxas remembers being in the Organization with Axel. While on a mission, he sees Hayner, Pence, and Olette, and says that he "felt so jealous of them". On the clocktower with Axel, he seems more cold and aloof, saying that he and Axel are Nobodies and can't feel because they "have no heart". This was more like the Roxas I was expecting before I played 358...but the game ruined it and Amano had to turn it around. Roxas was no longer jealous of Hayner and Pence and Olette because he had this perfect world having ice cream every day with his BFFs, until one fateful day Xion was told her keyblade was a fake and set this whole sob story in motion that had very little to do with Roxas himself.