I think that the iPhone would be the perfect global port. I dunno where you guys are getting these ideas for a port to a major consul, that's craziness. Anyways, like I was saying, the iPhone would be perfect. Has anyone here played Hero of Sparta? It's a pretty basic hack and slash iPhone game with decent graphics, at least PSX worthy, and it even features techniques similar to reaction commands. And then there is also iMech, an online robot melee game. Although it can be a bit laggy, it is usually pretty smooth and shows that the iPhone can easily handle online game play. Both of these games feature a 'faux-analog' stick and 'faux-buttons' that appear all on the touchscreen, which is multitouch. Honestly, I could just go on and on about how good the iPhone is and how perfect it is for Kingdom Hearts Coded. Aaaand, if Coded is ported, they better port Mobile as well or else!
Only thing is, I hear that iPhones are incredibly unpopular in Japan..