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Fanfiction ► Commencing Overwrite

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Mar 7, 2005
Oh, just hanging out with Demy - HEY GET BACK HERE
Me: Why thank you bladewielder, though I doubt that's true (blushes) Oh yeah, the last part of the last chappy isn't supposed to make sense XD XP

Anyway, I've already posted this and Preceding Overwrite at FF.net. The best Digimon stories I've read on there are "Swifting Burning Ice" and "Enter the Darkness," Both stories are connected and are written by Frozen Phoinex. There are bajillion things happening in those stories, but they come together so perfectly. You should read them.

Davis: Dude, but they're so long though O_O

Me: And yeah, they take a while to read too.

Izzy+Yolei: Wait.....o_O

Me: I christen thy Terriermon and thy Lopmon....doggy-rabbits. XDDD

Data Set 6: Of Course, You Know That This Means War

They just barely got to the top of the hill when he heard another pained screech.

A black dinosaur with red stripes on its body and green spikes down its back was collapsing onto the red sand. It was growling fiercly, but its body trembled.

"A DarkTyrannomon!" Takuya exclaimed.

Over the horizon of another hill came another Terriermon, only the colors of this one differed slightly from the Terriermon that was perched on Willis's shoulder*. The tan parts of its body were a bit plarer, and the green areas were a more olive hue.

"Bunny Blast!" the other Terriermon shouted, spitting out green blasts of light at the fallen reptile Digimon. They all hit their mark and exploded in the DarkTyrannomon's face. It let out a cry.

"Pyro Sphere!" another voice cried out. A orb of flame slammed into the DarkTyrannomon's side, creating a spectacular show of fire. Once again the creature yelled.

Soon another dinosaur Digimon dashed into sight, only this one was much more dinminutive. Its skin was red with black markings all over it, and had batlike ears. On its white chest was an unusual symbol: four small, black triangles connected together. One was at the center, surrounded by a thin circle, and the others were attached to its tips. The golden eyes it possessed were in great contrat with its body, and the pupils were slits.

Out of nowhere appeared a third Digimon, in the air just behind the black dinosaur. This one had the look of a humanoid fox, with a fox's unmistakable face and a long, bushy tail that was tipped with white at the end. The way its blue irises were sent against the rest of its blackened eye made it seem as if it was peering at the world through a mask. The fur was a bright gold, with its upper and lower paws devoid of color. Its purple gloves went halfway up her arm and were fingerless, showing off its clawed fingers.

Outstretching its arms, several glowing shards appeared around her.

The DarkTyrannomon snapped its head back and stared at the fox in horror.

"N-no, don't-" it stammered, its blue eyes becoming smaller.

"Diamond Storm," the fox said coolly in a deep female voice. The shining fragments rained down on the Digimon.

With a final wail, the Digimon dissolved into data. As each of the Digimon began to glow slightly, the shattered data was divided itself between them, becoming one with their bodies**. When all the remaining data had been absorbed, they ceased to give off that faint light. A small orb light, however, wasn't affected by this process and floated to the sky.

Davis wanted to throw up at the sight. If there was anything he couldn't stand ,it was the pointless slaughter of innocent Digimon. All the others looked sickened as well.

"Great job guys!" a chipper voiced called out.

Within a few moments three teens could be seen running to greet them.

A boy with hair the color of the deepest sea rushed over towards the other doggy-rabbit. He had on a black shirt and a orange vest. "Good work Terriermon."

"Ah, it was nothing," the other Terriermon replied casually.

The red and black dinosaur zipped over to a brunette boy with a blue shirt and goggles. The boy smiled widely and petted the Digimon on the head. "You did it, Guilmon."

"Of course," the Digimon answered cheerfully in an oddly innocent voice.

Now the golden fox was greeted by the third human, a girl with her orange hair tied back in a spiky ponytail. Her violet eyes showed her pleasure. "Well, you sure took care of him, Renamon."

"Yes," the fox replied.

The girl smiled.

"Well..." the brunette spoke up after a short pause. "That wasn't so hard."

"Yes, it was rather pathetic," Renamon replied, her arms crossed and her face devoid of expression.

"Yeah, we didn't even need to digivolve!" the other Terriermon whined.

"So, what else is on the list?' asked the blue-haired boy.

"Well..." the brunette began, bringing out an unusual DigiVice. It was a bit bigger than what Davis had, and had a slit running down one side. He began pressing buttons and seemed to be checking things out on the screen.

"Anything good?" the violet-eyed girl quizzed.

"Uh...there's a Raptordramon we could take down," the brunette offered.

"Nah, they're too easy,' the other Terriermon answered.

"Uh, okay....well....how about a Rhinomon?"

"An armor-level Digimon? Please,' the violet-eyed girl replied. "Leave that to the new guys."

"Okay...what about a Monochromon?"

"Nah," the blue-haired boy responded. "After yesterday, if I see another Monochromon, it'll be too soon."

The brunette laughed as he continued to fiddle with his DigiVice. "Yeah, you're right....Oh wait! They've got a Karatenmon on here!"

"Yeah! Awesome!" the other Terriermon cheered. "I heard they're real strong."

"Sounds good to me," the violet-eyed girl agreed. Renamon simply nodded her head.

"That sound good boy?" the brunette asked his dinosaur.

"Uh-huh!" Guilmon replied happily.

Up on the hill, the others were watching the scene intently.

"Well, those are Tamers if I ever saw them," Davis hissed, his voice lower than usual.

'Yeah," Takuya agreed, his voice dripping with venom. Embers danced around his hands and feet.

"Strolling around killing for sport, yeah, that's a Tamer for you,' JP added, his tone just as poisonous as Takuya's. Electricity crackled up and down his arms.

The other Legendary Warriors said nothing, but their hatred was impossible to overlook.

Willis said nothing, only glowering at the Tamers below. Terriermon was growling faintly, the hairs on the back of his neck standing up. Lopmon was whimpering and shaking a little.

Kari had an unreadable expression on her face, but it was most likely not happiness. Gatomon's ears were turned backwards and she was on all fours. Every hair on her back, neck, and chest were on end as her tail twitched restlessly. A low rumble was emitting from her throat.

Renamon's eyes darted the witnesses up on the hill. "Looks like we got company."

*If you compare pics of Willis's Terriermon to the other, you can see a slight different in color. It probably that more to do with different people doing the Terriermons than anything else, but I thought I should point that out.

**I know that they stopped absorbing data in the show, but when you think about it, it doesn't make sense for them to not absorb to data, since it would only make them stronger and absorbing leftover data doesn't prevent the Digimon from being reincarnated. (I also have an explanation as to why Digimon couldn't be reincarnated during the Tamer's adventures, but that's a bit later....

BTW can anyone guess where I got the title from?

Hmm..wasn't as long as I planned it to be....oh well.


May 1, 2005
Wonderland. We're all mad here! :D

Sora:*nudges Kaze* Renamon sounds like you, Kaze. ^_^

Aozora: Yea....and there's a Kazemon....o_O

Kaze:*glares at Sora* Don't. Touch. Me. >_>

Me:*huggles Kaze* You emotionless-ness makes you so hott!! MORE SOON, WM!!! ^_^
Mar 7, 2005
Oh, just hanging out with Demy - HEY GET BACK HERE
Yes, the Tamers do seem quite evil, don't they? But discrimination has a habit of blowing everything out of porportion...

Actually, eariler I meant the title for the chappy XD. But yes, you've made a very good observation...

Oh yes, ****** means POV change.

Listens to Banjo-Tooie music XP

Data Set 7: Them Fighting Words!

"Well, looks like they've seen us," Davis stated. "Not that I care."

All but Kari began to descend down the hill.

Gatomon paused and looked back at her partner. "Aren't you coming."

Kari simply shook her head. "I think it's best if we stay back. Things could get out of hand, and-"

"Somebody'll need to stop them?" Gatomon finished for her. "Good idea."

She went back to where Kari was, and waiting for the chaos to begin.


The Tamers narrowed their eyes as the others approached.

Great, more people that hate us.... thought the brunette. Couldn't they for once just do their jobs without being interrrupted?

The oncoming crowd split itself into three groups. A group of six kids with no Digimon with them walked towards him.

Okay, just act friendly and be polite.

He rubbed the back of his head and said, 'Uh, hey there!"

Guilmon stepped forward with an inquisitive look on his face, his ears twitching. His nostrils quivered as he took in the scents around him.

Suddenly his normally wide pupils morphed into slits, and his back arch up more. He let out a fierce growl.

Okay, not what I was planning.

"Guilmon!" he scolded, glaring at his partner.

Guilmon didn't look at him, but kept his eyes focused on the strangers.

"Takato, they don't smell right," his Digimon growled.

He gave the miniature dinosaur a slightly confused look.

They don't smell right?

"Sure you're aren't smelling youself, buddy?' a boy with a dark purple baseball cap asked. He seemed to the leader of the group, as the others were standing slightly behind him. On top well a the baseball cap was a pair of goggles.

Hey, I thought I was the only person who wore goggles!

"What do you want?" he questioned.

"So, who are you supposed to be?" quizzed the violet-eyed girl.

Before he stood a chocolate-haired boy about her age. He wore a black jacket with flames decorating it and, oddly enough, a pair of goggles. Beside him stood a blue and white Digimon about half his size. It had two zigzaggy ears and a spike on his nose. A Veemon, by the looks of it.

"I'm Davis," the boy proudly announced. 'A DigiDestined chosen by Courage and Friendship."

Oh god, not more of this crap. She had heard this kind of thing far too many times.

As the arrogant boy known as Davis rambled on about being chosen, the violet-eyed girl she noticed a loud rumblng was coming from Guilmon

Is Guilmon growling at those kids?

Guilmon never growled at people. Sure, he'd growl at a fierce Digimon or even stray dogs that would try to attack him, but never people. He didn't know the meaning of the word stranger.

It seems so, Rika, Renamon replied mentally. Ah, the convienances of telepathy. But I don't blame him.

Why? Rika asked, as the boy bantered on.

There's something off about those kids, Renamon replied

Off? What do you mean by off?

"HEY! Are you listening to me?!" Davis snapped, breaking Rika's train of thought.

"Huh? You say something?"

This cause the boy to fume even more.


"Hey, lookie, lookie! A Tamer," the blonde's Terriermon taunted. While the blonde didn't join in, he didn't scold him either. The Lopmon on his other shoulder peered at the boy with the orange vest fearfully but stubbornly.

Oh boy. "Who are you?" the blue-haired boy asked.

The blonde gave him his full attention. "I'm Willis, a DigiDestined chosen by Destiny."

More DigiDestined. That figures.

'Hey, isn't that a bit redundant?" his Terriermon spat out.

While the DigiDestined simply glared at him, his Terriermon spoke up. "I dunno about you, but I think the term Ruthless Tamer is a bit redundant too, don't you agree?"

Looks like I can forget about trying to make any peace

He heard Guilmon growling. What's up with him?

Not far off, the chocolate-haired boy was bragging about how he was a DigiDestined and how they weren't supposed to be here. From the looks of it, Rika wasn't hearing a word of what he was saying.

How does she do that?

"Well, at least we had the guts to drive off the D-Reaper while you guys were hiding in some trash can," his own Terriermon shot back.

"Hey, we were fighting it off too, in our own countries!" This time it was the boy named Willis who barked back.

"Yeah, all the flights were kinda grounded, you know, since everything was in mass hysteria and stuff,' his Terriermon chimed in. "Well, I guess we could've rowed a boat there, but I think that would've taken too long. So sorry if we couldn't make it."

"Well, it's not like we got any help from the DigiDestined in our own country!" Now it was the blue-haired boy speaking, or rather shouting, his reply. "You guys may brag about how you're the chosen ones, but when it came to the world being in peril, it was us that saved it! Not you! Us!"

"That's not true!" the Lopmon spoke up. "When the D-Reaper appeared in America, we did all we could to fight it! And we weren't the only ones!"

"You Tamers have no idea how many DigiDestined and their Digimon died on that day!" Willis yelled. 'And what casualites did you have? None!"

No, we-" the blue-haired boy began, but stopped himself. No, he doesn't need to know that. That's none of his business.

Taking advantage of lack of a comeback, the DigiDestined Terriermon continued where Willis left off.

"And after that, you strut around the Digital World like it's all yours, making up rules and eliminating any Digimon that disobey them as you go along. Then you set up these towers everywhere and start recruiting anyone that happens to want to be Tamer. You make them a DigiVice, let them pick out a partner, or make one themselves, whatever, and volia', instant Tamer! Must be nice."

"We don't let just anyone join,' the blue-haired boy. "They've got to pass many tests, and follow a strict set of rules. If they break any rules, they lose their Digimon and their D-Ark immediately."

The two boys and their Digimon glared at each other.

And I was in a good mood today too....


"You guys aren't even supposed to be here anyway,' Davis growled.

"So what if we aren't?" Rika replied coolly.

'If you guys were really supposed to be here, you would've been chosen,' Davis replied.

"How many times do I have to tell you DigiDestined.." Rika started, her gaze narrowing, "That I don't give a damn about your talk about how you're all bound to fate and how only the DigiDestined can protect the Digital World."

"Does it really matter who saves the world, as long as it's saved in the first place?" Renamon responded.

"And you guys are always saying how egotisic we are," Rika added. "You guys are pathetic."

"Say that again!" Veemon challenged.

Rika smirked. "You guys are pathetic. Sounds like to me you can't deal with the idea that somone other than yourselves can have the glory of protecting the Digital World. No, it's gotta be just you guys."

"Well, maybe we wouldn't mind it so much if you hadn't dragged our names through the mud!" Davis shouted.

"You did that to yourselves," Rika answered. "When none of you were around when Wild Ones start to appear, or the Devas, or even the D-Reaper, I think most people lost their respect for your little club."

"Hey, it wasn't like we were sitting around doing nothing! I know I wasn't!" Davis barked back.

"Good for you,' Rika replied flatly. "Too bad not many of your comrades had the same idea."

"What are you talking about?! DigiDestined from all over the world were fighting this!" Veemon yelled.

'Funny. I didn't see too much evidence of that,' Rika responded. "All over the world, several towns and even some cities were destroyed by Wild Ones with hardly any resisitance from you so-called heroes."

"Most of the Digimon in those cases were Mega-level, while the average DigiDestined partner level would be between a strong Champion to a weak Ultimate. if there was only a couple of them, they didn't stand a chance!"

"Yeah, and besides, not all of them had the option to fight,' Veemon chimed in. "A lot of them were rescuing civilians while others tried to hold back the wild Digimon!"

Rika's eyes narrowed. "If you DigiDestined spend more time actually killing Digimon instead of trying to come up with ways to send them back, maybe things wouldn't have been so bad."

Davis's expression grew more fierce. "Look, unlike you guys, we believe in letting opponent Digimon live. Sure, if they're evil, we'll kill them, but if it's just some random Digimon like a Wild One, then we try to find more peaceful solutions. We're not killing machines like you Tamers."

'Oh I'm sorry, I just don't like the idea of a enemy Digimon chewing my head off," Rika growled. "And while you DigiDestined were busy trying to think of a plan to deterring Wild Ones unharmed, countless people would be getting hurt or even killed by those said Wild Ones. Some heroes you are."

Davis shot her a glare of hate.

"We don't really care how you guys just boss around all the Digimon,' the other goggle bearer hissed.

"We're not doing it to be mean!" Takato protested. "This place was in utter chaos before. Now we've given it some order."

"Nobody wanted your order!" a boy with a black bandana barked. "Digimon can take care of themselves. They don't need you guys butting into their business."

"Yeah," a somewhat chubby kid added. "The Digital World has always had a wildness to it, and there's nothing that can change that."

"We're just trying to prevent disasters like the D-Reaper from happening again!" Takato shouted.

"Well you're certainly not helping," a girl with long blonde hair and an odd purple hat retorted. "All you're doing is causing more unrest in the Digital World."

"Yeah," the other goggle-bearer agreed. "Why do think so many Digimon hate humans now? It's because you guys ride around deleting any Digimon that you don't like, while claiming to be their defenders!"

"You guys don't have to worry about being hurt either," the smallest boy hissed. "Because you can just sit back and have your Digimon pet battle with whatever you wanted dead."

"Must be real nice, to have your own personal slave to do the dirty work for you," a black-haired boy wearing mostly white growled.

"I am not Takato's slave! I am his friend!" Guilmon shot back, looking even fiercer than before.

'Takato, huh?" the one with the dark purple baseball cap muttered. He smirked a little, and excitement danced in his eyes. "You're one of those Master Tamers, aren't you?"

"Yeah, I am,' Takato replied flatly. "What about it?"

The boy shrugged. "Nothing.....just....."

Within the blink of an eye he rushed forward and slammed his foot into Guilmon's chest. The red and black dinosaur was sent reeling into Takato. After quickly untangling themselves from the pile, they saw that his ankles and hands were suddenlt aflame.

"I always wanted to teach one of you guys lesson."

I think we all saw that coming. Sheer chaos awaits in the next chappy XD.

The arguments turned out being more brutal than expected O_O
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New member
Jun 21, 2005
Wahaa~ A sequel! I read the frst one a while ago,so many flashbacks of Digimon season 1--- (x_x);

Just wanted to say thanks for making a sequal~ ☆⌒(*^-゜)v


Ashy to Classy
Mar 12, 2005
Carson, CA
Can't wait to see those legendary warriors get owned. i hated the 4th season the most.
Mar 7, 2005
Oh, just hanging out with Demy - HEY GET BACK HERE
O_O Wow, so many replies. (falls over)

I welcome you, Hikari.No.Endo :D

Bio-Merging will indeed be present, Goh, though it may not til next the chappy.

(looks around) Hmm....and since it looks like nobody wants to say anything for once, let the insanity begin!

Data Set 8: Perfect Storm

All arguments were halted when the first moved was made.

Takato couldn't help but stare at the boy that now had fire spewing from him. Guilmon immediately got back into front of Takato, growling.


The other two Tamers were gaping at the boy as well.

"I was wondering how those rumors started...." Rika trailed off.

"What the hell are you?!" the blue-haired boy demanded.

"We're the Legendary Warriors," the youth replied, the fires on his hands intensifying. "I'm the Legendary Warrior of Flame, Takuya."

"I'm the Legendary Warrior of Wind, Zoe,' announced the blonde girl, the air swirling around her as she spoke.

"I'm the Legendary Warrior of Thunder, JP,' the somewhat chunky boy declared, electricity shooting up and down his arms and his hair standing on end.

"I'm the Legendary Warrior of Ice, Tommy,' proclaimed the smallest one, the ground beneath him freezing and his breath becoming frosty.

"I'm the Legendary Warrior of Light, Koji," the boy with the black banana made known, his body glowing with a soft white hue, causing all loose items on him to be float slightly.

"I'm the Legendary Warrior of Darkness, Kouichi," stated the other black-haired boy, a black aura surrounding him and gathering at his hands.

"I don't care if you're the My Little Ponies!" Rika barked at them. "Nobody pushes us around, and certainly not some hotshot freaks!"

Renamon, what are they? Human or Digimon?

I honestly can't tell.

Fine. We'll just not kill them.

Sounds good

"Bring it on!" Takuya challenged.

"Yeah, a battle doesn't sound so bad," Willis agreed. He turned back to the blue-haired Tamer. "Whaddya say Tamer?"

"Why not?" the blue-haired boy replied, as his Terriermon leapt off his shoulder and onto the ground. "By the way, my name's not Tamer. It's Henry."

"Fine," Willis replied, as his Terriermon also leapt off to get ready for battle.

"There's no way you're leaving us out!" announced Davis.

"Yeah!" Veemon added, moving in front of Davis.

"What do you think Renamon?" Rika asked.

"Sounds like fun," Renamon replied, taking her place slightly beyond Rika.


From on top of the hill, Gatomon and Kari observed the scene.

"Should we stop them?" Gatomon asked.

"Let them fight," Kari answered. "We just have to make sure no one gets themselves killed."

"Sounds good to me," Gatomon replied.


"Pyro Sphere!" Guilmon shouted, belching out a huge fireball that headed straight for Takuya.

The Legendary Warriors scattered as the ball of flame exploded a nearby rock instead.

Zoe let loose a blast of wind that sent Guilmon flying into another boulder.

"Guilmon!" Takato yelled.

"I'm fine Takato!" Guilmon reassured, quickly getting back onto his feet. "Pyro Sphere!"

The fireball slammed into Takuya, but seemed ot do little than knock the breath out of him. Charging up a fiery punch, the Legendary Warrior of Flame rushed towards Guilmon.

Hastily, Takato brought out a deck of cards. Picking out a single card, he sliced it through the slit in his D-Ark.

"Digi-Modify! Hyper Speed Boost Activate!"

Guilmon snarled and dashed towards Takuya at a speed far higher than normal. Before he had realized what happened, Guilmon tackled him hard. The two of them ended up crashing into JP.


"Vee Headbutt!" Veemon shouted, leaping towards Renamon.

Renamon dodged the move with ease. 'Diamond Storm!"

Several glowing shards sliced into Veemon, and he landed not so gracefully onto the ground.

"C'mon Veemon!" Davis cheered. Veemon took little time in getting up.

"Diamond Storm!" Renamon announced again as the white crystals gathered around her.

"Vee Headbutt!" Veemon yelled, slamming his head into Renamon's gut before her attack was finished preparing itself.




"Bunny Blast!" the DigiDestined Terriermon yelled, opening his little mouth quite wide. A cackling sphere of green energy formed and was shot out at the other Terriermon.

"Whoa!" the Tamer Terriermon cried out, leaping up to avioded it. The green sphere gave off quite an explosion as it crashed into the ground. He used his ears to stay aloft. "Missed me!"

"Bunny Blast!" Willis's Terriermon shouted again, letting loose another attack. This one crashed right into the Terriermon.

"Gah!" he shouted, landing roughly on the ground. "Oh yeah? Bunny Blast!"

He spat out more little green bullets of energy that rained down on Willis's Terriermon.


"Terriermon!" Willis shouted out.

"Bro!" cried out Lopmon.

"Heh, even your attack's different,' Terriermon teasing voice mocked from the smoke. "Were you altered? Bunny Blast!"

Henry's Terriermon just managed to evade the blast. "No, I'm just fine the way I am! Bunny Blast!"


A large burst of electricity erupted from JP as the others slammed into him, creating a sphere of lightning that surrounded the three of them.



The orb of thunder burst, sending Guilmon flying back to Takato and Takuya hurling back into Zoe.

"JP!" Zoe whined, now stuck under an unconscious Takuya.


"Takato, I need to digivolve!" Guilmon told him.


After a bit of searching, Takato pulled out another card and swiped it through his D-Ark's slit.

"Digi-Modify! Digivolution activate!"

Guilmon was encased in a huge transparent green orb that rasied itself up into the air. His body seemed to be unraveling inside the sphere, as his skin was peeled away and the line framework that made up his body was beginning to disconnect and thrash around. Only his yellow eyes some of his head remained intact.

"Guilmon digivolve to...."

The body began to sew itself back, together, only this time as a much larger creature in the fetal position. Spikes were woven onto his wrists, two horns were placed onto his head, and a huge shock of hair grew out from the back of his head to the bottom of his neck. The head and eyes began to distort, changing to match the size of the body.

When the body had been completely remade, new skin regenerated in random spots. It wasn't so different from the skin he had possessed before; it was still red with white on the chest, only the black markings were different. Also, the claws on his hands and feet were tipped black. He began to move back into a standing position.

"Growlmon!" he shouted as the last of the skin was created. He struck the now rather cramped green orb with his claws, forcing it to shatter and release him. As he landed on the ground, making it tremble a little, the shards of the orb dissolved into light.

"Allright, Growlmon! Let them have it!"


"Daimond Storm!" Renamon yelled, sending more glowing fragments down at Veemon.

The little blue Digimon avoided the majority of the attack, but he did get grazed by a couple of shards. Some bits of data flew into the air before the wound healed itself.

"Vee Headbutt!"

Once again he shot up to Renamon headfirst, but golden fox guarded herself with her arm and softened the blow somewhat. She whipped her tail into Veemon, sending him face-first into the ground.

"Veemon, you need to digivolve!" Davis exclaimed.

"Yeah!" A white orb encased the Rookie-level Digimon.

"Veemon digivolve to..."

The orb was reshaping itself into the Champion form of Veemon.


"Renamon!" Rika called out, bringing out a card.

Her partner simply nodded.

She slashed the card through the Tamer's version of the DigiVice.

'Digi-Modify!" Rika shouted. "Digivolution activate!"

Renamon was sealed in a see-through sphere that floated off the ground. Her fur was abruptly ripped off to expose the digital wireframe of her body. All the threads, save for her head, were detached at once, and whipped around wildly.

"Renamon digivolve to....."

With these words the body began to rebuild itself in the fetal postion. Her image became much more like a true fox, with all four limbs made for walking. A thick white mane burst out around her neck. Shortly after thick braid of string wrapped itself loosely around her neck as well, tying itself into a huge bow while the tips of the braid were morphed into bells. Six bushy tails sprouted from behind. Her face began to lengthen and gain more of a snout.

The main transformation complete, her golden fur began to replenish itself. It grew in random patches that spread rapidly. As soon as the fur was replaced her feet, they immediately were engulfed in white flame. The same was the case for the tips of her tails.
The braid around her neck became colored red and white. The yin and yang symbol was persent at the top of all her legs, as well as her forehead.

"Kyubimon!" she announced, crashing through the orb and letting the fragments become nothing.

This did little to faze ExVeemon or Davis.

"C'mon, we can take her! Get em ExVeemon!"


"Bunny Blast!" both Terriermon yelled.

The blasts collided in midair, effectively canceling each other out.

"This is getting us nowhere," Willis stated. "Terriermon, you ready?"

"Oh yeah!" Terriermon replied. Soon after he was sealed in a glowing white sphere.

"Terriermon digivolve to....."

The sphere melded itself into a new shape. When it had done its job, the light fell away to reveal Terriermon's new Champion form.

Now his body was mostly a pale cream, with some green covering the top half of his face and most of his still-floppy ears. He wore short pair of jeans and a brown belt across his chest. His hands had become machine guns. Two red marks went across his face, and there was a red diamond symbol on his forehead.


"Two can play that game,' Henry spoke, slashing a card through his D-Ark.

"Digi-Modify! Digivolution Activate!"

"You know, it's kinda pathetic how you have to depend on cards for everything,' Willis's Gargomon quipped.

Henry just narrowed his eyes as a green sphere surrounded his Terriermon.

The fur upon his body torn away to make way for his new body. As the strings that held his current form were snipped, the loose threads lashed about with no target in mind.

"Terriermon digivolve to....."

The threads began to organize themselves and recreate the Digimon. His floppy ears were reformed, but longer. Jeans were formed to cover his lower body, as a belt was slung across his chest. The hands were melded into machine guns.

Fur began to regrow itself, while metal swept over the inorganic part of his body. The jeans were being given the appropriate color and toughness, while the belt got a leathery skin. Most of the fur was a pale cream, while the upper part of his head and the majority of his ears had green-hued fur.


Other than a slight difference in pigment, both Digimon looked exactly the same.

"Come and get it!" Henry's Terriermon challenged.

"Now here's where the real fun begins,' Willis's Gargomon remarked.

Both Digimon lunged at each other.

Aye, this chappy's gonna be a LOT longer than expected XD. Expect this to be a three or maybe four part chappy. Oh well, enjoy!


May 1, 2005
Wonderland. We're all mad here! :D
me: uhhmmmmm I read fast? o_O

Kaze: And the fact that she read past all the descriptive parts. >_>

Sora: You're lazy, K_K!! I am ashamed of you! <_< >_>

Aozora: You're one to talk, Sora. -_-;

me:*nervous laughter* eheh....yea.....ummm....sometimes there is a thing called "too much description". And....well.....it's everywhere in here.....I only read the description if it's of a hot guy.....^_^;;;;
Mar 7, 2005
Oh, just hanging out with Demy - HEY GET BACK HERE
Me: LMAO yeah BEWARE OF THE TEACHER. Though I plan on even a odds at bit soon...

Me: I know what you mean Krazy. I'm like that too sometimes. The description's there for those who are interested XP.

(Ivy bursts in) Hey, don't leave us hanging here!

Me: Oh yeah, Mystic's Wind's been updated.

Rika: Wasn't there something else?

Me: Uh....oh yeah! This fic divided into arcs, kinda like a TV series. (It's probably gonna be as long as one XP) Anyways, I've finally come up with a name for this first arc, and will be using that name instead of just Data Set whatever. Arc, come here!

A somewhat innocent yet angry arc comes before me and kneels.

Me: (takes ginger ale bottle) Arc, I dub thee (puts ginger ale bottle on shoulder) Vaccine, Data, Virus arc! (pours ginger ale on arc)

VDV arc: Uh.....okay, whatever.

Me: Okay, I'm just a weeeee bit hyper XD

Rika: So I see

Me:....Bah, I don't feel like writign right now. I'll add the next part later today


Darkrooms and safelights
Mar 19, 2005
Sitting inside the viewfinder of a camera, watchin
You don't feel like writing now WM? *spazzes but gets under control* o_O Hmph. This time, I'll let you off with a warning. But the next time you leave us hanging...
*Dons Lieutenant cap, sits back, and clicks fingers dramatically. Guardian's platoon of Candy Cane Soldiers enter and form ranks*

I think you get the messege....
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