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Fanfiction ► Commencing Overwrite

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Mar 7, 2005
Oh, just hanging out with Demy - HEY GET BACK HERE
Me: Yeah it would XD.

Okay, storytime! DM!

DM: Allright....

Me: DM's actually been doing happy stuff lately. He's up to something... <_<


"Pyro Blaster!" Growlmon roared, spitting out a huge fireball.

The Legendary Warriors were sent flying as the attack exploded near them, landing ever so gracefully in a large human heap.

Koji was the first to emerge from the tangle of people. Beams of light shot out of his hands and crashed into Growlmon's chest. The huge red dinosaur let out a pained grunt.

Kouichi was next to crawl free of the heap. The dark aura enveloping him extended itself and wrapped around Growlmon's left foot. The black smoke tugged, causing the Digimon to lose his balance and fall.

Growlmon seemed more annoyed than anything else. "Dragon Slash!"

The spike on his arm began to glow white. The glowing spike easily sliced through the darkness, making the bonds dissolve into nothing.

JP and Tommy were soon on their feet as well. Zoe was still kneeling on the ground, waiting for Takuya to come out of his daze.

JP thrust on his right hand, and a large burst of lighting erupted from him, heading straight for Growlmon.

The immense Digimon quickly ducked, letting the thunderbolt sail right over him. He snarled some more.

Tommy stomped his foot, summoning a army of icicles to rupture the ground around him. The frozen spikes hurried towards Growlmon.

"Pyro Blaster!" Growlmon yelled, sending out another fireball. The spikes were easily destroyed by the blistering heat of the flames, leaving little between it and the Legendary Warriors.


"Vee Laser!"

Kyubimon leaped out of the way of the x-shaped beam.

"Fox Tail Inferno!" Small, colorless fireballs were formed just above each of her flaming tails just before they were shot out at ExVeemon.

The blue dragon guarded himself with his arms and wings, but the blows still stung.

"Vee Laser!" he shouted once again, sending another beam the way of the golden fox with six tails.

This one hit its mark, knocking Kyubimon back quite a ways.

Rika pulled out another card, this one with a small white dinosaur on it. She sliced it through the D-Ark slit.

"Digi-Modify! SnoAgumon's Frozen Wind!"

The golden foc felt a foreign power flow through her. "Frozen Wind!" she announced, releasing a gale of icy air at ExVeemon. Within a few seconds, ExVeemon was frozen solid.

"ExVeemon!" Davis cried out.

"Now, Kyubimon!"

"Dragon Wheel!" Kuybimon shouted, jumping into the air and spinning at a rapid rate. She became engulfed in white flames, and rushed towards the immoblie figure of ExVeemon. There was the sound of shattering ice.


"Gargo Punch!"

The metal collided with the jaw of Henry's Gargomon, making him unable to spit a comeback. When he tried to hit him back, he leapt away from the attack.

'Gargo Pelots!" he shouted, letting loose many bullets from his machine gun hands. The majority of the bullets hit their mark, more or less.

Willis's Gargomon landed onto the ground, instantly poiting his guns at the opponent. "Gargo Pelots!"

The Tamer Gargomon managed to avoid the onslaught. "Nah nah!"

The DigiDestined Gargomon charged once again. "Gargo Punch!"

"Gargo Punch!" the other one shouted as well.

Metal slammed against metal, causing so much shock that the two the them were sent flying into their partners.


"DemiVeemon!" Davis exclaimed, running over to unconscious partner who had reverted to his In-Training form.

"Is that all you got? Pathetic,' Rika replied coldly, getting onto the back of Kyubimon "Well, while you whine about your Digimon, I'm gonna go help the other gogglehead I know."

'Dammit,' Davis muttered as he picked up DemiVeemon. It was true. He was pathetic. His Digimon couldn't even go past the Champion level, not without help. Without another word he retreated back to where Kari was.


The Pyro Blaster would've hit the Legendary Warriors if it wasn't for a barrier that had been put up. It was a cocktail of all their powers, focused onto one spot to form a multi-colored wall that stood right before them. The fireball collided with the wall, was deflected backwards, and crashed into Growlmon.

The creature yelled painfully.

Taking advantage of the moment, everyone let loose their assault. Tommy summoned icy lances and flung them at Growlmon, JP yelled and released electricity from everywhere in his body, Kouichi's dark aura whipped at the dinosaur, and Koji created a wolf of light that slammed itself into the Champion Level Digimon.

As Takuya raced towards the Digimon, he felt the winds pick up immensely behind him. No doubt it was Zoe, gicing him a little speed boost. The wind certainly did its job, as Takuya was almost blue when he slammed his flaming foot into Growlmon's chest.

The red and black dinosaur crashed onto his back.

"Growlmon!" Takato cried out.

"Yeah!" Takuya cheered.

Then from the corner of his eye he saw a golden blue heading straight fro him.


"Gargomon, get off!" Willis protested.

"Yeah, you're kinda heavy," Lopmon added.

"Whoops,' his Gargomon replied sheepishly, getting up.

"Gargomon, move," Henry complained.

"I'm working on it. Sheesh,' the Tamer's Gargomon responded as he got back onto his feet.

"You know, you're pretty good,' Willis remarked.

"So are you," Henry answered. "Now, time ot take it to the next level. Gargomon!"

"I gotcha!"

"Sounds good to me!" the DigiDestined Gargomon replied.

Spheres encased both Digimon, one a bright white while the other a transparent green.

Although it couldn't be seen what was happening to Willis's Gargomon, the digivolution of Henry's Gargomon was blocked by nothing. This time he seemed to completely become dismembered, leaving only masses of green, still string that floated to the bottom of the shphere. Only a few moments later, though, the string abruptly lifted itself back up, writhing more than ever.

"Gargomon Digivolve to...."

The new body was much more slender and tall than the previous incarnations. As the body began to take shape, masses of string clumped itself onto most of the body. The strings suddenly melted together, forming hard metal. From a mask of steel, two blue eyes peered.


Meanwhile, the other Gargomon was being melded into the same shape. When the light slipped off of him, the exact same Digimon stood before Willis.


Henry rubbed the back of his head. 'Man, our Digimon even digivolve the same way."

"Why wouldn't they?' Willis asked.

Henry gave him a slightly odd look. It didn't look like he was joking....

"Tri-Beam!" shouted Willis's Digimon, putting himself at a Y position and gathering energy at the tips of his arms and feet.

"Rapid Fire!" shouted Henry's Rapidmon.

X_x Gah this fight is taking forever!
Mar 7, 2005
Oh, just hanging out with Demy - HEY GET BACK HERE
Rika: Ha! Take that bastard

Davis: Man, no fair.

Me: Rika, be nice.

Rika: Or else what?

Me: Or else I'll pair you with Kazu.

Rika: O_O

Me: Ah yes, couples and triangles will be present in this fic, but they're mostly for background and fun...mostly.


Takuya found himself crashing into Kouichi, knocking both of them down. Before them stood a girl with deep orange hair riding on top of a golden fox.

"Hey," Rika greeted tauntingly as she dismounted her Digimon. She noticed that the brown-haired boy had on a pair of goggles.

Where'd all these goggleheads come from?

Takuya extended the flames on his arm making it appear that he had a fiery whip for a limb, He lashed out at the Tamer and her Digimon. Koji sent out more blasts of light, while Kouichi tried ot bind the fox with his dark aura.

Kyubimon dodged these attacks with ease. "Hey Takato!"

"I'm on it!" he shouted back, slashing a blue card through his D-Ark.

"Digi-Modify! Digivolution activate!"

A huge green sphere enclosed around Growlmon and lifted itself up into the air.

"Growlmon digivolve to...."

Instead of the skin peeling off or strings deattaching themselves, though, his body remained intact. It was merely mutating at a incrediable rate. The body mass increased immensely, whiile the eyes simply began to glow green. The skin on his arms was being streched greatly, as was the skin on his upper chest, upper back and jaw. Suddenly, metal axes erupted from the sides of the arms, a huge steel chest guard ruptured his front and back, and the teeth were transformed and fused into a metal trap. A thin wire erupted from the upper back. The flesh on the arms gave way as the rest was becoming steel as well. The unneeded skin fell to the bottom of the orb, though some still clung to the cold metal.


The newly-evolved Digimon shattered the sphere to reenter the outside world.

"Oh that's just great...." JP whined as he witnessed the Ultimate crash down onto the ground.

"Aw, c'mon, we've faced scarier monsters than that," Takuya encouraged. "Sides, it's time we stop holding back so much, don't you think?"

Takuya became enwrapped in a orb of light.

Rika had a slightly confused look on her face.

"Spirit Evolution!" Takuya yelled.

The orb was morphed into the form that would soon come. When the light peeled away, it revealed a Digimon wearing red and yellow armor covering his chest, arms, feet, and legs. His face was mostly covered by a mask with three spikes on it, made from a similar material as the armor. Long, shaggy, golden hair went all the way down his back. What skin was showing was a charred black.


Rika was thrown somewhat off-guard, but quickly regained her composure. "You guys really are freaks, aren't you?"

"What about it?" he teased.

Rika looked back when she heard a cry of shock not so far away. Takato was just staring blankly at the new Digimon on the field.

'Wha-What? He digivolved?!" he exclaimed, having trouble processing the information.

"Well, he's been throwing fireballs at you all this time, so what are you surpised about?" Rika replied. She had a much easier time wrapping her head around the fact that a person with superpowers could digivolve than the fact that someone had superpowers in the first place.

Soon three other Legendary were enshouded in spheres of light.

"Spirit Evolution!" they all shouted.




"I see this is gonna be fun..." Rika muttered.

Koji and Kouichi were surrounded by the illumience as well.

"Spirit Evolu-"

Before their announcment was complete, however, the orbs of light shattered, leaving only the Legendary Warriors of Light and Darkness. They found themselves plopping onto the ground.

"Or not..."


Two duplicate Digimon raged their battle in the sky, tossing missiles and high-powered energy beams at each other. This sequence would occasionally be broken up by several rounds of ramming into each other.

"Rapid Fire!" one Rapidmon shouted, denotating a missile at point-blank range. The resulting explosion sent them reeling backwards.

"Tri Beam!" yelled the other, gathering energy at his hands and legs and then combining the energies into one huge laser.

It slammed into the other one, causing him to cry out in pain.

"That's it! Get him Rapidmon!" Willis cheered. Actually, he felt a little silly cheering. It wasn't like he could tell his Digimon from the other anymore.

"Take him down!" yelled Henry. Not that he knew which Rapidmon was his, but it wasn't like he was going to let it show in front of this DigiDestined.

Rapid Fire!" both hollered, releasing their missiles at the same time. The rockets collided, then promptly blew each other up.

There was a brief pause for rest, then.....

"Man! This isn't getting us anywhere!" one of the Rapidmon whined.

"I know!" the other one answered, sounding just as annoyed.

Both partners smirked at their Digimon's outburst, then turned to the huge battle ocurring not so far off.

"Let's finish this some other time,' Willis suggested. "That brawl over there looks fun."

"Fine," Henry replied. The others probably need my help anyway

Both sides rushed over towards the location of the main fight


"Atomic Blaster!" roared WarGrowlmon, letting out a burst of fiery fury.

Kazemon was struck by the attack, but quickly recovered. "Hurricane Wave!"

The series of mini-tonardos lashed out at WarGrowlmon, but he didn't seem to take too much damage.

"Thunder Fist!" yelled Beetlemon, pounding his fists together to create a bolt of lightning.

Kyubimon was just able to avoid it.

"Fox Tail Inferno!" she shouted, striking Beetlemon with several small white fireballs.


"Crystal Freeze!" hollered Kumamon, blowing out thousands of tiny snowflakes at Kyubimon. While it didn't freeze her, it did deal a good amount of pain.


"Pyro Darts!" Agunimon shouted, flinging groups of burning projectiles into Kyubimon's face.

The six-tailed fox shook her head and wiped her face with her paw in an attempt to get rid of them.

"Pyro Tornado!" Agunimon hollered, spinning around rapidly and catching ablaze. He slammed into Kyubimon just as she had recovered from the previous attack.

"Kyubimon!" Rika cried out.

"I'm fine,' Kyubimon reassured her as she got up a little shakily. "Just need to stop holding back so much."

Rika smirked. "Gotcha."

She sliced a blue card through the slit of her D-Ark.

"Digi-Modify! Digivolution activate!"

Once again the Digimon was closed off into a green-hued sphere. Abruptly all the green wireframe inside her body erupted out of her back, leaving only a hollow shell of fur that collapsed soon afterward.

"Kuybimon digivolve to...."

The wireframe organized itself into a much more humanoid shape. The fur that had been discarded lifted itself up and covered the majority of the body, then morphed into the clothes of a priestress. Her two walking paws has become huge, while her arms remained hidden in her lengthy sleeves. Her face had flatten and become much more human-like, though her single tail was still just a foxy as it had always been.


Rika's Digimon simply slipped through the sphere, letting it dissolve on its own.

"Let's do this," Taomon replied coolly.

Uh, the conclusion should be about two chappies away, I think.


Ashy to Classy
Mar 12, 2005
Carson, CA
This is the best fic i have ever read!! Im loving this!!! I can't wait to see Takoto biomerge and own these idiots. Henry shouldve biomerged and finished off Willis.


May 1, 2005
Wonderland. We're all mad here! :D
me: C'mon!! GO HOTTNESS!!! *waves fans* ^_^

Sora:*sigh* That's her nickname......-_-;

Aozora: For all her bishies...? o_O

Sora: Sadly yes....*hangs head in shame* V_V

Mar 7, 2005
Oh, just hanging out with Demy - HEY GET BACK HERE
Me: Okay, let's see if we can get to bio-merging this chappy!

Willis: At the rate this thing's going, probably not.

Me: Well, I'm trying to be positive when I'm in a crappy mood, so be quiet. -_-. Oh yeah, I don't remember the animation for the attacks too well, so feel free to corrent me.

Oh yeah, rough estimation for the levels of the hybrids:
Human: Low to mid-power Champion
Human Spirits (excluding Lowemon and Lobomon): High-power Champion
Beast Spirits (also including Lobomon and Lowemon): Ultimate
Combined Spirits: High-power Ultimate or low-power Mega
Anything beyond that: Mega

Agunimon rushed at Taomon. "Pyro Tornado!"

"Talisman of Light!" she shouted, surrounding herself in a sphere that Agunimon just bounced off of. Dissolving the prtective orb, she summoned a large brush to her hand and painted a symbol in the air.

"Talisman of Light!"

A beam shot from the symbol, crashing into Agunimon.


Taomon noticed that blasts of light and a dark aura were attacking her, but she felt little pain.

"Go bug someone else,' she growled, rushing over and slamming her oversized paintbrush into Koji and Kouichi's gut. The two of them were sent flying from the blow.

"Fall back guys!" Agunimon ordered. "You're still too weak from the battle before!"

"But-" Koji began to protest.

"He's right. Let's go,' Gatomon agreed, walking up to the boys.

A wayward Atomic Blaster came barreling their way. Gatomon dashed forward.

"Lightning Paw!" Gatomon yelled, jumping up with one paw clenched into a fist. The punch collided with the ball of fire, stopping it in its tracks, then force it to dissipitate.

"Huh?" WarGrowlmon asked, staring dumbly. "How did that-"

"Blizzard Blaster!" yelled Kumamon. Soon WarGrowlmon was being pelted with painful frozen snowballs.


"WarGrowlmon, pay attention!" Taomon barked as she dodged a strike from Beetlemon, then Agunimon.

The Champion-Level cat looked back onto the dumbfounded boys. "Now get outta here before you get killed.

Mutely they scampered up the hill, followed by Gatomon.


"Atomic Blaster!" WarGrowlmon yelled, releasing another fireball that struck Kumamon.

"Aaaaaaaa!" he yelled, being thrown backwards by the attack.

"Kumamon!" Kazemon cried out.

'Atomic Blaster!"

Kazemon was barely able to avoid the attack.

Above, a Rapidmon zipped into view. WarGrowlmon noticed him first.

"Rapidmon! Perfect timing!" Takato exclaimed.

"Soory! Wrong Rapidmon!" he answered quickly. "Rapid Fire!"

The rockets sent out by the Rapidmon exploded in WarGrowlmon's face.


"Rapid Fire!" shouted a similar voice.

The missiles launched from this Rapidmon crashed into Beetlemon and Agunimon.

'Great. That's just what we need,' Rika growled. "Another Rapidmon to confuse us."

"Atomic Blaster!"

The Willis's Rapidmon was hit dead-on by the shot.

'Aaaagh! Man, that hurt!" he whined. "Rapid Fire!"

"Atomic Blaster!"

The two attacks collided into midair, creating a blast that pushed Wargrowlmon onto the ground and blew the DigiDestined Rapidmon high up into the air.


"Pyro Tornado!" shouted Agunimon, turning himself into a whirlwind of flame rushing towards the green metal rabbit.

'Nah nah!" the Tamer Rapidmon teased as he lifted himself high into the air.

"Talisman of Light!"

Agunimon was blindsided by another blast of energy.

"Thunder Fist!"

"Talisman Spell!"

Beetlemon's lightning was blocked by the protective sphere that Taomon has summoned eariler.


This time it was Beetlemon that was hit with an attack from behind.

"Hey, I'll deal with Her Holy Foxness while you take down Trigger Happy up there?" Agunimon offered.

"Sounds like a plan," Beetlemon replied. "Thunder Fist!"

The electricity created by the attack zapped the Rapidmon quite effectively.



"Pyro Darts!" hollered Agunimon, throwing more aflame objects at Taomon.

"Talisman Spell!"

Once again she summoned her orb, but the darts popped the bubble and made it all the way to Taomon.


"Pyro Tornado!"

Before she knew it, Agunimon had rammed into her.

Landing not so gracefully onto the ground, Taomon shot him a fierce look.


"Rapid Fire!"

Beetlemon narrowly avoided getting hit.

"Thunder Fist!"

Rapidmon evaded the attack.

"Nah nah! Yoyu can't hit me! You can't hit me!" the Rapidmon taunted. "Rapid Fire!"

Instead of just moving to the side, Beetlemon jumped straight up as high as he could. The rockets landed right under underneath him and detonated soon after. The sheer power of the explosion sent with straight up into the air just about where Rapidmon was, allowing him to give Rapidmon a very effective uppercut. As the green-clad Digimon was recoiling from the attack, the navy-hued insect grabbed hold of his legs and flung him straight down to the ground.

He collided with the earth at an impressive speed, causing him to bounce a couple times before he changed back into Terriermon.



"Atomic Blaster!"

The flame assualt slammed into the DigiDestined Rapidmon.

"Hurricane Wind!" Kazemon shouted, whipping WarGrowlmon with tiny tornados.


"Crystal Freeze!" shouted Kumamon, blowing ice fragments into his face.



WarGrowelmon looked up ust in time for the beam to meet with his face. As he began to fall backwards, his body glowed faintly and shrunk in size rapidly, until he was a small red and black dinosaur again.

"That hurt..." Guilmon whined.


"Pyro Tornado!"

"Thunder Fist!"

Both strikes slammed into Taomon


"Pyro Darts!"

She hastily moved out of the way.

"Talisman of Light!" Taomon shouted, painting a symbol thatsoon released a beam of energy.

While Beetlemon was beaten back by the attack, Agunimon charged forward and gave her a punch to the face.

The assault send Taomon flying into Rika. Soon after, she morphed bakc from a fox priestess to a clothless fox.


Renamon managed to stand back up somehow as Rika got back up.

"Allright! We won!" shouted Agunimon. He and Beetlemon high-fived each other and cheered.

"Who says the fight is over?" asked Rika coolly.

"C'mon, give it up already!" Beetlemon replied, annoyed. "Everyone knows that a Tamer's Digimon can't go to Mega."

"That's true to a point,' Rika answered, moving in front of her partner. "A Digimon belonging to a Tamer can't digivolve to Mega the normal way, and no card will work on it either."

"Which means you're Digimon can't digivolve, so we won!" Agunimon boasted.

"Well, you're certainly full of yourselves, aren't you?" Rika asked, a smirk on her face. "Hey, watch this.'

She extended her arms out, was picked up by some invisible force, and floated into Renamon. Literally. The golden fox's body rippled as her body became one with hers, until there was no more Rika to be seen.


Within a few moments Renamon suddenly was giving off a yellow glow. A opaque sphere enclosed itself around her. It pulsed for a few moments, then suddenly shattered.

Before them stood Digimon with a very human look to her. A fox mask covered the upper half of her face, while her mouth and chin her still visible. She was clad in golden armor, long, purple gloves and long purple boots. Whatever else that wasn't covered by armor was hidden by a black fabric. She had two white tails that almost looked like hair.

"So, how you like my new look?" asked two amused voices, one Renamon's and the other Rika's.

The boys only replied with shocked gazes and open mouths.

I think Takuya's amd JP's brains got blown somewhere into outer space XDDD.
Mar 7, 2005
Oh, just hanging out with Demy - HEY GET BACK HERE
JP and Takuya: O_O Whoa...

Zoe: (anime vein)

JP and Takuya: Eep!

(get chased around by paper-fan weilding Zoe)

Me: Now we're finally beginning to wrap this up! Woot!

The lady fox made sure to take advantage of her opponent's confusion.

"Rice Cord!" she yelled, slamming a whip into their guts, sending them sailing into Kazemon and Kumamon. The force of the impact caused all of them to dedigivolve at once. The green-clad bunny soon spotted the new foe. Willis and Lopmon rushed to the scene.

"Huh?!" Rapidmon exclaimed "I thought we were done!"

"A Sakuyamon," Zoe responded. "But Sakuyamon's a Mega-Level Digimon! That shouldn't be possible!"

"A connection between a Tamer and their Digimon is artifically created,' Willis explained. "There's no way something that fake can be strong enough enable to digivolve all the way to Mega!"

"You guys make me sick,' the fox lady known as Sakuyamon growled.

Willis noticed the dual voices, and immediatly realized that one of them was human. "What the hell?..."

"Dude, she.....that Tamer girl combined with her Digimon," JP explained, seeming quite spaced out.

"She WHAT?!" Zoe exclaimed.

"That's right," Sakuyamon replied, sounding amused once again. "Yeah, our Digimon can't reach Mega by themselves. But when we allow ourselves to fuse with our Digimon, we can reach the Mega level together. This is called Bio-Merging."

"You guys really are insane,' Rapidmon remarked.

"Like you aren't?" teased the Tamer Terriermon, now in the arms of Henry.

"This may seem amazing to you guys, but we actually care about our Digimon,' Henry spoke, his eyes narrowed. "They're just as precious to us as your partners are to you DigiDestined."

He turned his gaze to the pile of Legendary Warriors organizing themselves. "And you. All you guys have to be worried about is yourselves. We, on the other hand, have to be concerned about our Digimon."

"Real selfish, huh?' Terriermon mocked.

Before any more words could be said, Terriermon was absorbed into Henry's chest. The blue-haired boy began to glow a soft green before he was surrounded by a shining emerald sphere that allowed no prying eyes entry. When the orb cracked and shattered, Terriermon's and Henry's BioMerged form stood before them.

Or more accurately, towered over them. The new form was at least three stories tall. His face was much more doglike, with a considerable snout and black nose. Almost his entire body was encased in green armor. Two huge rockets were resting in his shoulders.

The non-Tamers present stared up at the huge Digimon.

"Cool, huh?" Terriermon's voice asked from the giant machine.

'This is MegaGargomon, Terriermon's Mega form,' Henry's voice announced. "And he was able to reach it because we worked together to become it."

"We are slaves" Guilmon growled, getting in front of Takato. "You're wrong. Takato and I are friends!"

"Let's show them boy!" Takato replied.

"Okay!" Guilmon answered, before he entered Takato's body. A red light emitted from Takato as he was enshrouded in a ruby sphere. Soon the sphere was reduced to fragments. A Digimon that possessed white armor, a crimson cape, and a mask somewhat similar to Guilmon's face came into view. Large yellow and red shoulder guards were on his upper arms.

"I am Gallantmon!" the new incarnation announced proudly, using both Takato's and Guilmon's voice. He pointed his lance at Willis and the Legendary Warriors. "We were able to reach this only because of our bond with each other!"

"In this form, we are equal!" MegaGargomon, now speaking with both Henry's and Terriermon's voices. "We are more than just partners; we are one!"

"Oh yeah, this may amaze you brats to no end,' Sakuyamon began, referring to the Lengedary Warriors. "But in this form, both of us feel pain. If she gets cut, I feel that cut. If she gets burned, I'll feel that burn. If she dies, so do I. Don't feel so special now, do you?"

Both sides glowered at the other, ready to strike at any moment.

A bit short. Oh well. For all of you who wanted the Tamers to tell them off. I hope their dialogue sounded natural; I don't specialize in preachy stuff. Next...the conclusion! OMG!


May 1, 2005
Wonderland. We're all mad here! :D
me:*in evil, thundering voice* IF YOU KILL ANY OF MY BISHIES YOU SHALL FEEL PAIN LIKE NEVER BEFORE!!! *in a much hyper/happy voice* Awesome update, WM!! More soon!! ^_^

Sora, Kaze, Aozora, Ketso: o_O
Mar 7, 2005
Oh, just hanging out with Demy - HEY GET BACK HERE
Okay, just took a wee break to recharge. Behave yourself, DM.

DM: Don't worry. No one will die...yet.

Me: Sigh.....Ignore him, please.

Vaccine, Data, Virus 9: Move it

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" barked a stern voice.

All eyes shot over to the young girl descending down the hill. She was slamming her DigiVice into her palm repeativedly. It was an old habit she picked up from carrying a ruler all the time.

Not seeming the slightest bit intimidated by the Megas before her, she continued her way towards the group. After all, if she could handle a group of screaming kids, she could definately handle this.

"This has gone far too long," she growled. "I was hoping to let you get some steam out of your system, but all this rough-housing is getting out of hand."

"Stay out of this!" Sakuyamon snarled.

"Now listen here young lady,' Kari continued, undeterred. "I've have far enough of your antics for one day. Now stop this at once before I really get ugly."

"She's our English teacher," Takuya added in, somewhat submissively. "Believe me, you don't wanna make her angry."

"Whaddya gonna do then?" Sakuyamon challenged. "Give us a month's worth of detention?"

"Sides, they started it!" Terriermon's voice whined from his Mega form.

"Hey, we're not about to let you Tamers waltz around destroying Digimon as you please!" Zoe snapped.

"That one was on our-"

"We don't care if that Digimon was on the top of a ice cream sundae, we're not gonna tolerate it!" Takuya yelled back.

"Oh yeah-"


Everyone was silenced by Kari's irritated scream.

"Now, break it up, everybody," Kari replied, attempting to calm herself by taking deep breaths. She,with the help of Gatomon, was separating the two sides. "This has gonna far enough for one day. Should've stopped this before the fight even started."


"Allright, get a move on," Gatomon growled, giving a half-hearted punch to MegaGargomon's leg.

The towering machine Digimon didn't move an inch, only looking down at the white feline calmly.

Gatomon's ears went back. "I said move it."

"What if we don't wanna?" Terriermon's voice taunted.

Gatomon growled lowly, the fur on her back and chest standing up slightly. Her paw curled itself into a fist.

"I said MOVE IT! Lightning Paw!"

Her fist slammed into the Digimon's foot at a rapid speed.

'YEOW!" Both voices yelled, hopping up and down. Reluntantly he forced himself to move.

Gatomon just shook her head. "Kids..."


"Move along, Ms. Rika," Kari growled.

"Make me," Sakuyamon replied coolly, floating in the air with her arms crossed.

"I insist," Kari hissed.

"Why should I?"

"Well, maybe I won't reminded Mrs. Ross of all that math homework you owe her, or of that test you forgot to make up the other day?" Kari offered.

What little skin was showing on Sakuyamon's face seemed to be becoming pale.

"Uh, t-that's preposterious!" Sakuyanmon answered not so fiercely. "I have no idea of what you're talking about."

"Oh yes I do,' Kari carried on. "I used to work Tokyo not so far back, and me and Mrs. Ross had kept close touch over the years. And lately she's been ranting about some student named Rika Makino that's been getting in a lot of trouble lately."

"I-I know no such women!" Sakuyamon insisted.

"Right," Kari stated flatly. "Now are you going to go mind your own business, or am I gonna have to drag Mrs. Ross here? She probably still sleeping right now. If I wake her up, she's gonna be awfully cranky...."

"Oh fien, I'll go!" Sakuyamon barked quickly. "You guys aren't worth it anyway. C'mon guys."

The other two nodded hastily

All three od them began to shine with light. One image became two as the lights formed familar shapes. Soon there was Takato with Guilmon, Henry with Terriermon, and Rika with Renamon.

All three held up their D-Arks. The sky above ripped open, and the loose strings pickwed them up and carried them up to the open portal. At the last moment they were transformed into energy and rushed through the tear. The sky hastily sewed itself back up afterwards.

Kari looked up where the hole had been with satisfaction, until she heard some stifled laughs behind her.

She turned around to see her other companions trying as hard as they could not to erupt into hysterics. Davis, Koji, and Kouichi were descending down the hill now, chortling as quietly as they could.

They were immediately shut up by a viscious glare.

"As for you barbarians..."

And the winner is...Kari!

Well, I think that chappy got a tad bit outta control XD. Still, it was really fun to write.
Don't mess with English teachers, as GoH said. I meant to add some fighting, but I didn't feel like it XP. Hope you like it anyways.

Next time....purely Tamers POV.


May 1, 2005
Wonderland. We're all mad here! :D
me: *lmao* That was great!! XDD


Aozora: THEY WILL RULE THE WORLD!!! *runs in circles* >_<


me: Superlly, uberly, kool-...ly..., AWESOME!!! ^_^
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