To answer some questions. Seighart i Do recommend playing proud mode if your the type of gamer who likes a bit of a challenge towards the end of the game, but if not maybe standard is the way to go especially if your gonna be doing it as a first time, but i highly recommend proud just for kh fans. As for the battles im doing my best to see how well i can beat these bosses on low level. 51 is somewhat difficult as the bosses will do lots of damage, and you attacking them will do very little but sora can become invincible when he does his link style with the spirits. also certain spirits really help with your attack commands, for example handsome pegasus has magic haste and magic up so when you use curaga, or any strong magic it will reload in less then 10 seconds as apposed to 20-25 seconds. these bosses attack fast and hard, so im gonna see where i can go with this. Also there is a keyblade you can unlock after getting all gold trophies when you do the spirit bqattles( I CALL THem pokemon battles haha) so ill show some gameplay of that next week along with the keyblade you get. and the keyblade you saw in the first try against the secret portal boss you get after getting all gold from the dive sequence from world to world.