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{%}|<~Club for Clubbing Xion with a Club Club~>|{%}

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KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 1, 2009

I'm pretty pumped!!! In fact I'm pumped enough to revive some old conversations I haven't replied to since April (I am so sorry guys ahh)


You're a AkuRoku fan aren't you? ;) If so, that's cool because I ship AkuRoku as well xD

Yes, I am ;D *high five*

Now that the impending reunion is relevant again...!! I am hoping even stronger that Xion won't be involved the whole time. A lot of my absolute favourite fan writers and artists dropped out of the series either just before or just after Days was released, which made me very sad, but I've seen some stirrings today that make me think there are a lot of old fans who might come back if KH3 inspires them. I sadly have my hopes up, haha. While I do love the games, I have always got most of my pleasure out of the Kingdom Hearts fandom (fanfic, fanart, forums, blogs, talking with friends etc) itself, and if the akuroku corner of the fandom got reignited I'd be so happy!!

I really wish Days didn't exist, at least then we could still make our own interpretation of their relationship. I still prefer to see Axel as the obnoxious, snarky, slightly goofy, douche. While Roxas is the slightly more mature and calm one who puts up with him and who acts happy-go-lucky occasionally xD I just wanted some development between them. I wanted to see them actually act like best friends. I'm not going to go into a whole rant about how I would have developed them though, don't worry xD

THIS IS EXACTLY HOW I FELT!! People who interpret them this way have basically gone extinct thanks to Days, though, and all newcomers to the fandom in the past few years will never get it :C I miss the good old days in that regard, haha.

Guys, I feel like such a horrible hypocrite. I really want the girls in the trios to get more screentime and it bugs me how Kairi and Aqua are often overshadowed by the Amazing Epic Friendships of Sora/Riku and Terra/Ven- well, not Aqua so much, but MX's entire plan rested on Terra and Ven's bromance. But when it comes to RAX...ehhhhhhh. This is the ONE instance where I DO want the girl to get overshadowed, at least at first. If it was Namine or Demyx I wouldn't feel that way, but I really just want Lea and Roxas to reunite first and then reunite with Xion. With every other group of characters, I think, "Square, pay attention to the ladies too!" but when with RAX, it's "No! Stick to the bromance!" Ugh.

I agree :C And I think we wouldn't have to feel like a hypocrite if the other girls were written better, or if there were more girls in general, which isn't our fault imo.

I feel so torn about cute/adorable!Roxas.

You know what, when I feel torn about it, I remember that we already have Sora to be cute and adorable, and the entire point of Roxas is that he IS NOT a second Sora!!! Haha

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And the way to solve both these problems...? Write well-developed, interesting female characters, AND, write canon, well-developed interesting queer characters ;3 Then everyone would be happy!

Part of me feels really bad for wanting Kairi to get more exposure in her trio, while I don't want to see more RAX. Idk, I just really like Kairi better.

You know what, I agree, and I think I know why, too. I think Kairi really does feel like she has a lot of potential. Whenever she shows up, it's very interesting. She doesn't really act like a stereotypical anything, imo. She says weirdly snarky things sometimes, she's confident, but she's also very sweet. I really like her, she surprises me. Even when the narrative itself gives her pretty predictable 'Damsel' plotlines, her personality itself still manages to keep me entertained. Xion, on the other hand, we have seen all the cards in her hand. She's sweet, flawless, tragic... we know exactly what's going to happen if she enters a scene. It's boring as all hell. There's no potential, imo.

In Kingdom Hearts 2, SDG and the rest of the heroes are always talking about Organization XIII, but we don't see them very much.

You know what though, on one hand, that's something I found incredibly interesting about KH2. I really really liked the way it seemed to set up Nobodies as 'shades of grey', and while we were explicitly told by Yen Sid 'they are evil and have no emotions go kill them', we were given lots of reasons to doubt that message ourselves. Especially the fact that we start the game with a massive prologue with three Nobodies as the stars, even if Sora himself didn't really question it during the story. I remember some super interesting meta from back in the day, analysing the darkness animations and exactly what 'evil' we ever saw Nobodies doing in worlds and discussing the true motives of Yen Sid etc. Of course it didn't really mean much in the end considering how the series went, unless you count 'they were growing hearts back after all'. But if you take KH2 as a standalone game, I actually kind of like being able to make up my own ideas while I play :3

I think THAT is something that the series has slowly forgotten how to do, actually: giving the player space to fill in blanks with their imagination. I think the answer to the magic of the older games is there, in the places we were allowed to wonder and get excited. I mean, for a game that was meant to be dreamlike and kaleidoscopic, DDD was stuffed with long monologues and exposition that got pretty technical and narrow, I thought. Days, too, was very much about spelling things out explicitly and boringly.


We should celebrate Nostalgia Month here, too! We could relive some of our favorite old posts or pretend that Days hasn't come out yet and share what we thought it was going to be like- although I guess we've done a lot of the latter idea when we talk about why we felt disappointed.



We can always pretend that Days hasn't come out yet 8)

I will never buy RAX. I will never believe in RAX. I will never feel attached to RAX. I will never care for RAX. They feel so fake to me honestly, the fakest out of them all (quite ironic). No amount of sugarcoating and painting daisies will convince me that this was a great, sunny, happy, lovable friendship when there are things in context that indicated otherwise. There's just underhandedness and favoritism that...I don't see it as genuine. It's all covered up by the shove down your throat tragedy and drama. It hasn't changed despite me not logging in here for quite a long while.

I love you *TN* ;__; <3

I need to remember to NOT visit the TV Tropes page for Days. The annoyance levels it causes is just plain uncomfortable.

On the bright side, with a mod's help, I got the Deconstruction trope removed from the Days page. <3

Good on ya :D

I was on TV Tropes the other day, and I was kind of sad. I hadn't realised how weird that site had become. It seems like people there get really twisted up in the tropes themselves and lose sight of a lot of things...

Can I join? I hate Xion @_@

Of course you can!


Please excuse my lateness.... And feel free to post about why you hate Xion :3

Hating Xion is trendy with half the fandom, though, so people who hate her due to AkuRoku would be more accepted. Not to mention they've probably been accused of it at some point anyway, like all other Xion haters.

Trendy with me /shades

Oh, I agree. xD They've just admitted that the reason they lacked female main characters is because the staff is made up of men and don't know HOW to make one. We got Merida because one of the original directors (and story creator) is a woman. I'm going to go ahead and assume the same for the KH team.

There are loads of reasons why female main characters are few and far between, and in the end from what I've been reading about the industry lately, it has a lot less to do with the writing teams themselves and a lot more to do with marketing and the industry in general.

This is an interesting post from the perspective of someone in the industry, and this is a good article about the issue as well. This video is pretty great, too, if blunt.


"Together... always."
May 25, 2009


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Those aren't spoilers for me. They're LIES. D8

Good on ya :D

I was on TV Tropes the other day, and I was kind of sad. I hadn't realised how weird that site had become. It seems like people there get really twisted up in the tropes themselves and lose sight of a lot of things...

Gotta agree. :c It's not as fun there anymore, editing-wise.

There are loads of reasons why female main characters are few and far between, and in the end from what I've been reading about the industry lately, it has a lot less to do with the writing teams themselves and a lot more to do with marketing and the industry in general.

This is an interesting post from the perspective of someone in the industry, and this is a good article about the issue as well. This video is pretty great, too, if blunt.

That actually makes a LOT of sense. Thanks for the links. <3
Still, though, it's odd that Birth by Sleep - which features a strong and active female, the exact opposite of the series' other females - is also one of the most popular games in the series.


New member
Jun 12, 2013
Guys, guys, I registered just to get in with the rants :3 Can I join? Please? With a dead Xion on top?

Anyways, because this is my first post evuhh, I'll start with a full-out essay. I actually played Days almost two years ago (OHLAWD), dumped it because of Xion, tried to get myself back into the game, but dumped it for good anyways because I can't stand the storyline. It borders on batshit crazy - oh, no, wait, it IS BATSHIT CRAY CRAY.

It all started well enough. I was there, playing as Roxas, chilling with the rest of the Orgs and I was excited. This is it! Finally! A cannon development on the Org XIII, which I love with all my heart. Then oh, what is this? A FOURTEENTH MEMBER? In an organization called Organization THIRTEEN? Um. Ok. Well, I've always known that Japanese manga/games tend to have extreme twists to it, so I just shrug it off. 50 game days later of total emokins and "POPPETSZ" and donkey screams, I've finally had enough. I can't invest myself into the game, which is such a pity because KH is my childhood. It carries so much nostalgia that I thought I wouldn't be able to "hate" it no matter what Nomura did, but he did it anyway. With Xion. Grah.

I agree with you guys in that Xion is nothing integral to the story. It could have, would have, SHOULD HAVE, gone on without Xion there. OK, if Nomura INSISTS on having a "TWISTOHMAGAWD", Xion doesn't have to be a fourteenth member. She doesn't have to take up all the story, which is meant to be an ORGXIII and ROXAS story anyway and be a blatantly obvious self-insertion point for fangirls. For instance, there's an alternative that I've thought of. She (or he, I'm still confused) can be an illusion that Roxas sees constantly in the castle, and he personally dubs her/him the "fourteenth member". She may be a manifestation of Sora's memories or something, and remain in the background as a mysterious, sideline mystery that only can be seen by Roxas, on top of other shenanigans and mysteries that he has to deal with. This kind of plot can still be tweaked and changed to aid Roxas in his discovery of his status as a tool for the Organization, and HE (not Xion) would still be in the spotlight. Because that's what Days is supposed to be, unless anyone *cough*Nomura*cough* forgot.

Did I mention how her presence ruin other characters as well? I won't touch on RoxasAxel friendship (no, I'm not an AkuRoku fan but I do like their somewhat complex friendship) because it's been discussed numerous times, but I do hate the fact that she gets in the way of the others' development. Xigbar, one of my favourite people in the Org, babied her. It's pretty in-character for Xiggy to call someone "poppet", but I had always imagined it to be in a jesting/somewhat mocking/creepily flirtatious manner. But noooo, he actually sound sincere when he told Xion what a kind poppet she is. Blergh. I fully agree with the 1984 metaphor that is stickied by the first post - that made my day. It's like everyone is brainwashed and only Saix has survived the mind apocalypse. Don't even get me started on the fact that the other Org members had no moments of spotlight at all in the game. They're just there. Like Moogles in coats, except half of them got wiped out like last night's chutney at the beginning of the game.

Actually, I am going to rant a bit about the AkuRoku friendship stuff. Because the game focuses so much on developing Xion and how Xion is so brave and why Xion is there all the time, people, not some "epic twist" that was conjured instantly prior to the development of Days - there really isn't much depth that says about how Axel came to like Roxas. I mean, in the novel, you notice that Axel is pretty apathetic to new members and friendships (as shown when Larxene was introduced). Larx kept talking to him, and he was wondering why she's so insistent on forming a semblance of relationship and being so contradictory as a Nobody. Days doesn't satisfactorily answer what brings this change in Axel and instead tacks on the big brother image onto him. I would've been interested in seeing his relationship with Marly and Larx as well, because they're a very interesting trio in CoM but I guess that would've been a waste of time since it's a Xion game anyway.

*shrug* I don't know, guys. Sorry if all my rant is kinda extreme, but I've kept this bottled up for long. Fans seem to REALLY like Xion and kept on saying how she is level-headed, pretty, cute, adorkable, strong, and - oh, wait- of course she is, cause she's a Sue! But noooo, they keep insisting that she isn't because Nomura created her. Oh, so canon characters can't be Sues? *rolls eyes* A creator is still just that, you know - a human. Humans make mistakes and fail. Sometimes fans can have ideas that are better than a creator's - but their ideas will remain 'fanmade' and 'unoriginal' when creators can make up bad ideas and have people still grovelling at their feet because it's canon. Maybe it's the pretty set audience that KH appeals to - the audience that's used to Japanese anime/manga/games which, honestly, are kind of extremely convoluted in their plots and Sue/Stu-oriented. And most of this kind of audience probably don't really analyze into the behind-the-scenes writing? This problem isn't limited to Japanese game audiences, of course. I mean, look at Twilight and the HG series (sorry if you like these books).
Btw, I'm not saying that ALL Japanese plots are like this, but I kind of see the pattern. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. That's why I have a somewhat different standard for Jap games and I really don't mind the fact that Sora is Stu-ish, because his concept really is based on self-insertion. Nomura once said that Sora represents that kid in us who wants to be a hero and travel to the various Disney worlds while still finding the time to grow up. That's a beautiful concept. Xion isn't. I can deal with the Heart-Body-Memory-separation dilemma, the Riku-Ansem/Ansem/DiZ/Xehanort stuff, the I-have-no-heart-but-cried-anyway Nobodies, but I have my limits. I can't deal with yet-another-Sora-replica-memory-tool-he/she who doesn't need to be there in the first place.

Btw, guys, is there a Xion lover who hates Kairi? Because that would be kind of, you know, ironic. Given that they look the same, fall into comas, and are both useless in battle anyway except Xion's supposed 'strength' is shoved down our throats with that unrealistic Darkside OHKO. But most Xion lovers take all these interestingly contradictory stuff and gobble them like pills. (side note: I seem to see that girls now really like characters like Katniss Everdeen - the super mega awesome bow-wielding, stone-crunching perfect females. They're obsessed with the idea that strength and masculinity in a female character equals feminism. Isn't that kind of inverted logic? Isn't by being paralleled with a male, you are actually supporting masculinity as the dominating force? Not that it's a bad thing to be physically strong, and there are certainly feminine battle-awesome girls that do very well in a story... but there are also other less pronounced ways to be independent, you know? And they most definitely have to have flaws. Like Aqua - she's awesome, but she actually failed at saving her friends and had to endure twelve years in darkness. I like that. She's a great female character that doesn't go all Arceus on everything)

Having said that, I'm actually neutral about Kairi, our KH First Lady. I think her weakness in battle is her flaw, and it is pretty realistic. You can't expect everyone to be physically strong. Plus, she's trying to overcome this through her Keyblade training (I don't remember much about this, though) and she has her own presence in the way that she acts as a sort-of "mother hen" to Riku and Sora. Her sometimes snarky comments are also nice. Namine is a whole different beast. I always like the fact that she's called a witch. She has a tragic fate, like Xion, but she has a whole different power inside her that's not so shoved down our throats and contradictory. Her power is psychic, man. And yet Xion seems to have a larger fanbase. *rolls eyes*
And while I'm talking about other female characters, I'll talk about Larxene. I'm pretty surprised that people hate her. Like, what? She's an antagonist. She's supposed to be a total beeyotch and a sadist, and she earned her way into the Org. If I were Xemmy, I would've been so proud to say that the sole woman in the Org is a hardcore Marquis de Sade fan who probably can skin you alive while you're convulsing under her electrified knives. She's one of the most unique female villains ever and most people are hating on her. OK, if she were a real person, I may not like her at all - but this is a game and she's one of the few examples of good character design. I'm surprised that she hasn't tortured Xion - I was looking forward to it since Larxene seems like one of those alpha girls who lock freshmen in bathrooms *lol* It's just very unfortunate that Larxene isn't getting the attention she deserves. If she were in another story (not KH), I think her character would have garnered more praise and development. She kinda reminds me of Bellatrix, but in a very elegant and electrifying nymph form. :D

Oh, goodness, I REALLY SPEWED OUT AN ESSAY. Sorry about that!
P.S. TwilightNight, I like the idea of Axel x Larxene and RenoxElena, too!!! HOW CAN WE HAVE THE SAME TASTES OMG
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New member
Mar 31, 2011
United States


And even though the clip is still in development, it still looks amazing! So does the gameplay, I'm glad to see Flowmotion possibly making a return, since I had so much fun with it!

As for worlds, I know people have been talking about how great the addition of Marvel or Studio Ghibli would be to the Kingdom Hearts universe...but...I dunno, the thought of those being included would just kind of ruin it for me. I mean, I LOVE both Marvel and Studio Ghibli's works, but they just don't belong in KH!

What I WOULD love to see is Tangled world, as well as Toy Story world...and I know this probably won't happen, but I also wanted to see an Emperor's New Groove world, it would be so funny to see Sora and company interact with those characters!

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By the way, do you guys suppose Kingdom Hearts 2.5 will be for the PS4? I want that one in particular so badly and I'm definitely getting a PS4 to play KH3! I don't think they will be making anything else for the PS3, right?
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Bronze Member
Dec 30, 2005
Ah, I'm actually working on the replies! It really takes me back to the days of yore. I wish I could share the KH3 excitement though.

Furthermore, piestuffable needs to like, marry us. Or me. I'll accept whatever compromise.


New member
Mar 19, 2010
generaly somewhere online

I haven't been here in such a very, very long time. It's good to see the ole'forum again.

I have to admit though, what prompted me to renew my interest may be slightly controversial. In a nutshell, in a moment of weakness I broke down bought KH 1.5. I have not yet had time to play KHFM but I have been slowly working my way through the cut-scene only re-telling of Days. Storytelling and characterization-wise, it's already an improvement (not saying much I realize). Unfortunately, I'm at the half-way point and there still isn't much on Roxas' interaction with the rest of Org, but what it has done so far is make Xion, and dare I say it, even RAX much more palatable.

However, I will reserve final judgement until I see the whole thing.


"Together... always."
May 25, 2009
June 11, 2013, 09:47 AM
Wow. |D; That is way too long of a time to be away oopsies.

Belated happy Thanksgiving, guys! <3 And an early Merry Christmas/Xmas/Happy Holidays (in case I poof again by time Christmas gets here).


KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 1, 2009
Hello guys! Happy holidays :)

That's weird, LeeLu, cause it had the opposite effect on my brothers! I came home from work one day to find that they had watched the Days movie, and the minute I walked in the door, the one brother who hadn't played Days looked at me with horror in his eyes and started telling me about how terrible it was haha

He said he had no clue it was that bad!

He started complaining about all the things we've complained about over the years, it was a great bonding moment lol


KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 1, 2009
Happy anniversary guys ;)



New member
Oct 14, 2009
being chocolate brown
wow I still remember the password to this site. lol . But I've been watching the the cutscenes from kh remix 1.5 and im inlove with Saix and Axels relationship! They act like bitter ex's and it's fucking hot and I don't know why! Sort - i ship it!


New member
Mar 19, 2010
generaly somewhere online
Hello guys! Happy holidays :)

That's weird, LeeLu, cause it had the opposite effect on my brothers! I came home from work one day to find that they had watched the Days movie, and the minute I walked in the door, the one brother who hadn't played Days looked at me with horror in his eyes and started telling me about how terrible it was haha

He said he had no clue it was that bad!

He started complaining about all the things we've complained about over the years, it was a great bonding moment lol

Well, it made RAX a little more palatable and it was nice to see the big argument actually get a scene instead of text boxes, but yeah, after seeing the whole "movie" nothing can un-stupid that ending. It hurt to watch it again. Hurt all the more because Xion could have worked. She really could have.


KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 1, 2009
Looks like the thread got closed for a while D:

But we are back in business... my resentment smoulders on...



New member
Mar 31, 2011
United States
Yay!! I thought it was a dead thread for a while ^^
Very excited to play KH 2.5 Remix, although I'll have to play over my friend's house because I don't have a PS3. It'd sure be nice if KH 1.5 and 2.5 were released for the PS4, so I could have all 3 on the same console -_-


KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 1, 2009
yeah, i havent bought a console since moving to japan so unless yen start raining from the skies i probably wont be able to get it :C


KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 1, 2009
Oh well, maybe I can make it a project to save up for... Maybe we will both have it by Christmas in that case haha.


New member
Dec 19, 2014
My God.. Five years later and here I am. Can I still join? I really hate Xion with all my being so it feels not right for me not to join!


KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 1, 2009
Sure thing ;)


Feels good to do that again :eek:

edit: lol looks like the members list has disappeared at some point... I think I probably had it backed up somewhere, I'll have to dig around later...
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