Me: Yeah it would XD.
Okay, storytime! DM!
DM: Allright....
Me: DM's actually been doing happy stuff lately. He's up to something... <_<
"Pyro Blaster!" Growlmon roared, spitting out a huge fireball.
The Legendary Warriors were sent flying as the attack exploded near them, landing ever so gracefully in a large human heap.
Koji was the first to emerge from the tangle of people. Beams of light shot out of his hands and crashed into Growlmon's chest. The huge red dinosaur let out a pained grunt.
Kouichi was next to crawl free of the heap. The dark aura enveloping him extended itself and wrapped around Growlmon's left foot. The black smoke tugged, causing the Digimon to lose his balance and fall.
Growlmon seemed more annoyed than anything else. "Dragon Slash!"
The spike on his arm began to glow white. The glowing spike easily sliced through the darkness, making the bonds dissolve into nothing.
JP and Tommy were soon on their feet as well. Zoe was still kneeling on the ground, waiting for Takuya to come out of his daze.
JP thrust on his right hand, and a large burst of lighting erupted from him, heading straight for Growlmon.
The immense Digimon quickly ducked, letting the thunderbolt sail right over him. He snarled some more.
Tommy stomped his foot, summoning a army of icicles to rupture the ground around him. The frozen spikes hurried towards Growlmon.
"Pyro Blaster!" Growlmon yelled, sending out another fireball. The spikes were easily destroyed by the blistering heat of the flames, leaving little between it and the Legendary Warriors.
"Vee Laser!"
Kyubimon leaped out of the way of the x-shaped beam.
"Fox Tail Inferno!" Small, colorless fireballs were formed just above each of her flaming tails just before they were shot out at ExVeemon.
The blue dragon guarded himself with his arms and wings, but the blows still stung.
"Vee Laser!" he shouted once again, sending another beam the way of the golden fox with six tails.
This one hit its mark, knocking Kyubimon back quite a ways.
Rika pulled out another card, this one with a small white dinosaur on it. She sliced it through the D-Ark slit.
"Digi-Modify! SnoAgumon's Frozen Wind!"
The golden foc felt a foreign power flow through her. "Frozen Wind!" she announced, releasing a gale of icy air at ExVeemon. Within a few seconds, ExVeemon was frozen solid.
"ExVeemon!" Davis cried out.
"Now, Kyubimon!"
"Dragon Wheel!" Kuybimon shouted, jumping into the air and spinning at a rapid rate. She became engulfed in white flames, and rushed towards the immoblie figure of ExVeemon. There was the sound of shattering ice.
"Gargo Punch!"
The metal collided with the jaw of Henry's Gargomon, making him unable to spit a comeback. When he tried to hit him back, he leapt away from the attack.
'Gargo Pelots!" he shouted, letting loose many bullets from his machine gun hands. The majority of the bullets hit their mark, more or less.
Willis's Gargomon landed onto the ground, instantly poiting his guns at the opponent. "Gargo Pelots!"
The Tamer Gargomon managed to avoid the onslaught. "Nah nah!"
The DigiDestined Gargomon charged once again. "Gargo Punch!"
"Gargo Punch!" the other one shouted as well.
Metal slammed against metal, causing so much shock that the two the them were sent flying into their partners.
"DemiVeemon!" Davis exclaimed, running over to unconscious partner who had reverted to his In-Training form.
"Is that all you got? Pathetic,' Rika replied coldly, getting onto the back of Kyubimon "Well, while you whine about your Digimon, I'm gonna go help the other gogglehead I know."
'Dammit,' Davis muttered as he picked up DemiVeemon. It was true. He was pathetic. His Digimon couldn't even go past the Champion level, not without help. Without another word he retreated back to where Kari was.
The Pyro Blaster would've hit the Legendary Warriors if it wasn't for a barrier that had been put up. It was a cocktail of all their powers, focused onto one spot to form a multi-colored wall that stood right before them. The fireball collided with the wall, was deflected backwards, and crashed into Growlmon.
The creature yelled painfully.
Taking advantage of the moment, everyone let loose their assault. Tommy summoned icy lances and flung them at Growlmon, JP yelled and released electricity from everywhere in his body, Kouichi's dark aura whipped at the dinosaur, and Koji created a wolf of light that slammed itself into the Champion Level Digimon.
As Takuya raced towards the Digimon, he felt the winds pick up immensely behind him. No doubt it was Zoe, gicing him a little speed boost. The wind certainly did its job, as Takuya was almost blue when he slammed his flaming foot into Growlmon's chest.
The red and black dinosaur crashed onto his back.
"Growlmon!" Takato cried out.
"Yeah!" Takuya cheered.
Then from the corner of his eye he saw a golden blue heading straight fro him.
"Gargomon, get off!" Willis protested.
"Yeah, you're kinda heavy," Lopmon added.
"Whoops,' his Gargomon replied sheepishly, getting up.
"Gargomon, move," Henry complained.
"I'm working on it. Sheesh,' the Tamer's Gargomon responded as he got back onto his feet.
"You know, you're pretty good,' Willis remarked.
"So are you," Henry answered. "Now, time ot take it to the next level. Gargomon!"
"I gotcha!"
"Sounds good to me!" the DigiDestined Gargomon replied.
Spheres encased both Digimon, one a bright white while the other a transparent green.
Although it couldn't be seen what was happening to Willis's Gargomon, the digivolution of Henry's Gargomon was blocked by nothing. This time he seemed to completely become dismembered, leaving only masses of green, still string that floated to the bottom of the shphere. Only a few moments later, though, the string abruptly lifted itself back up, writhing more than ever.
"Gargomon Digivolve to...."
The new body was much more slender and tall than the previous incarnations. As the body began to take shape, masses of string clumped itself onto most of the body. The strings suddenly melted together, forming hard metal. From a mask of steel, two blue eyes peered.
Meanwhile, the other Gargomon was being melded into the same shape. When the light slipped off of him, the exact same Digimon stood before Willis.
Henry rubbed the back of his head. 'Man, our Digimon even digivolve the same way."
"Why wouldn't they?' Willis asked.
Henry gave him a slightly odd look. It didn't look like he was joking....
"Tri-Beam!" shouted Willis's Digimon, putting himself at a Y position and gathering energy at the tips of his arms and feet.
"Rapid Fire!" shouted Henry's Rapidmon.
X_x Gah this fight is taking forever!