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Jun 29, 2006
Not here.
I was visiting a friend's forum recently; a video game-oriented website he's visited for longer than I've ever been here. Although this website (which I don't feel like naming. It adds the spice of mystery, or something like that) does not have anything that would even nearly resemble an RP section, I found a rather intriguing concept on it. Something based off the card game Mafia about Werewolves that, although it had little to no RP-ing involved in it, appeared terribly fascinating. I could describe the game, but I'm sure Wikipedia could do it better than I.

After witnessing this delightful little game, I thought to introduce a similar concept to this forum, only instead to construct it as an RP, which I believe would make things far more interesting, and to base it within around the mansion of Cluedo. In other words, it would be concerning my own grisly death and it would be up to whoever signs up to uncover and catch the murderer, who would be - as you may already have assumed - one of those who signs up, before he or she kills the rest of you.

As far as I'm concerned, you can go about doing this any way you wish; threaten, seduce, investigate, beg... you can even run screaming out of the mansion right at the beginning of the game and choose never to return. All the while, the killer will be watching and waiting, determining which of you to kill next... the game will end once the killer (or all of the killers... ohh, indeed) has been arrested/killed/banished or whatever or if the murderer or murderess is the last man or woman standing. When it comes down to the last two characters, of course, things may become very interesting...

This thread has been created for several reasons; to establish whether or not there is any interest. Any who do sign up will not have to worry about RP-ing every day; the killer may only be permitted strike every few days or so, although I'll try to encourage him or her to pick off the inactive first. It is also to see if any of you could give me any ideas of your own. This concept has come fresh to my mind, and I am not entirely set on the rules and so forth.

So. How'd ya like it, folks?


Apr 21, 2005
Sounds like the Deathnote thing I tried a while back. Of course, you won't be secretly making every single person think they're the killer, and pitting a whole team of killers against one another.

Post the thread. Hurry up. I'm bored.

Lord of Chaos

Once more 'round the room we waltz.
Nov 29, 2004
Within the Masquerade
Hey, a fun and simple idea that doesn't require hardly any of my time. I'm certainly interested. Besides, I want to bug Zetsumi to death... or kill him. That'd be fun too.

You know I love you Zets.


Apr 21, 2005
Hey, a fun and simple idea that doesn't require hardly any of my time. I'm certainly interested. Besides, I want to bug Zetsumi to death... or kill him. That'd be fun too.

You know I love you Zets.
Oh yeah? You never call, you never talk to me... I bet you can't even remember our aniversary! -sob-

Let the bugging commence. You've obviously never tried to teach Rikken to RP. You don't know bugging, LoC.
Jun 29, 2006
Not here.
Hmm... we need at least one more person. At the very least, six people will be required, if only for the sake of filling up the original roster. Regardless, I'll be working on the rules, concepts and such over the weekend. I'm sure you all can appreciate that I can't just throw this thing up and hope for the best. I don't care how bored you are. *meaningful glance at a particular someone*

Expect to have everything begin on Monday, provided at least someone else decides to play. I'll PM whoever I choose to be the killer via random selection (by tossing all your names into a cup and picking one out) and ask where the killer will place my body and what they will have killed me with. Then everyone will begin gathered in the room I was killed in and it'll begin from there.

For now, though, I suppose the rest of you can choose what character you wanna be:

Colonel Mustard
Miss Scarlet
Professor Plum
Reverend Green
Mrs. White
Mrs. Peacock

Or make your own. I'd just prefer it if everyone used a colour for their last name. In keeping with the game and all. We'll just ignore Mrs. Peacock for now... >.>

Anyway, here's a template for original characters. If you plan to use one of the characters from the game, just link to their Wikipedia description:

Name: (Obvious, really)
Title: (You married? Sucker)
Gender: (Male, female, in between, unknown, whatever)
Age: (You're human. We tend not to live too long, particularly when there's murderers about and such...)
Occupation: (People tend to be more suspicious of mercenaries than bakers. Never trust the butler)
Appearance: (Again, you are human!)
Personality: This will include your strengths and weaknesses, factors which will become quite important in determining the killer)
Link to Mr. Black: (Mr. Black, being me, is the dead bloke, and you're in his mansion, doin' your thang. Why did I let you in? How the hell do you know me?)
Background: (As vague or detailed as you wish. But remember; if you make it vague, people may begin to question your background...)
Other Details: (I only put this in because I've got that nagging feeling that I've forgotten something...)

I'll try to keep to my Monday deadline, but I do have coursework to finish as well for both Monday and Wednesday.
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