But if I'm understanding that correctly, there may be actual... uh, historical characters? lol. Interested where that goes!
They can't mean too much seeing as they were never mentioned in any of the games so far... If they were going to be important you'd think they would have been at least mentioned in BBS, where we could actually have had some historical grounding for Keyblade societies like that on LoD. But perhaps they will be important for the series to come after the Seeker of Darkness Chronicle? :3
I'm very happy that they're doing this and I'm also happy I played the titles, but for him to say that he wanted them all on one console makes me mad. Why the f88k did you guys even do what you did then?
Game companies have to make money, in the end, and the director is not the only factor behind how businesses deal with their franchises. Part of it is pressure from other businesses! I think most of the games that came out on nintendo handhelds happened because nintendo approached Square wanting titles for their handhelds. I know for sure Days was a product of this, and so was DDD, I'm not sure about CoM. I think the original coded for mobile phones was pushed because of some deal with Disney, too.
Of course Nomura can't admit this outright, it would be super impolite and bad for business, and you're not allowed to let fans know about any internal pressures that make the games look less legit. Besides, he gets money from projects too lol. And I think he really does enjoy figuring out cool stuff to do with the gimmicks from different handhelds, like touch screens or 3D or minigame-style play or multiplayer. But yeah, I doubt the spreadeagling of the series was really up to him.
Ohh lol it's okay. I think it's good practice for me too since I've only studied for a year and a half with other resources. We'll just use your translations since it's more clearer and you have more experience.
Okay! Wow, you must have really good Japanese for only having studied a year or so!! Good luck :3
Thanks for the translations, goldpanner! You work too hard~
Aww no, thank you <3
Wow, thanks for the translation!
How long did it take you to finish translating it? Do you translate it on your own or have others help you to speed up the process?
No worries! I did this on my own, which is pretty usual. It took me about three hours or so? Maybe less? I was doing other things at the same time so I'm not sure exactly how much time to chalk up to straight translating...