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{%}|<~Club for Clubbing Xion with a Club Club~>|{%}

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New member
Apr 6, 2012
Can I join? I don't extremely hate her but I dont like her either.
Welcome to the club! You'll have to wait until someone with more clout returns so we can make it official, though. So, what do you not like about Xion? Do you think the character could have been saved with better writing, or do you think Nomura and Kanemaki just shouldn't have bothered?
Flawed characters are awesome anyway. <3 They're more realistic and are easier to relate to (which is why Merida is my favorite Disney Princess; she's more flawed than any Disney Princess I've seen yet). I don't understand what's wrong with admitting your favorite character has flaws. :/
Yeah, there are more Xion fans than haters. And the other side of the spectrum isn't too peachy; I've seen people use this fact as a reason for why Xion is perfect and why all haters are all morons who have no idea what they're talking about.
Yep! Well, I can kind of understand it when your favorite character is one that gets a lot of hate; there's already a bunch of negativity surrounding that character, so you're not gonna want to add to it. I still think it's silly, though. In all other cases, I guess it's just general human inability to own up to flaws. Oh, joyous. I love that "argument" almost as much as I love the "Clearly this is too DEEP and MEANINGFUL for you to understand!" "argument", which I sometimes see from Xion fans as well.


Proud Demyx/Kairi Shipper
Oct 12, 2007
At the ball
Hi guys! Happy New Year! (It's Roxas Year, huzzah!)

Can I join? I don't extremely hate her but I dont like her either.


I have been so busy with school and life (finish uni in a few weeks!!) and I'm so sorry I haven't been able to get to you!! But yes, I actually think that would be a pretty cool idea. I would really love to see it come to life, and I would love to have some group collaboration with all our input :D

The only issue is time for me. Agh...

Ahhh I would love this idea ;_; Only I don't know if I would be able to participate in a timely manner, since I'm experiencing a bit of college overload X_X If I did manage to do it, I would hate to submit something that I didn't dedicate a lot of time to, since I'm not very confident in my writing and I'd want to put out something good. But damn, that would be awesome, since all of us have similar ideas and just need to put them all together.

Well, this past semester, it looks like I didn't have as much free time as I thought I would either! *hangs head in Ultimate Shame* Sorry about that! But yeah, I think it would be a lot of fun if we could all find the time to do it. I had figured we could just brainstorm for a while, get our thoughts more organized on what we would want to have seen in a Roxas/Organization XIII game, and then assign chapters to club members based on who has time to write and which parts each person wants to write. That way it wouldn't necessarily fall on one person to write the whole thing.

Okay, I may have taken this too far. xD;
The words just kinda poured out like a waterfall, especially since I've been seeing a lot of posts like this lately.

And yes, I admit I've fallen back into Xionism. ;w; I think what I disliked about her was RAX, not Xion herself.
And I still think she's a Sue.

I keep trying to type "I wish people would stop hating on Xion," but for some reason, all that comes out is "I wish Xion hadn't stolen the spotlight from Roxas in his own game."

I didn't think you took it too far at all; what you said could probably be applied to just about anything that causes friction on the Internet. It always seems like people love promoting free expression of opinions until the opinions are ones they don't like. I can't blame Xion fans for becoming so passionate in defending their favorite character because I used to do the same with Kairi. But yeah, it really annoys me when fans write off the haters as "whiny AkuRoku fangirls" who have no real reason to dislike the character of Xion. It's easy to stereotype, but it's not true.

That said...you know, I've thought about this a lot, and I don't think disliking Xion because she "got in the way" of AkuRoku is such a stupid reason to dislike her, depending on why. (And this is coming from someone who HATES that pairing.) Xion's relationship with the duo is different from the SRK trio and the TAV trio, where we are first introduced to the boys with the girl already a close friend in their group. It's one thing if people hate Kairi or Xion simply for being friends with the boys, because, y'know, in real life, people with boyfriends and girlfriends have other special people in their lives. And if Sora/Riku and Axel/Roxas were gay, why would a girl be a threat to their relationships (unless they're bisexual)?

But, again, Xion is a special case. First we were told that Axel and Roxas were bros, and then suddenly the writers brought in this new girl that was their bestest friend the whole time (even though they never mentioned her before) and she becomes the focus of the trio and the driving motivation of many of Axel and Roxas' actions throughout the story of Days. Fans who wanted to see the duo's relationship develop in Days (if only their friendship) did not get as much as they might've expected since Roxas spent most of his time thinking about Xion. So they were disappointed. Heck, I was disappointed; I like them as friends so I wanted to see their friendship unfold.

And yes, fellow Xion fans, when I go into Hate Mode, it is mainly because I am disappointed that I did not get to see much of the other Organization members get development. But do we ever hear people say, "Ew, Jar-Jar Binks haters are just a bunch of whiny Vader fanboys who got mad because they didn't get what they wanted from Star Wars: Episode I!" (Well, no, because Jar-Jar haters are the majority, but that's beside the point.) Again, people were disappointed. They hoped to hear one story told and instead the focus of many scenes went to a character they didn't care about. Likewise, I figured a game about Roxas and Organization XIII would be about Roxas and Organization XIII, and when it focused on Xion instead, I felt disappointed. (Especially because I think it was unnecesary.) Fans of Axel and Roxas wanted to play a game about Axel and Roxas, and instead they got a game about Axel and Roxas worrying about Xion. And since Xion is the reason behind that disappointment, Xion is the character who gets disliked. Idk, I don't think that's irrational.

Thanks! <3 It has long since passed, thank goodness, I hate being sick!

Oh, good! :)

SPEAKING OF DEMYX and the hilarious character he is, this girl I watch on DA uploads the most recent chapters of the 358/2 Days manga (and her comics are really cute and funny too)! I thought you'd enjoy this chapter just as much as I did because, surprisingly, it's almost ALL Demyx and his antics! http://my.deviantart.com/messages/#/d5j0m28 (And I love it even more because Xion not once makes an actual appearance >:D)

Unfortunately I don't speak Japanese, so I can't read it, but the facial expressions make up for it.

I LOVE THE MANGA!!!! <3<3<3

I haven't read that part yet because I'm waiting for KH13 to post translations but there have been so many amazing Demyx moments throughout the manga and it makes me so happy! His mission report is a work of GENIUS. And the outcome of that Olympus Coliseum mission (why couldn't that have been in the game, it would have been hilarious) and Roxas asking him if he's ever flipped a girl's switch. OH and that beautiful moment when DEMYX is the first one to start questioning why Roxas and Xion are always on missions together. I suspect that Shiro Amano really likes Demyx because he keeps giving him stuff to do. As you can imagine, I am not complaining at all.

Everything about the manga is just so funny. And I like what Amano does with the RAX trio; I think they have some genuinely cute moments in the manga, like Xion freaking out when Axel says he wants to waste his day off by taking a nap. It helps that he gives the other members stuff to do, even if it's not always relevant to the plot.


New member
Mar 31, 2011
United States
Yep! I had to unfollow a bunch of people because they were spamming my dash with Xion and saying that anyone who hates her is a rabid yaoi fangirl. (Even though this club's existence shows that's not true.)

Yeah, the Xion thing with tumblr gets really out of hand sometimes, it's hard to just stay out of it and not start a war :redface: Other than that I don't mind browsing the KH/Roxas/Axel tag, and try to ignore where Xion pops up.

Ah, how exciting! I know the feeling; I have one semester left before I start grad school, so I'll have to get a real job soon. Have you seen the screenshots from the KH HD Remix? Someone posted side-by-side shots comparing the original with the remix, and the difference is astounding. I hope we actually get it; I've heard rumors it'll be Japan-exclusive. I've been kept busy with Bleach, Tales of the Abyss, and news about Lightning Returns. (Have you seen Lightning's new outfit? It's HIDEOUS.)

This outfit? Ugh...does that promote a bad image or what...


I'm not very knowledgeable about Final Fantasy other than FFX, since that one is very special to me, but I've seen Lightning in the previous games, and her outfits weren't too feminine but also showed how pretty she is. This...I think someone could actually wrap their fingers around her waist o_O Dominatrix...?

KH I.5 looks beautiful. I won't be able to play it, since I don't have a PS3, but I'd still love to see the cutscenes voiced in English. That would be so exciting! Hopefully it does come out in America, but I won't keep my hopes up...I did that too many times with Final Mix!! (I want to play KH II Final Mix in English SO bad...)

Flawed characters are awesome anyway. <3 They're more realistic and are easier to relate to (which is why Merida is my favorite Disney Princess; she's more flawed than any Disney Princess I've seen yet). I don't understand what's wrong with admitting your favorite character has flaws. :/
Yeah, there are more Xion fans than haters. And the other side of the spectrum isn't too peachy; I've seen people use this fact as a reason for why Xion is perfect and why all haters are all morons who have no idea what they're talking about.

I love flawed characters too! Axel is SO flawed, and so is Roxas, and I love them both. They're either claiming that Xion is flawless and there's no reason to hate her unless you're an Orgy XIII/AkuRoku fangirl (or stupid), or that she has a TON of flaws that make her so believable -_-

Hi guys! Happy New Year! (It's Roxas Year, huzzah!)

Well, this past semester, it looks like I didn't have as much free time as I thought I would either! *hangs head in Ultimate Shame* Sorry about that! But yeah, I think it would be a lot of fun if we could all find the time to do it. I had figured we could just brainstorm for a while, get our thoughts more organized on what we would want to have seen in a Roxas/Organization XIII game, and then assign chapters to club members based on who has time to write and which parts each person wants to write. That way it wouldn't necessarily fall on one person to write the whole thing.

Happy New Year to you too!! I hope you guys all had a good holiday!
If we did do this it would be even cooler because I RARELY see KH fanfictions or anything of the like that aren't AU. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE well-written AU and read it all the time...but there's never fanfiction of the Organization in-game, even rarer without Xion -_-

And yes, fellow Xion fans, when I go into Hate Mode, it is mainly because I am disappointed that I did not get to see much of the other Organization members get development. But do we ever hear people say, "Ew, Jar-Jar Binks haters are just a bunch of whiny Vader fanboys who got mad because they didn't get what they wanted from Star Wars: Episode I!" (Well, no, because Jar-Jar haters are the majority, but that's beside the point.) Again, people were disappointed. They hoped to hear one story told and instead the focus of many scenes went to a character they didn't care about. Likewise, I figured a game about Roxas and Organization XIII would be about Roxas and Organization XIII, and when it focused on Xion instead, I felt disappointed. (Especially because I think it was unnecesary.) Fans of Axel and Roxas wanted to play a game about Axel and Roxas, and instead they got a game about Axel and Roxas worrying about Xion. And since Xion is the reason behind that disappointment, Xion is the character who gets disliked. Idk, I don't think that's irrational.

As soon as people find out I'm an AkuRoku/Organization fangirl all my arguments become invalid -_-
Her bland personality and Mary-Sueish behavior (and more importantly the OOC-ness of the other characters) are huge reasons I don't like her. But I do hate that she came between Axel and Roxas, but not in the shallow way they think. It's not the fact that she came between a fictional pairing, but, as you said, that I was SO eager to see Axel and Roxas' friendship grow and develop. That's what made me so eager to get the game, that I would find out how they got so close that Axel, the biggest douche (well, second biggest douche) in Chain of Memories, would risk his life to save Roxas.

But...that never happened, and I could never understand why Axel was so intent on risking his life for a kid that only cared about Xion and could care less about him. People can argue that Roxas did care about Axel just as much as Xion...but...I really didn't see it. The whole friendship trio felt forced.

I LOVE THE MANGA!!!! <3<3<3

I haven't read that part yet because I'm waiting for KH13 to post translations but there have been so many amazing Demyx moments throughout the manga and it makes me so happy! His mission report is a work of GENIUS. And the outcome of that Olympus Coliseum mission (why couldn't that have been in the game, it would have been hilarious) and Roxas asking him if he's ever flipped a girl's switch. OH and that beautiful moment when DEMYX is the first one to start questioning why Roxas and Xion are always on missions together. I suspect that Shiro Amano really likes Demyx because he keeps giving him stuff to do. As you can imagine, I am not complaining at all.

Everything about the manga is just so funny. And I like what Amano does with the RAX trio; I think they have some genuinely cute moments in the manga, like Xion freaking out when Axel says he wants to waste his day off by taking a nap. It helps that he gives the other members stuff to do, even if it's not always relevant to the plot.

At least if the game isn't going to give the Organization development, Shiro Amano will. He really likes the Organization, you can tell by the way he adds his own take on everything and gives them extra scenes! His portrayal of Dem makes me so happy ^^ I was laughing so hard during the Olympus coliseum part too!!

If there's something I have to critisize about Shiro Amano's take on 358/2, it's Roxas' portrayal. There are times when I think he's absolutely adorable, and there are times when I think he's TOO adorable...like...I dunno, I always got the feeling that Roxas was more quick-tempered and sarcastic. And if that was simply his personality after he was 'betrayed' by Axel, I thought he'd be more quiet and thoughtful but funny when hanging out with his friends, like he was in the KH II prologue. Instead, he was ALWAYS bubbly and energetic, a little too much like Sora ^^;; While cute, I had hoped Roxas was the 'darker' and quieter part of Sora...this goes for 358/2 the game too, Roxas was just blissfully happy and when his quick-temper DID surface, it was at other people for being mean to Xion.

Shiro Amano seemed to have something else in mind before he knew about Xion, too.
In the KH II manga, there's that flashback when Roxas remembers being in the Organization with Axel. While on a mission, he sees Hayner, Pence, and Olette, and says that he "felt so jealous of them". On the clocktower with Axel, he seems more cold and aloof, saying that he and Axel are Nobodies and can't feel because they "have no heart". This was more like the Roxas I was expecting before I played 358...but the game ruined it and Amano had to turn it around. Roxas was no longer jealous of Hayner and Pence and Olette because he had this perfect world having ice cream every day with his BFFs, until one fateful day Xion was told her keyblade was a fake and set this whole sob story in motion that had very little to do with Roxas himself.


"Together... always."
May 25, 2009
Welcome to the club, Xbladewielder! =) I'm sure Goldy will add you next time she stops by.

Yep! Well, I can kind of understand it when your favorite character is one that gets a lot of hate; there's already a bunch of negativity surrounding that character, so you're not gonna want to add to it. I still think it's silly, though. In all other cases, I guess it's just general human inability to own up to flaws. Oh, joyous. I love that "argument" almost as much as I love the "Clearly this is too DEEP and MEANINGFUL for you to understand!" "argument", which I sometimes see from Xion fans as well.

Now that I would sort of understand if it wasn't for the fact that plenty of the criticism Xion gets is due to her being flawless. xD

I just don't understand why people don't want to own up to the flaws of their favorite characters. It makes them more human, what's wrong with that? :/ I'm sure some people feel a closeness to Xion because they share personality traits with her. Well, wouldn't they feel closer if she shared some of their flaws, too? I know I do when I see flaws a character has are similar to my own; it makes me understand their character more and sympathize with them more.

I keep trying to type "I wish people would stop hating on Xion," but for some reason, all that comes out is "I wish Xion hadn't stolen the spotlight from Roxas in his own game."

xD I know what you mean.

I didn't think you took it too far at all; what you said could probably be applied to just about anything that causes friction on the Internet. It always seems like people love promoting free expression of opinions until the opinions are ones they don't like. I can't blame Xion fans for becoming so passionate in defending their favorite character because I used to do the same with Kairi. But yeah, it really annoys me when fans write off the haters as "whiny AkuRoku fangirls" who have no real reason to dislike the character of Xion. It's easy to stereotype, but it's not true.

That's good to know; I was worried I had taken one small comment and blown it up too much.
Being defensive is fine if the hate is undeserved, or if the hate was spawned by false claims (like hating Kairi because Kairi "hates Riku" is untrue and Kairi fans have a right to bitch about it), but when it's just someone's personal opinion, let it go. It's okay for people to not like Xion because she was unnecessary or whined too much or other such reasons, be they canon or opinion. It's also okay for fans to be defensive and upset if someone hates a character due to something completely made up that has no basis in canon. Unfortunately, the latter case is almost never true (at least from what I've seen) when it comes to Xion.

That said...you know, I've thought about this a lot, and I don't think disliking Xion because she "got in the way" of AkuRoku is such a stupid reason to dislike her, depending on why. (And this is coming from someone who HATES that pairing.) Xion's relationship with the duo is different from the SRK trio and the TAV trio, where we are first introduced to the boys with the girl already a close friend in their group. It's one thing if people hate Kairi or Xion simply for being friends with the boys, because, y'know, in real life, people with boyfriends and girlfriends have other special people in their lives. And if Sora/Riku and Axel/Roxas were gay, why would a girl be a threat to their relationships (unless they're bisexual)?

I remember a long while back, I made the comment that if AkuRoku was such a powerful couple, Xion wouldn't have made a difference to their relationship. Which is why most AkuRoku fans don't hate her for that reason. xD
Something odd in your comparison, though; I actually HAVE seen people hating Kairi because they think she gets in the way of SoRiku. More so for her than for Xion and AkuRoku. o_O I mean, most Kairi haters don't think that way, but I have seen a fair few.

But, again, Xion is a special case. First we were told that Axel and Roxas were bros, and then suddenly the writers brought in this new girl that was their bestest friend the whole time (even though they never mentioned her before) and she becomes the focus of the trio and the driving motivation of many of Axel and Roxas' actions throughout the story of Days. Fans who wanted to see the duo's relationship develop in Days (if only their friendship) did not get as much as they might've expected since Roxas spent most of his time thinking about Xion. So they were disappointed. Heck, I was disappointed; I like them as friends so I wanted to see their friendship unfold.

Not to mention treating Axel like crap at times because of Xion. Until the end of the scene, "Why the Sun Sets Red" is one of the VERY few times I've seen the AkuRoku friendship actually treated like a friendship in Days. If there were more scenes like that, where Xion may not always be an afterthought but perhaps is not always the focus, Days would have been better regarding their character development.

And yes, fellow Xion fans, when I go into Hate Mode, it is mainly because I am disappointed that I did not get to see much of the other Organization members get development. But do we ever hear people say, "Ew, Jar-Jar Binks haters are just a bunch of whiny Vader fanboys who got mad because they didn't get what they wanted from Star Wars: Episode I!" (Well, no, because Jar-Jar haters are the majority, but that's beside the point.) Again, people were disappointed. They hoped to hear one story told and instead the focus of many scenes went to a character they didn't care about. Likewise, I figured a game about Roxas and Organization XIII would be about Roxas and Organization XIII, and when it focused on Xion instead, I felt disappointed. (Especially because I think it was unnecesary.) Fans of Axel and Roxas wanted to play a game about Axel and Roxas, and instead they got a game about Axel and Roxas worrying about Xion. And since Xion is the reason behind that disappointment, Xion is the character who gets disliked. Idk, I don't think that's irrational.

What's sad is Xion's inclusion didn't have to lead to that. If it had been done right, we might have had some decent character portrayal without having to cut out the extra character. If SRK, TAV, and HPO can do it right, RAX could have as well.
Yeah, you can't really blame anyone for hating Xion for that reason. I mean, if her intro game screwed some things up for fans, her subsequent games can't really fix that, so Xion is in essence the problem here.

I love flawed characters too! Axel is SO flawed, and so is Roxas, and I love them both. They're either claiming that Xion is flawless and there's no reason to hate her unless you're an Orgy XIII/AkuRoku fangirl (or stupid), or that she has a TON of flaws that make her so believable -_-

Agreed! Axel and Roxas both made some bad choices or had bad attitudes at times, but I could relate to those mistakes so I could understand them more and be more forgiving. Axel was definitely not doing the right thing by keeping Roxas in the dark for his own selfish desires, but I just can't fault him for it, not completely. I get WHY he did it, and if I was in the same situation, I can't say I wouldn't make the same decisions because I just might. That's why flawed characters are awesome.

Or some of them say that because Xion's situation is flawed, so is she. Never mind the fact that her crappy situation isn't HER fault, so it's not HER flaw...


KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 1, 2009
Hey guys! Sorry I've been gone for so long, I have been really busy... actually, Grass is here visiting me in Australia and we have been going on holidays and stuff! :D


HAPPY NEW YEARS! Do you know what else that means? HAPPY ANNIVERSARY GUYS!!


Three whole years <3



Very glad to have you, please make sure to read the first post and respect the rules, and feel free to join in or begin any discussions at any time!


Yep! I had to unfollow a bunch of people because they were spamming my dash with Xion and saying that anyone who hates her is a rabid yaoi fangirl. (Even though this club's existence shows that's not true.)

Bahh I am absolutely dreading all the photosets of Xion moping in HD that will be coming soon

That's the reason why I decided to come here, actually... it's hard being a Xion hater on Tumblr because they're under the assumption all Xion haters dislike her for being a cockblock. The Tumblr KH fandom isn't exactly the brightest, but still.


tumblr kh fandom said:

Just.......... no

Hi guys! Happy New Year! (It's Roxas Year, huzzah!)


Well, this past semester, it looks like I didn't have as much free time as I thought I would either! *hangs head in Ultimate Shame* Sorry about that! But yeah, I think it would be a lot of fun if we could all find the time to do it. I had figured we could just brainstorm for a while, get our thoughts more organized on what we would want to have seen in a Roxas/Organization XIII game, and then assign chapters to club members based on who has time to write and which parts each person wants to write. That way it wouldn't necessarily fall on one person to write the whole thing.

Yeah I have been super slack/busy too D; BUT I ALSO REALLY WANT TO DO IT!!

I want to do a story about ROXAS....

BUT.... I kind of don't want to get rid of Xion entirely. HEAR ME OUT!!

The male:female ratio in KH is ridiculous, and I feel pretty crappy getting rid of one of the only original girls in the series.

My idea is... we could include an Aqua clone (made from something in the armour inside the chamber!) who is a serious threat to Roxas because she is loyal and single-mindedly driven to complete her tasks and is really diddlying tough with a Keyblade, and unless he works super hard, the Organisation won't need him and then he won't get the answers they promised to help him find regarding his identity (HIS CORE MOTIVATION). She won't be ~super best friends with Axel and Roxas, she stands as an almost scary rival (an inversion of the big sister figure Aqua was to Ven), and a symbol of what the Organisation wants Roxas to be: an unquestioning solider, someone who is actually a puppet. Depending on whether we choose to keep the game set before BBS or after, there could be a mystery about whether she is actually Aqua with no memories or a clone... and I want tension between her, Roxas and Xemnas... and in the end, when Roxas is forced to kill her because they send her after him to stop him leaving the Organisation, the pain of killing 'Aqua' wakes up Ven's heart and unlocks dual wielding...

I figured a game about Roxas and Organization XIII would be about Roxas and Organization XIII, and when it focused on Xion instead, I felt disappointed. (Especially because I think it was unnecesary.) Fans of Axel and Roxas wanted to play a game about Axel and Roxas, and instead they got a game about Axel and Roxas worrying about Xion. And since Xion is the reason behind that disappointment, Xion is the character who gets disliked. Idk, I don't think that's irrational.

You always word things so perfectly!! It is this exactly. Of course Axel/Roxas shippers would be disproportionately affected, because they have so much emotional investment in that particular area. But there are many many people other than shippers who felt the same thing, ship aside.

Hell, even as a hardcore shipper, all I actually wanted was a meaningful, developed friendship. I knew that my ship was never going to be canon and idk if I'd even want it to be, KH is pretty lacklustre at developing overt romances in general. And yes, only idiots care if members of a ship have friends or even other potential love interests. As long as canon does the characters justice, you can enjoy it for what it is, and embellish or extrapolate in your own imagination for fun if you want to. But if canon goes on to completely undermine or retcon or run into the ground what made you love a character or the dymanic between two characters, it feels pretty awful. Which is what Days as a whole ended up doing imo anyway.

They're either claiming that Xion is flawless and there's no reason to hate her unless you're an Orgy XIII/AkuRoku fangirl (or stupid), or that she has a TON of flaws that make her so believable -_-

There's a trend on tumblr especially currently to use the word 'flawless' as a snappy word to call things/celebrities/tv shows they like, I doubt most of them even really care about analysing writing or whatever. There's also a trend of being endlessly positive but in a very shallow way, as if true fans are ones who love every aspect of the series without looking too closely at why

if that was simply his personality after he was 'betrayed' by Axel, I thought he'd be more quiet and thoughtful but funny when hanging out with his friends, like he was in the KH II prologue. Instead, he was ALWAYS bubbly and energetic, a little too much like Sora ^^;; While cute, I had hoped Roxas was the 'darker' and quieter part of Sora...this goes for 358/2 the game too, Roxas was just blissfully happy and when his quick-temper DID surface, it was at other people for being mean to Xion.

I totally agree, I actually find it hard to enjoy that manga because of that, it's too weird lol. He seems to be having a lot of fun with the story though, which is nice :3

Shiro Amano seemed to have something else in mind before he knew about Xion, too.
In the KH II manga, there's that flashback when Roxas remembers being in the Organization with Axel. While on a mission, he sees Hayner, Pence, and Olette, and says that he "felt so jealous of them". On the clocktower with Axel, he seems more cold and aloof, saying that he and Axel are Nobodies and can't feel because they "have no heart". This was more like the Roxas I was expecting before I played 358...but the game ruined it and Amano had to turn it around. Roxas was no longer jealous of Hayner and Pence and Olette because he had this perfect world having ice cream every day with his BFFs, until one fateful day Xion was told her keyblade was a fake and set this whole sob story in motion that had very little to do with Roxas himself.



the kh2 manga is like, archaeology for retcons haha. Roxas always having dual wielded, for example.... and actually, they don't hang out on the clocktower, they hang out on the skyscrapers in the Dark City! And they don't even eat ice cream they eat like these weird snack things lol

I actually HAVE seen people hating Kairi because they think she gets in the way of SoRiku. More so for her than for Xion and AkuRoku. o_O I mean, most Kairi haters don't think that way, but I have seen a fair few.

I think most of this is because hetero romances, unlike gay ones, actually have a real chance of becoming endgame canon. And while most people recognise that ships are ships and you should be able to enjoy your interpretation no matter what happens in canon, it can still feel kind of upsetting to know deep down that Character A and B will eventually get together even if you personally feel that A and C work so much better together in every way, but it will never happen because A and C are same-gender or something like that. So then some sillier fans decide that makes B the enemy... if she wasn't there, then maybe their A+C dreams wouldn't feel so far away... and they then vent their frustration on her... which is pretty awful. It doesn't help that the female love interest characters like Kairi are hardly ever developed much compared to the male main characters, so people are set up to not really connect with them and so can write them off easily anyway.


New member
Mar 12, 2013
This are the reasons why I hate Xion.

1.- She is the BIGGEST FILLER CHARACTER ON THE HISTORY OF FILLERS (she is even more of a filler than Naruto xD).


3.- She is not strong enough (well at least not as weak as Kairi or Namine but still).

4.- Is it supposed to be roxas story or Xion´s.

5.- C´mon half the game is Roxas asking where or how she is.

6.- She dares appear to Xigbar as Ven D:

that is about it ...


New member
Mar 31, 2011
United States
I just saw this:


Suddenly it hit me

Three hours of that

Speaking of which, my friend and I got together and watched all the 358/2 Days cutscenes, without any English subs or anything because we could basically guess the gist of what they were saying. In spite of reminding myself not to get too excited I got kind of disappointed again…because it was a reminder of what made the original 358/2 so bland and boring. In fact, there are some instances in which I would prefer the DS version!

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Bronze Member
Dec 30, 2005

Why is it that Xion looks so unflattering when compared to her? Even in HD. I'm being genuine here.

I just saw this:


Suddenly it hit me

Three hours of that

And this is why I'm so done with anything 358/2 Days, lol. Proved to be true too.

AND HELLO GUUUUUYS! LONG TIME NO SEE! ^-^ Thought I would pass by.

Feels so weird replying here though again, I feel like I'm having nostalgia blasts o.o.


New member
Mar 17, 2013
Hello Everyone :D I know I'm pretty late to the party, but I actually used to lurk this forum around the time 358/2 Days came out because the game was such a disappointment and at the time I was surrounded by people who were gushing over this this game -__-

I'll be perfectly honest when I say I wouldn't hate her character if she didn't take away the spotlight from Roxas, didn't take away potential time to develop the rest of the Organization XIII members, and if she didn't cheapen Roxas' and Axel's friendship.

My main disappointment was just with the game in itself though. I'll admit that I had high expectations for this game and no matter what square did I would have been at least slightly disappointed, but this game didn't fulfill any of my expectations whatsoever. I could barely finish this game because I kept thinking, what the frick were they thinking when they made this? Plus this game was just really boring lol

So can I please join this club? Pretty Please :D
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KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 1, 2009
It's been a while :D I'm so happy to see you guys around again!!


haha that's my khi site staff job out of the way!


this made me lol pretty hard

(and so did the autoplay music of the blog of the person who made it but it's not entirely xion related)

Hello Everyone :D I know I'm pretty late to the party, but I actually used to lurk this forum around the time 358/2 Days came out because the game was such a disappointment and at the time I was surrounded by people who were gushing over this this game -__-

I'll be perfectly honest when I say I wouldn't hate her character if she didn't take away the spotlight from Roxas, didn't take away potential time to develop the rest of the Organization XIII members, and if she didn't cheapen Roxas' and Axel's friendship.

My main disappointment was just with the game in itself though. I'll admit that I had high expectations for this game and no matter what square did I would have been at least slightly disappointed, but this game didn't fulfill any of expectations whatsoever. I could barely finish this game because I kept thinking, what the frick were they thinking when they made this? Plus this game was just really boring lol

So can I please join this club? Pretty Please :D



I know that feeling all too well, on all fronts!

I think that in the end, the biggest problem with this game is just that it was obviously a cash-in title. They didn't put much effort in at all, weak shoe-horned story and boring gameplay... they just wanted something to make money off the series label. It was a wake up call for me, because I had naively thought that the people creating this series knew how special this series was and wouldn't let that happen, but of course, business is business. It just really hurt me personally that they would sacrifice my favourite characters for the sake of something like that.

I agree that I could have liked her if the entire plot was handled differently. I've thought a lot about it, especially because removing Xion entirely would kind of suck in that without her, among KH original characters, it'd be 33 males to 5 females :x

I personally think I would have loved her to pieces if she had been an Aqua clone.

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AND HELLO GUUUUUYS! LONG TIME NO SEE! ^-^ Thought I would pass by.

Hello~ <333

This place really is nostalgic, isn't it! I am always so happy to see activity here, though, haha. Especially with how annoying Tumblr is about Days. It seems like it's practically taboo to dislike that game over there -___-

Reply to NocturnalMelody about HD 1.5 impressions!

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This are the reasons why I hate Xion.

1.- She is the BIGGEST FILLER CHARACTER ON THE HISTORY OF FILLERS (she is even more of a filler than Naruto xD).


3.- She is not strong enough (well at least not as weak as Kairi or Namine but still).

4.- Is it supposed to be roxas story or Xion´s.

5.- C´mon half the game is Roxas asking where or how she is.

6.- She dares appear to Xigbar as Ven D:

that is about it ...

Are you joining our club? :3

Yeah, number 5 gets on my nerves so bad!! lol.

I'd love for someone to make a montage


New member
Mar 31, 2011
United States
Why is it that Xion looks so unflattering when compared to her? Even in HD. I'm being genuine here.

And this is why I'm so done with anything 358/2 Days, lol. Proved to be true too.

AND HELLO GUUUUUYS! LONG TIME NO SEE! ^-^ Thought I would pass by.

Feels so weird replying here though again, I feel like I'm having nostalgia blasts o.o.

HELLO AGAIN! :D It's good to see you again!

Namine IS so pretty...I thought they were supposed to look exactly alike, aside from the hair difference? And yet Xion still looks kind of weird to me...

This are the reasons why I hate Xion.

1.- She is the BIGGEST FILLER CHARACTER ON THE HISTORY OF FILLERS (she is even more of a filler than Naruto xD).


3.- She is not strong enough (well at least not as weak as Kairi or Namine but still).

4.- Is it supposed to be roxas story or Xion´s.

5.- C´mon half the game is Roxas asking where or how she is.

6.- She dares appear to Xigbar as Ven D:

that is about it ...

I totally agree...especially about the fact that the game is supposedly about "Roxas". They sure do a good job of claiming it's his game when everyone who's played it knows that isn't the case. -_- His biggest role is worrying about Xion...the whole time.

Hello Everyone :D I know I'm pretty late to the party, but I actually used to lurk this forum around the time 358/2 Days came out because the game was such a disappointment and at the time I was surrounded by people who were gushing over this this game -__-

I'll be perfectly honest when I say I wouldn't hate her character if she didn't take away the spotlight from Roxas, didn't take away potential time to develop the rest of the Organization XIII members, and if she didn't cheapen Roxas' and Axel's friendship.

My main disappointment was just with the game in itself though. I'll admit that I had high expectations for this game and no matter what square did I would have been at least slightly disappointed, but this game didn't fulfill any of expectations whatsoever. I could barely finish this game because I kept thinking, what the frick were they thinking when they made this? Plus this game was just really boring lol

So can I please join this club? Pretty Please :D

For me it was a huge blow...I was SOOO excited for 358/2 Days to come out, like beyond excited...I was like, "FINALLY a game about the friendship between Axel and Roxas during the time he was in the Organization! I can't WAIT to see the Organization more fleshed out as characters!"

Yeah...that never happened. My best friend quit right after the Leechgrave, but I can never leave a game unfinished so I trudged through it, crap and all. And I was completely unaffected by her death scene. It was just so sappy and her death speech was so...eh...

[Also she could trigger more Ven/Terra-related stuff in Roxas and Xemnas, too. It would make a LOT more sense why she would have awakened Ven's heart dying at the end of the game.

Wow I blabbered a lot lol. I just... think about this a lot... lol

But goldpanner...that's too well-thought out and makes WAY too much sense...and that would mean Roxas actually starts thinking for himself...and the female character needs to be sweet and perfect and sympathetic or else no one's going to CARE about her enough...not to mention it would make it look like Xemnas actually KNOWS what he's doing...we couldn't have a plot like that...no way.

As a disclaimer, I haven't watched it yet. I've seen a few gifs floating around on tumblr and I saw the scene where Axel explains waht friendship is when they see HPO but that's it. I just... don't know if I want to sit through that entire thing.....

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KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 1, 2009
For me it was a huge blow...I was SOOO excited for 358/2 Days to come out, like beyond excited...

Yeah :< From what I've heard over the years, that seems pretty common. People who had emotional investment riding on those characters ended up really bitter and disappointed, while people who didn't really care about the Organisation characters or people who started the series with that game seem to fare better. It makes sense.

But goldpanner...that's too well-thought out and makes WAY too much sense...

Aw darn, I knew there was a reason... :p

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Hyped Ruler of Honnouji Academy
Jul 7, 2009
Honnouji Academy

Why is it that Xion looks so unflattering when compared to her? Even in HD. I'm being genuine here.

Well, it is hard for a lot of the KH girls to compare positively next to Namine. While Aqua may be the sexiest girl in KH, Namine is the most beautiful. <3

But yeah, Xion really looks rather unflattering in comparison to a lot of the other KH girls.


New member
Mar 17, 2013


I know that feeling all too well, on all fronts!

I think that in the end, the biggest problem with this game is just that it was obviously a cash-in title. They didn't put much effort in at all, weak shoe-horned story and boring gameplay... they just wanted something to make money off the series label. It was a wake up call for me, because I had naively thought that the people creating this series knew how special this series was and wouldn't let that happen, but of course, business is business. It just really hurt me personally that they would sacrifice my favourite characters for the sake of something like that.

I agree that I could have liked her if the entire plot was handled differently. I've thought a lot about it, especially because removing Xion entirely would kind of suck in that without her, among KH original characters, it'd be 33 males to 5 females :x

I personally think I would have loved her to pieces if she had been an Aqua clone.

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Thanks for adding me :biggrin:

I honestly didn’t expect anyone to reply, but I’m glad the club isn’t dead haha.

This game was a wake up call to me as well. I was a huge KH fan before this game. I am still am to some extent but after this game I realized that maybe the KH series isn’t as great as I thought (don't get me wrong the KH series is great). I mean the main reason why some of us were eager to learn more about Organization XIII was because KH2 underused them, even though they were the main villains in that game. KH2 should have had scenes of Organization XIII similar to CoM.

You made a good point about how the new member should have had some connection to Aqua. It would have definitely made more sense that way. It's funny because that's what most of the rumors surrounding the 14th claimed....or that she was going to be Kairi's second Nobody lol By the time it was revealed that the 14th member wasn't Namine I assumed that she was going to have some connection to Aqua.

So much wasted potential. When rumors/fan speculations are better than in game canon then you know you have a serious problem on your hands. And here’s to hoping that they come up with more and better female characters in the future.

On a random note: When the trailer for Days was released, and they showed some guy holding Xion (Which we now know was Riku), was anyone else hoping that it was Xemnas? xD I don't know why but I was so hoping it would be him lol. It would have been more interesting that way.

For me it was a huge blow...I was SOOO excited for 358/2 Days to come out, like beyond excited...I was like, "FINALLY a game about the friendship between Axel and Roxas during the time he was in the Organization! I can't WAIT to see the Organization more fleshed out as characters!"

Yeah...that never happened. My best friend quit right after the Leechgrave, but I can never leave a game unfinished so I trudged through it, crap and all. And I was completely unaffected by her death scene. It was just so sappy and her death speech was so...eh...

Yea, even though it doesn’t seem like it in my comment I was pretty crushed at how they handled my favorite characters especially since the opening scene was so awesome ;_;

In the end I wish they didn’t advertise the game as being about the Organization. They should have advertised it as it was, a game about a new character. I would have saved myself the money then.

Like your friend I was sooo tempted to stop playing, but I kept playing hoping that it would get better but it got worse instead, literally nothing happens in the game until day 200 or so. Saix was the only character that made me want to keep playing the game.

What really ruined Xion’s death for me was “who am I going to eat ice cream with?” I couldn’t help but to lol at that line. That really killed the mood, what made them think that line was good????

Another thing does anyone else hope that they will treat the RAX reunion scene similar to the SKR reunion scene. Like how Riku and Sora have their moment and then they reunite with Kairi, in which Riku steps aside and lets Sora and Kairi kinda have their moment.

When it comes to RE:Coded:
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KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 1, 2009
Thanks for adding me :biggrin:

I honestly didn’t expect anyone to reply, but I’m glad the club isn’t dead haha.

No worries! And nope! This club will live LIIIIVE *cackles*

This game was a wake up call to me as well. I was a huge KH fan before this game. I am still am to some extent but after this game I realized that maybe the KH series isn’t as great as I thought (don't get me wrong the KH series is great).

Are you me ;__;

Yeah, I agree that KH2 did underuse the Organisation. But when I first played KH2 I understood, because I felt like they were trying to keep things more mysterious? There is no excuse when those characters are meant to be your friggen protagonists tho fffbbfb

So much wasted potential. When rumors/fan speculations are better than in game canon then you know you have a serious problem on your hands. And here’s to hoping that they come up with more and better female characters in the future.


And yes!!! I will hope with all my heart :D

On a random note: When the trailer for Days was released, and they showed some guy holding Xion (Which we now know was Riku), was anyone else hoping that it was Xemnas? xD I don't know why but I was so hoping it would be him lol. It would have been more interesting that way.

Oh! I never even thought of that. The first time I ever saw Xion etc. was in a famitsu magazine I bought in Japan and read on the train, and it had screenshots that made it very obvious that it was Riku who was holding her :< Hmm! That would have been pretty interesting, though! Would have made Xemnas seem more relevant to the plot lol

Yea, even though it doesn’t seem like it in my comment I was pretty crushed at how they handled my favorite characters especially since the opening scene was so awesome ;_;

*holds you*

What really ruined Xion’s death for me was “who am I going to eat ice cream with?” I couldn’t help but to lol at that line. That really killed the mood, what made them think that line was good????

Yeah -____- I mean, as someone who speaks Japanese, I can see their problem. A proper English translation of the line would have taken too long to say ('Let's have ice cream again together, the three of us!'), so it wouldn't have fitted in the space allocated in the scene. So they tried to come up with something short. I personally think they should have ditched the ice-cream reference altogether and have him say 'Things can go back to normal!' or something.... idk though I'm not a pro :C

Another thing does anyone else hope that they will treat the RAX reunion scene similar to the SKR reunion scene. Like how Riku and Sora have their moment and then they reunite with Kairi, in which Riku steps aside and lets Sora and Kairi kinda have their moment.


Well my dearest hope is that (replying to your RE:Coded spoilers here too!) Xion's pain is healed from getting properly remembered and then she fades away happily LOL I don't want a reunion scene *plugs ears* la la la

But now that you say it, yeah, you're right. I do hope that the reunion is handled with separate parts, because I think the Axel Roxas reunion has been building since KH2, and I just have a lot of old feelings riding on it ok :<

Also, hihi everyone. o3o I should post here more often.


Oh maaan has anyone seen the English trailer for KH -HD 1.5 ReMIX- yet...? I was someone who was kinda shocked at the weird voice acting in Re:CoM, and it looks like KH 1.5 is going to be the same 8D


New member
Mar 17, 2013
No worries! And nope! This club will live LIIIIVE *cackles*

W000000000000t that makes me happy :D

Yeah, I agree that KH2 did underuse the Organisation. But when I first played KH2 I understood, because I felt like they were trying to keep things more mysterious? There is no excuse when those characters are meant to be your friggen protagonists tho fffbbfb

I actually felt the same way with KH2 It did feel they they were trying to make to the organization more mysterious but I still felt upset when you would only see a member a few times before they were killed off. You don't even see Xemnas that much and he was their friggen leader. Your right though there was no excuse for Days, it was obvious that they assumed that the only members people really cared about were Axel and Roxas. One of my biggest pet peeves is when someone creates a cast of interesting characters and they don't utilize them.

As for the Xemnas thing I still assumed that Xion would have some sort of connection to Aqua and since he had her armor I just assumed that they had some sort of relationship xD I kinda shipped it.

Yeah -____- I mean, as someone who speaks Japanese, I can see their problem. A proper English translation of the line would have taken too long to say ('Let's have ice cream again together, the three of us!'), so it wouldn't have fitted in the space allocated in the scene. So they tried to come up with something short. I personally think they should have ditched the ice-cream reference altogether and have him say 'Things can go back to normal!' or something.... idk though I'm not a pro :C

I understand that, but the idea that someone thought that line was good, especially since Roxas still had Axel, just made me lol (and made me think poor Axel at the same time ;_;)
Yeah, They should have ditched the ice cream thing, pffft you should have been the writer for this game :D


Well my dearest hope is that (replying to your RE:Coded spoilers here too!) Xion's pain is healed from getting properly remembered and then she fades away happily LOL I don't want a reunion scene *plugs ears* la la la

But now that you say it, yeah, you're right. I do hope that the reunion is handled with separate parts, because I think the Axel Roxas reunion has been building since KH2, and I just have a lot of old feelings riding on it ok :<

You're a AkuRoku fan aren't you? ;) If so, that's cool because I ship AkuRoku as well xD

I'll probably cover my ears when she speaks so I can just ignore her ^_^ and my God, even though it must have sucked to be in Xion's place ( to die knowing that everyone you love was going to forget you and that fact that she had to die in the first place), but she still went out better than some of the other characters in KH, Plus if she did come back and stay, her story really couldn't be called tragic anymore xD

Due to the fact that Xion is one of the most selfless, perfect special snowflake KH character we honestly can't expect to see a reunion scene without her 8D Even though I am really hoping that Roxas has his time with Xion and Axel separately I'm not getting my hopes up. Unlike SRK (No one denies the fact that Riku and Kairi are closer to Sora than they are to each other), I feel like People treat RAX like they are the bestest of friends who love each other equally.

Axel was barely even nice to Xion half the time and Roxas Ignored Axel ALOT. It makes me wonder why Axel would die for someone who treated him like crap. I really wish Days didn't exist, at least then we could still make our own interpretation of their relationship. I still prefer to see Axel as the obnoxious, snarky, slightly goofy, douche. While Roxas is the slightly more mature and calm one who puts up with him and who acts happy-go-lucky occasionally xD I just wanted some development between them. I wanted to see them actually act like best friends. I'm not going to go into a whole rant about how I would have developed them though, don't worry xD

Overall I guess I wouldn't mind Xion being there as long as she does not ruin any potential scene for Roxas and Axel to bring a closure to their relationship and solve their unresolved issues. But if Roxas ignores Axel for Xion AGAIN and if the game pretends that there aren't any unresolved issues between them AGAIN.....fffffffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu

Another thing is that I can't picture Roxas obsessing over Xion again since Namine fills the 'Kairi' roll for him and it would be very OOC for Sora to obsess over her 8D but who knows. Even if she were to become her own person somehow I still can't see how she would really fit into his life, other than just being a regular friend they see every now and then, like Selphie (I hope I spelled her name right). KH doesn't seem to like foursome friends.

Oh maaan has anyone seen the English trailer for KH -HD 1.5 ReMIX- yet...? I was someone who was kinda shocked at the weird voice acting in Re:CoM, and it looks like KH 1.5 is going to be the same 8D

So it seems that they might be rushing the dubbing for this game like in Re:CoM lol maybe only a few scenes are like that? Hopefully...lol We can always make fun of it later 8D and we are now going to see Xion's whining in HD!!!! I'm still getting it though because I no longer have KH1 and I've only had the GBA CoM.
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New member
Mar 31, 2011
United States
I understand that, but the idea that someone thought that line was good, especially since Roxas still had Axel, just made me lol (and made me think poor Axel at the same time ;_;)
Yeah, They should have ditched the ice cream thing, pffft you should have been the writer for this game :D

A lot of Days fans agree that the line can be taken a different way, like in the beginning how Axel told Roxas about friendship, and Roxas was like, "So friends are people that have ice cream together?" So I guess I can understand how the line can be taken...but it also makes me think of how much of a lousy character Roxas was in 358/2, just clueless, obsessed with Xion, and needlessly mean to Axel the whole time.
I'm an AkuRoku fan too btw :wink: Which is also irritating because AkuRoku fans get a lot of attitude from some Xion fans that assume they're idiot shippers that are needlessly hating on a character coming between their favorite pairing -_- What bugs me even more is when people are like: "PEOPLE THAT HATE 358/2 DAYS WOULDN'T RECOGNIZE GOOD WRITING IF IT HIT THEM IN THE FACE"

I'll probably cover my ears when she speaks so I can just ignore her ^_^ and my God, even though it must have sucked to be in Xion's place ( to die knowing that everyone you love was going to forget you and that fact that she had to die in the first place), but she still went out better than some of the other characters in KH, Plus if she did come back and stay, her story really couldn't be called tragic anymore xD

I just wish there was SOME bittersweet ending for some of the characters...I dunno, I guess that's kind of hypocritical because I always wanted (and still want) Axel and Roxas to meet again for real and have their happy ending. In Xion's case, her tragic story would have a better ending if she was properly remembered before fading away, like goldpanner said...but that's definitely not happening. It's not even because I dislike her, I don't think Terra should be instantly resurrected either and live happily with his friends either... *shrug* It just feels like all the good guys are going to come back to life, Sora's going to heal their suffering and everyone lives happily ever after...ehhh...

Although it might be in Sora's best interest NOT to have all these squatters in his heart.

Axel was barely even nice to Xion half the time and Roxas Ignored Axel ALOT. It makes me wonder why Axel would die for someone who treated him like crap. I really wish Days didn't exist, at least then we could still make our own interpretation of their relationship. I still prefer to see Axel as the obnoxious, snarky, slightly goofy, douche. While Roxas is the slightly more mature and calm one who puts up with him and who acts happy-go-lucky occasionally xD I just wanted some development between them. I wanted to see them actually act like best friends. I'm not going to go into a whole rant about how I would have developed them though, don't worry xD


I have no issue with Roxas being happy-go-lucky...but when it's ALL THE TIME it's too much like a certain brown-haired someone :/ He just seems like he's supposed to be calmer, much more thoughtful, stubborn, but still knows how to joke and have fun with his friends. That's what made him unique, as the more 'serious' side of Sora.

Hey, if you wanna rant about how you would have developed them, I'd like to hear, I'd probably agree with a lot of it :tongue:


Nov 21, 2009
Present Day, Present Time, HAHAHAHA
Wow, haven't been here in a while. Gotta say, I'm liking the new club name, hahaha.

Anyway, I've noticed that, since BBS's secret ending, the series has really started shoehorning Xion into everything, Coded, KH3D, and now we're going to get to see her in KH1.5. Fun/sarcasm.

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. (may have forgotten how to use the spoiler tag).
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