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Dark may not be bad!

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New member
Nov 24, 2004
In your head telling you to do bad things!
I have one crazy theory that just sounds weird to even me. I hope you ppl can help me try to make it make sense.

So far we know that for the most part dark is evil in KH1. At least most ppl or things that used the darkness were evil. Even the most basic enemies were black which was meant to show that they were evil. The only one to use the darkness and not come out completely bad was Riku.

In Chain of Memories we see a sleight change, pun intended, the darkness may not be all bad. Riku is encouraged to use his darkside, but not for evil. At the end of Reverse/Rebirth it looks as though Riku is some what of a good guy. Mickey even says that the darkness may not be all bad.

That brings me to the dusk in KH2. They are white creatures that appear to be a new enemy. If you have been paying attention to my rant so far you may see where I am going. These things are white, they could be creatures of the light. that does not mean they are good, just of the light. Just as Riku is a creature of the dark, but he is not evil.

What I am tryig to say here is that a thing is evil or good depending on how it is used. I knife is evil when used to kill someone but good when used in surgery to save a life.

Of course I am just soem crazy college kid and have no clue how KH2 will turn out, but it is fun the fuel the theory fires. Post back and flame me if you feel like it.


New member
Nov 9, 2004
Dallas Texas
I see where you are going with this...I don't really see anything bad with your theory and I agree with the fact that just because something is intimidating doesn't mean it is always bad...At least I hope thats what you meant...

BHK (Unknown)

Blonde Haired Knight
Dec 15, 2004
Sitting in my fort of ineptitude... In other words
thats a good theory a little strange but it makes sence.

so heres my perspective of this theory(chart alert):


there was also a heartless creature that seemed like it used light attacks it was called Angel Star.


Silver Member
Oct 13, 2004
BHK (Unknown) said:
thats a good theory a little strange but it makes sence.

so heres my perspective of this theory(chart alert):


there was also a heartless creature that seemed like it used light attacks it was called Angel Star.

Dusk arent bad...or good. They're Twilight. They are good AND bad. They are in-between.


Jun 22, 2004
I'm glad someone else has thoughts similar to my own. The following post may be somewhat confusing since it refers to both the real world and the world of Kingdom Hearts (And I lost my train of thought a few times.), so only read it if you're really interested in my opinion.

Ravens_Blade85 said:
I knife is evil when used to kill someone but good when used in surgery to save a life.

I don't agree. No matter what, the knife itself is neither good nor evil. It's just an instrument used by a person to commit a "good" or "evil" act against another person or thing. It's like the saying "Guns don't shoot people, people shoot people." Which I admit may not be stated the right way, but the message is carried nevertheless.

Dark and light are like the knife: They're not inherently good nor evil, they're just tools for others to use. It's the person/thing using them and the actions they're being used for that classify them as "good" or "evil." But you can take it even further than that if you want, since good and evil aren't clearly defined, and in truth are little more than perspectives. "Evil" to one person may be "good" to another, and war is a prime example of this. If you're a part of one of the countries at war, you typically believe that your country is "good" and that the opposing country or countries are "evil," correct? But the truth is, both countries are acting the same way. They condemn each other for their acts and brand each other as evil, but they're no better than the country they're attacking. Therefore if one is evil, they both must be evil. And there is no "good" in war, just as there are no heroes in war.

I don't believe you could really say that the Heartless are creatures of darkness that are evil. The "darkness" in people's hearts isn't real darkness. Instead it's a general term used to group things such as fear, greed and envy. That is the true darkness within our hearts, and that darkness is what starts fights and wars -- or in this case, what gives birth to the Heartless. The Heartless themselves can't be considered evil: They were born a certain way, with a certain task. It's by their very nature that they seek hearts and spread the darkness. Humans aren't really any different in our world. To try and survive we murder other creatures, destroy parts of the world and attack one another to try and make this world suit our every need.

Evil and darkness are usually considered one and the same because evil things tend to hide themselves within the darkness. And in turn, people fear what they can't see or understand, making them brand the darkness itself as evil. That's not the case, however, as Riku has shown us. It's more than possible to the darkness to be used for good, just as it is as equally possible for the light to be used for evil.

While it's certainly something that can't be confirmed one way or another and could be debated forever, it's still something to take into consideration. In closing, what works in the real world works in the world of Kingdom Hearts more often than not. You might have to look at it in a slightly different way for it all to fit into place, but with enough thought, it typically fits.


New member
Mar 25, 2005
so... yeah. that sounds bout right. good and evil... dark and light... kh is really streaching our brains, huh?


New member
Nov 16, 2004
The darkness is naturally evil, but if one can use willpower to control the darkness perfectly (like Riku), it can be used for good purposes.

The light may be the same way, if gained complete control over, it could be used for evil.


dick to a lot of people
Dec 15, 2004
Their isn't really a way to prove or disprove your theory.

Of course you pointed out the obvious..but I'm glad you put it in a kh2 way. :p

But "things" can't be evil. Evil is more of a "feeling" then an adjective. I hope your understanding what I'm trying to say. It's the people that are good and bad.


Jun 22, 2004
but do you really think kh2 will be this complicted or are we just think wau too much..

That's the one quality Kingdom Hearts has that most RPG story lines do not: It's as deep as you want to make it. A little kid can play through the game, understand the very basics of the story line and still have fun. And for those of older ages (or those who just like to use their minds), they've left plenty of room for opinions and theories to fit. Chain of Memories' and Reverse/Rebirth's story lines weren't nearly as planned out as the original game's, but they didn't drop the ball all that much in the end. And in that regard, you can never really think "too much" about the story line -- you can think in a generally "wrong" way or run into a wall of some sort, however.

why do you think the dusk are twilight

It all stems from Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix. The vast majority of it comes from Ansem Report 1, pages 11 through 13. The rest comes from quotes during Deep Dive, the special movie for the game. What most don't realize is that the Nobody (aka the "Unknown") are the true "In-between" or "Twilight" beings. And even then, they're not between good and evil, they're between darkness and light. The "Dusk," as everyone seems to call them, are likely another form of the Nobody and not "Dusk" at all. I say this because the Dusk shown so far aren't actually white creatures, they're just odd creatures wearing white clothing. The Darkside-like creature is practically a suit of armor, while the "Flailers" slightly resemble the typical black-cloaked versions such as Axel. More so, the Flailers have Search Ghost-like faces (minus the eyes) under their hoods, further pushing the theory that they're not actually white.

If you take that into account, and then throw in the fact that "Twilight" is the center and has more than one "form," it sort of works. Those that are closer to the darkness; people like Axel. And those that are closer to the light; the Dusk. But as this thread is about, just because they're closer to one or the other doesn't instantly make them good or evil. Though admittedly, all shown thus far with the exceptions of the "Deep Five" and DiZ do appear to be against Sora. Whether or not that makes them "evil" is, of course, your opinion.


New member
May 27, 2004
DarrcEnigma said:
I'm glad someone else has thoughts similar to my own. The following post may be somewhat confusing since it refers to both the real world and the world of Kingdom Hearts (And I lost my train of thought a few times.), so only read it if you're really interested in my opinion.

I don't agree. No matter what, the knife itself is neither good nor evil. It's just an instrument used by a person to commit a "good" or "evil" act against another person or thing. It's like the saying "Guns don't shoot people, people shoot people." Which I admit may not be stated the right way, but the message is carried nevertheless.

Dark and light are like the knife: They're not inherently good nor evil, they're just tools for others to use. It's the person/thing using them and the actions they're being used for that classify them as "good" or "evil." But you can take it even further than that if you want, since good and evil aren't clearly defined, and in truth are little more than perspectives. "Evil" to one person may be "good" to another, and war is a prime example of this. If you're a part of one of the countries at war, you typically believe that your country is "good" and that the opposing country or countries are "evil," correct? But the truth is, both countries are acting the same way. They condemn each other for their acts and brand each other as evil, but they're no better than the country they're attacking. Therefore if one is evil, they both must be evil. And there is no "good" in war, just as there are no heroes in war.

I don't believe you could really say that the Heartless are creatures of darkness that are evil. The "darkness" in people's hearts isn't real darkness. Instead it's a general term used to group things such as fear, greed and envy. That is the true darkness within our hearts, and that darkness is what starts fights and wars -- or in this case, what gives birth to the Heartless. The Heartless themselves can't be considered evil: They were born a certain way, with a certain task. It's by their very nature that they seek hearts and spread the darkness. Humans aren't really any different in our world. To try and survive we murder other creatures, destroy parts of the world and attack one another to try and make this world suit our every need.

Evil and darkness are usually considered one and the same because evil things tend to hide themselves within the darkness. And in turn, people fear what they can't see or understand, making them brand the darkness itself as evil. That's not the case, however, as Riku has shown us. It's more than possible to the darkness to be used for good, just as it is as equally possible for the light to be used for evil.

While it's certainly something that can't be confirmed one way or another and could be debated forever, it's still something to take into consideration. In closing, what works in the real world works in the world of Kingdom Hearts more often than not. You might have to look at it in a slightly different way for it all to fit into place, but with enough thought, it typically fits.

I understand this completely. I myself love the darkness, but I'm not entirely evil. Dark and Light are nothing but tools, none of them are evil, nor good. It depends on the user. Light can be bad, Dark can be good, Vice (friggin) Versa. See ya. I have to go. Nice topic.


New member
Mar 20, 2005
Actually i agree with you guys...
Dark isn't always evil...
it's just that when someone says dark you always think of bad...
Real people can be dark to without being evil...

Keep Those Brains Working :)


New member
Mar 12, 2005
in a hot place
no but seriously i dont think the dark and the light makes any sense. honestly its like basickly thinking hate creates evil creatures, i like the story and all but theats plain reatarded!! think of it as you turn off the light, is it bad no its just dark, light is never dark.
so noone can become evil on this world or universe


New member
Jan 16, 2005
In the hot, burning land of Arizona
In my opion ''dark'' is not bad, it is just misunderstend. Thing about it, what is ''dark'' is powerful and misunderstend. Because people don't understand it they fear it and call it ''evil'', ''bad'', and as we all know ''dark''. But ''darkness'' can be bad if you use it and don't fully understand it. Kind of like Riku on KH1. He let the ''darkness'' control him, but later on in COM he learned to control his ''dark'' powers.
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