If you're talking only about iPhone sales, then your number is off a little. There have actually been only 33.7 million sold so far; if you lump iPod touch sales in with that, then the number is around 60 million iPhone OS devices.
Hey guys! Captain likes to see himself talk!!!
@XYZ, tevlen, Suzuku.. I don't have an iPhone or iPod touch but some of my friends do and the gameplay just isn't that good.. There are other phones that would support it better..
Though the iPhone/iPod touch is still a major possibility, I just don't think it's the best choice..
i tihnk PSP is a much easier. i don it would work well with wii.
@XYZ, tevlen, Suzuku.. I don't have an iPhone or iPod touch but some of my friends do and the gameplay just isn't that good.. There are other phones that would support it better..
Though the iPhone/iPod touch is still a major possibility, I just don't think it's the best choice..
lol :wink:
i tihnk PSP is a much easier. i don it would work well with wii.
Why would you play a game made for a cell phone on a TV screen? And putting it on the Wii would defeat the mobile aspect Nomura is going for with this project.