Eeek! 358/2 Days manga! I'm such a happy fangirl right now~ <3 Let's see . . .
Aww, Roxas was so adorable throughout the whole chapter. I loved the bit where he hid behind Axel because of Xi-Xi! XD And no offense Axel fans, but I found many of the puns directed at him pretty hilarious.
"Hey, nanny! XD" (I have no clue who said this, so let's give them a random bluish-green color.

"Shut up! D:<"
"What's this?! D:<"
"Kyahahaha! You farted! You farted! XDDDDDDD"
"YOU LITTLE--!! D:<"
"You did that on purpose! D:<"
What's good about this manga is that not only do you see the "human" side of Organization XIII, but you get to see their relationships with each other as well. And so far I've seen, some of 'em are pretty good friends.

Hoo boy, this manga will help a lot in my fanfictions. X3 And it seems that the Dusks are fond of human activities themselves! XDDDDD Poor Roxas, though.
And forgive me for the fangirlish outburst, but . . . 8D Do I see hints of Demyx/Larxene on page ten?! 8D YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!~
<33333333333333333333333333333 Nothing says romance like tag-teaming to play pranks on others! X3
(. . . If it really was canon, I'd be a very happy 9/12 'shipper fangirl.
Anywho, I'm excited for the next chapter already! I do hope it comes quick. ^_^