O_O Wow, so many replies. (falls over)
I welcome you, Hikari.No.Endo 
Bio-Merging will indeed be present, Goh, though it may not til next the chappy.
(looks around) Hmm....and since it looks like nobody wants to say anything for once, let the insanity begin!
Data Set 8: Perfect Storm
All arguments were halted when the first moved was made.
Takato couldn't help but stare at the boy that now had fire spewing from him. Guilmon immediately got back into front of Takato, growling.
The other two Tamers were gaping at the boy as well.
"I was wondering how those rumors started...." Rika trailed off.
"What the hell are you?!" the blue-haired boy demanded.
"We're the Legendary Warriors," the youth replied, the fires on his hands intensifying. "I'm the Legendary Warrior of Flame, Takuya."
"I'm the Legendary Warrior of Wind, Zoe,' announced the blonde girl, the air swirling around her as she spoke.
"I'm the Legendary Warrior of Thunder, JP,' the somewhat chunky boy declared, electricity shooting up and down his arms and his hair standing on end.
"I'm the Legendary Warrior of Ice, Tommy,' proclaimed the smallest one, the ground beneath him freezing and his breath becoming frosty.
"I'm the Legendary Warrior of Light, Koji," the boy with the black banana made known, his body glowing with a soft white hue, causing all loose items on him to be float slightly.
"I'm the Legendary Warrior of Darkness, Kouichi," stated the other black-haired boy, a black aura surrounding him and gathering at his hands.
"I don't care if you're the My Little Ponies!" Rika barked at them. "Nobody pushes us around, and certainly not some hotshot freaks!"
Renamon, what are they? Human or Digimon?
I honestly can't tell.
Fine. We'll just not kill them.
Sounds good
"Bring it on!" Takuya challenged.
"Yeah, a battle doesn't sound so bad," Willis agreed. He turned back to the blue-haired Tamer. "Whaddya say Tamer?"
"Why not?" the blue-haired boy replied, as his Terriermon leapt off his shoulder and onto the ground. "By the way, my name's not Tamer. It's Henry."
"Fine," Willis replied, as his Terriermon also leapt off to get ready for battle.
"There's no way you're leaving us out!" announced Davis.
"Yeah!" Veemon added, moving in front of Davis.
"What do you think Renamon?" Rika asked.
"Sounds like fun," Renamon replied, taking her place slightly beyond Rika.
From on top of the hill, Gatomon and Kari observed the scene.
"Should we stop them?" Gatomon asked.
"Let them fight," Kari answered. "We just have to make sure no one gets themselves killed."
"Sounds good to me," Gatomon replied.
"Pyro Sphere!" Guilmon shouted, belching out a huge fireball that headed straight for Takuya.
The Legendary Warriors scattered as the ball of flame exploded a nearby rock instead.
Zoe let loose a blast of wind that sent Guilmon flying into another boulder.
"Guilmon!" Takato yelled.
"I'm fine Takato!" Guilmon reassured, quickly getting back onto his feet. "Pyro Sphere!"
The fireball slammed into Takuya, but seemed ot do little than knock the breath out of him. Charging up a fiery punch, the Legendary Warrior of Flame rushed towards Guilmon.
Hastily, Takato brought out a deck of cards. Picking out a single card, he sliced it through the slit in his D-Ark.
"Digi-Modify! Hyper Speed Boost Activate!"
Guilmon snarled and dashed towards Takuya at a speed far higher than normal. Before he had realized what happened, Guilmon tackled him hard. The two of them ended up crashing into JP.
"Vee Headbutt!" Veemon shouted, leaping towards Renamon.
Renamon dodged the move with ease. 'Diamond Storm!"
Several glowing shards sliced into Veemon, and he landed not so gracefully onto the ground.
"C'mon Veemon!" Davis cheered. Veemon took little time in getting up.
"Diamond Storm!" Renamon announced again as the white crystals gathered around her.
"Vee Headbutt!" Veemon yelled, slamming his head into Renamon's gut before her attack was finished preparing itself.
"Bunny Blast!" the DigiDestined Terriermon yelled, opening his little mouth quite wide. A cackling sphere of green energy formed and was shot out at the other Terriermon.
"Whoa!" the Tamer Terriermon cried out, leaping up to avioded it. The green sphere gave off quite an explosion as it crashed into the ground. He used his ears to stay aloft. "Missed me!"
"Bunny Blast!" Willis's Terriermon shouted again, letting loose another attack. This one crashed right into the Terriermon.
"Gah!" he shouted, landing roughly on the ground. "Oh yeah? Bunny Blast!"
He spat out more little green bullets of energy that rained down on Willis's Terriermon.
"Terriermon!" Willis shouted out.
"Bro!" cried out Lopmon.
"Heh, even your attack's different,' Terriermon teasing voice mocked from the smoke. "Were you
altered? Bunny Blast!"
Henry's Terriermon just managed to evade the blast. "No, I'm just fine the way I am! Bunny Blast!"
A large burst of electricity erupted from JP as the others slammed into him, creating a sphere of lightning that surrounded the three of them.
The orb of thunder burst, sending Guilmon flying back to Takato and Takuya hurling back into Zoe.
"JP!" Zoe whined, now stuck under an unconscious Takuya.
"Takato, I need to digivolve!" Guilmon told him.
After a bit of searching, Takato pulled out another card and swiped it through his D-Ark's slit.
"Digi-Modify! Digivolution activate!"
Guilmon was encased in a huge transparent green orb that rasied itself up into the air. His body seemed to be unraveling inside the sphere, as his skin was peeled away and the line framework that made up his body was beginning to disconnect and thrash around. Only his yellow eyes some of his head remained intact.
"Guilmon digivolve to...."
The body began to sew itself back, together, only this time as a much larger creature in the fetal position. Spikes were woven onto his wrists, two horns were placed onto his head, and a huge shock of hair grew out from the back of his head to the bottom of his neck. The head and eyes began to distort, changing to match the size of the body.
When the body had been completely remade, new skin regenerated in random spots. It wasn't so different from the skin he had possessed before; it was still red with white on the chest, only the black markings were different. Also, the claws on his hands and feet were tipped black. He began to move back into a standing position.
"Growlmon!" he shouted as the last of the skin was created. He struck the now rather cramped green orb with his claws, forcing it to shatter and release him. As he landed on the ground, making it tremble a little, the shards of the orb dissolved into light.
"Allright, Growlmon! Let them have it!"
"Daimond Storm!" Renamon yelled, sending more glowing fragments down at Veemon.
The little blue Digimon avoided the majority of the attack, but he did get grazed by a couple of shards. Some bits of data flew into the air before the wound healed itself.
"Vee Headbutt!"
Once again he shot up to Renamon headfirst, but golden fox guarded herself with her arm and softened the blow somewhat. She whipped her tail into Veemon, sending him face-first into the ground.
"Veemon, you need to digivolve!" Davis exclaimed.
"Yeah!" A white orb encased the Rookie-level Digimon.
"Veemon digivolve to..."
The orb was reshaping itself into the Champion form of Veemon.
"Renamon!" Rika called out, bringing out a card.
Her partner simply nodded.
She slashed the card through the Tamer's version of the DigiVice.
'Digi-Modify!" Rika shouted. "Digivolution activate!"
Renamon was sealed in a see-through sphere that floated off the ground. Her fur was abruptly ripped off to expose the digital wireframe of her body. All the threads, save for her head, were detached at once, and whipped around wildly.
"Renamon digivolve to....."
With these words the body began to rebuild itself in the fetal postion. Her image became much more like a true fox, with all four limbs made for walking. A thick white mane burst out around her neck. Shortly after thick braid of string wrapped itself loosely around her neck as well, tying itself into a huge bow while the tips of the braid were morphed into bells. Six bushy tails sprouted from behind. Her face began to lengthen and gain more of a snout.
The main transformation complete, her golden fur began to replenish itself. It grew in random patches that spread rapidly. As soon as the fur was replaced her feet, they immediately were engulfed in white flame. The same was the case for the tips of her tails.
The braid around her neck became colored red and white. The yin and yang symbol was persent at the top of all her legs, as well as her forehead.
"Kyubimon!" she announced, crashing through the orb and letting the fragments become nothing.
This did little to faze ExVeemon or Davis.
"C'mon, we can take her! Get em ExVeemon!"
"Bunny Blast!" both Terriermon yelled.
The blasts collided in midair, effectively canceling each other out.
"This is getting us nowhere," Willis stated. "Terriermon, you ready?"
"Oh yeah!" Terriermon replied. Soon after he was sealed in a glowing white sphere.
"Terriermon digivolve to....."
The sphere melded itself into a new shape. When it had done its job, the light fell away to reveal Terriermon's new Champion form.
Now his body was mostly a pale cream, with some green covering the top half of his face and most of his still-floppy ears. He wore short pair of jeans and a brown belt across his chest. His hands had become machine guns. Two red marks went across his face, and there was a red diamond symbol on his forehead.
"Two can play that game,' Henry spoke, slashing a card through his D-Ark.
"Digi-Modify! Digivolution Activate!"
"You know, it's kinda pathetic how you have to depend on cards for everything,' Willis's Gargomon quipped.
Henry just narrowed his eyes as a green sphere surrounded his Terriermon.
The fur upon his body torn away to make way for his new body. As the strings that held his current form were snipped, the loose threads lashed about with no target in mind.
"Terriermon digivolve to....."
The threads began to organize themselves and recreate the Digimon. His floppy ears were reformed, but longer. Jeans were formed to cover his lower body, as a belt was slung across his chest. The hands were melded into machine guns.
Fur began to regrow itself, while metal swept over the inorganic part of his body. The jeans were being given the appropriate color and toughness, while the belt got a leathery skin. Most of the fur was a pale cream, while the upper part of his head and the majority of his ears had green-hued fur.
Other than a slight difference in pigment, both Digimon looked exactly the same.
"Come and get it!" Henry's Terriermon challenged.
"Now here's where the real fun begins,' Willis's Gargomon remarked.
Both Digimon lunged at each other.
Aye, this chappy's gonna be a LOT longer than expected XD. Expect this to be a three or maybe four part chappy. Oh well, enjoy!