M) CB6+/GS3+/Xp4+
902FD330 0C0C42BD
Extramly Slow Forum Cunsumption (Note use with Max drive gauge for full affect)
20340C94 47C35000
20340C98 47C35000
21cfcdec 47C35000
This codes is the code uv been looking for kinda Makes Bar go down vary slow and it also refills it self when u go to the next screen enabling u to Keep the Bar at max
Battle Lvl 00 (i think this is more tied to Enemys HP should make everything easy to kill)
20340e8c 00000000
Battle LVL End game
20340e8c 0015fdf9
Battle LVL Deadly
20340e8c 001FFFFF
98 of all synthesis items (condensed):
00340D77 00000062
10340D78 00006262
00340D7A 00000062
00340D7F 00000062
40340D80 00090001
62626262 00000000
00340DB3 00000062
20340DB4 62626262
10340DD2 00006262
10340DD4 00006262
Inf HP
200F7000 8C820004
200F7004 080682f8
200F7008 AC820000
201666f8 0C03DC00
201a01f8 00000000
Max drive gauge (when Used)
201a02a0 00000000
201a02bc 256EFFFF
Multiply EXP by xx times
201b5238 0803D400
201b523C 00000000
200F5000 00042xxx
200F5004 01C47021
200F5008 01EE782A
200F500C 0806D490
for xx use:
040 - 2x
080 - 4x
0C0 - 8x
100 - 16x
140 - 32x
180 - 64x
1C0 - 128x
Demyx Points Kill (Press R3 to set it to 1 kill needed)
D035B55C 0000FFFB
11d5d8FC 00000001
Collect 1 coin to have Max for Coins (Works on anything u have to collect in a Turny and so on ..
201CFA38 08028000
200a0000 8e300018
200a0004 ae30002c
200a0008 08073E8F
Time Stop mod (Works For all mini games)
20356F1C 0000000?
0 = Time moves
1 = Freez time
Time Limit 00:00:00 (Need to test if this affects Everything ..
20356F18 00000000
20356F28 00000000
ok i dont know if there is already a thread of codebreaker codes but if there is go ahead and delete this then.:closedeyes:
902FD330 0C0C42BD
Extramly Slow Forum Cunsumption (Note use with Max drive gauge for full affect)
20340C94 47C35000
20340C98 47C35000
21cfcdec 47C35000
This codes is the code uv been looking for kinda Makes Bar go down vary slow and it also refills it self when u go to the next screen enabling u to Keep the Bar at max
Battle Lvl 00 (i think this is more tied to Enemys HP should make everything easy to kill)
20340e8c 00000000
Battle LVL End game
20340e8c 0015fdf9
Battle LVL Deadly
20340e8c 001FFFFF
98 of all synthesis items (condensed):
00340D77 00000062
10340D78 00006262
00340D7A 00000062
00340D7F 00000062
40340D80 00090001
62626262 00000000
00340DB3 00000062
20340DB4 62626262
10340DD2 00006262
10340DD4 00006262
Inf HP
200F7000 8C820004
200F7004 080682f8
200F7008 AC820000
201666f8 0C03DC00
201a01f8 00000000
Max drive gauge (when Used)
201a02a0 00000000
201a02bc 256EFFFF
Multiply EXP by xx times
201b5238 0803D400
201b523C 00000000
200F5000 00042xxx
200F5004 01C47021
200F5008 01EE782A
200F500C 0806D490
for xx use:
040 - 2x
080 - 4x
0C0 - 8x
100 - 16x
140 - 32x
180 - 64x
1C0 - 128x
Demyx Points Kill (Press R3 to set it to 1 kill needed)
D035B55C 0000FFFB
11d5d8FC 00000001
Collect 1 coin to have Max for Coins (Works on anything u have to collect in a Turny and so on ..
201CFA38 08028000
200a0000 8e300018
200a0004 ae30002c
200a0008 08073E8F
Time Stop mod (Works For all mini games)
20356F1C 0000000?
0 = Time moves
1 = Freez time
Time Limit 00:00:00 (Need to test if this affects Everything ..
20356F18 00000000
20356F28 00000000
ok i dont know if there is already a thread of codebreaker codes but if there is go ahead and delete this then.:closedeyes: